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🧵 /scg/ - STEM career general

Anonymous No. 16060861

Tortured phrases edition.

Last Thread: >>>16021329

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
> (US)
> (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

Anonymous No. 16060874

>study math because I wanna work in the vidya industry
>end up enjoying the theorical and academic side
>decide to do a msc in pure math
>reject an invitation to a phd program because I still want to work in vidya
>earn my degree just in time for the massive video game industry layouts
how fucked am I?

Anonymous No. 16060888

I had a preliminary interview with a company. Basically just to figure out if my profile and theirs were a good enough match to do an actual job application.

Technical guys were great and the work seemed super interesting. They seemed to have a lot of mobility within the company, both laterally and upwards. They work on some cutting-edge technology that's very relevant right now and in the foreseeable future, their customers are the biggest names in industry. Not a 100% match with my skillset but at this level nothing is, and one of them had a background quite similar to mine so it would probably work.

There was also an HR guy with them who was behaving a bit oddly. Asked inappropriate questions (like my age, what my girlfriend does for a living), "forgot" to introduce himself, was generally standoffish. I figured that was probably a shit test so didn't think too much of it at the time. Explicitly said that he would email me, and that I should reply with my CV and transcripts and a specific job I wanted to apply for. No word back from them yet, it's been a few days.

Either they decided to spend their 30 minutes of me getting an impression of their company pulling eight kinds of shit tests or they really just have someone really unprofessional doing that. In either case I don't think it's a place I'd like to work at. Especially since the work is in a tiny town in a country whose language I do not speak.

Anonymous No. 16060921

I wrote proprietary technical documents for a company before grad school. Can I list them on an academic CV? Should I if I can?

Anonymous No. 16060936

What are my chances for international transfer to Top 50 (USA) college after completing 4 semesters of engineering in my country (equivalent to 2 years)?

Major - CSE

Planning to complete the rest 2 years in a good uni in usa and have more exposure under my belt.

My ECs
*2 years of community service

*Chip designing (embedding programming) internship in my college {8 week}

*2 months of internship in a MAANG company(got referred from a friend)
Got LOR from my employer.

*Game jam top 10(10,000 applicants)

Open source game engine plugin which got 1000+ uses (can share GitHub link)

3.94 GPA

Got 1540 in SAT after high school..planning to write again this year

I don't have any research internships yet, can I make it anons ?

Anonymous No. 16060953

>2nd year CS student
>Want to transfer to CE to work on embedded systems/signal processing
>University only offers ECE degree which is 90% EE (literally zero programming courses besides one on matlab)
Thinking of taking the following courses my junior/senior year as electives but not sure if it's enough to thoroughly prepare me:
Microcomputer Architecture
Embedded Systems
Circuit Theory 1 + 2
Signals and Linear Systems
Digital Signal Processing

Anonymous No. 16061042

Do the EE degree and self teach programming. Having a handful of certs + the EE degree is way more versatile than a CE degree.

Anonymous No. 16061102


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Anonymous No. 16061152

>Completed an extensive internship with glowing praise
>No return offer at the end of placement
>See identical job opening in another country, apply right away
>Rejected despite having the required skills sets and certifications
I submitted my application with cover letter highlighting my experience and name-dropped a few of my my colleague across both countries.
I must have pissed off my previous coworkers pretty bad to not make past the first stage of screening kek.

Anonymous No. 16061240

0 chances if you're white and like yourself

Anonymous No. 16061334

How can I strengthen my resume ? Any genuine tips ?

Anonymous No. 16061337

Not white, South asian
Family income less than >20000usd

Anonymous No. 16061367

It could equally well be that the company is facing financial troubles and will not take on new people.

Anonymous No. 16061625

I'm not interested in any pure EE fields thoughever and would graduate 3 semesters late at the soonest since I need 70+ credit hours

Anonymous No. 16061646

just started my phd
my brain is becoming mush from reading so many previous thesis and papers

Anonymous No. 16061674

How likely is it that I end up in a research position in John Titor-esque projects with a physics degree. I’m currently majoring in cs + stats. Am I delusional for wanting to change to physics? Are the career prospect of cs+stats much better than a physics degree? Any insights are greatly appreciated.

Anonymous No. 16061754

It's shit all around so go with what you like. No balls.

Anonymous No. 16061835


Anonymous No. 16061970

That's not a good reason to pursue academic research. You should do it because you enjoy the process.

Anonymous No. 16062030

>John titor
>Am I delusional
Yes, stick with what you started

Anonymous No. 16062107

Are there any electrical engineers here? What do you do on a daily basis and is it fun? Would you say its worth it to become one.

Anonymous No. 16062119

Hey guys I did some computational math shit in my undergrad.
How do I get a job with an applied maths degree?
Should I just go to graduate school and accept my full ride. The world just doesn't seem to make any fucking sense, and I don't want to just be a fucking wage slave faggot idiot retard like everyone else.
I don't give a shit how that sounds, fuck them and fuck anyone that says that's how life should be. Humans aren't fucking slaves.

Anonymous No. 16062174

EE and self teaching programming, usually by having self taught projects. Micro Architecture, Embedded Systems, DSP will be the biggest classes there for helping you land a CE job. If possible try to to learn Verilog, FPGAs, and Computer Architecture if not possible with classes do it via self taught. It's not like those EE classes would go to shit either, there might come a situation where you need to troubleshoot a project and what you thought was a class that had no relevance like a Power class actually comes in handy. I've had that happen as an EE Power Engineer where I thought my bullshit communications/network class actually came in handy in understanding how to integrate my protective relays into a SCADA network.

Anonymous No. 16062184

I work as an EE within a Medical Research inst. so I pretty much design & build medical or medically-related devices. I'm rather new, but so far I really enjoy it. Some things we build are simply our own projects, and some stuff we build is to be used for research purposes by other labs in the building.
I never formally studied EE, I did Bio, then BME (Medical Devices), and did core EE stuff on my own.
Personally, I think it very worth it, but maybe my experience is different than others. I don't have a typical work environment, being that I'm in academia, and in a small lab where only myself and my boss are hardware guys. So I'm quite independent, low pressure, and can have some fun with it, even if the pay isn't as high as industry.
Definitely a great place to learn and grow.

I wish I formally studied EE. Would've been ideal to do EE in undergrad (maybe minor in bio) and BME as a masters.

If you're interested in EE, find some internship/volunteer experience to get your feet wet. That, or, see what you can mess with independently, like Arduinos, basic circuits and breadboarding, etc. I definitely suggest learning a bit on your own and building some simple circuits.
To me, it's like "Adult redstone", so I have fun with it.

Anonymous No. 16062187

I'm the anon responsible for the neocities entry concerning ecology. I'm now 5 years into my current position as assistant research scientist, and this year I'm eligible for promotion to associate. Currently PI on two projects, collaborating on several more. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the field of ecology.

Anonymous No. 16062202

you were never going to get a wellpaid job in vidya with that degree, so i wouldnt worry about it.

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Anonymous No. 16062212

I'm tired of being a third class citizen.
What is the pathway to an executive role?
Has anyone here landed one?

Anonymous No. 16062226

Seems pretty based. My uni offers a BME minor. It is something that I would enjoy and I was thinking of taking it but I'm not sure if it is a waste of time. Do you think it would be enough that I can more easily get a job or use it in the field?

Anonymous No. 16062229

I work for a govie contractor as a power engineer. It's hit and miss on the projects I work on. On the one hand I'm working on crazy huge projects that are exciting and new, building a substation from the ground grid to the relays, and on the other hand I work on boring ass shit like installing an 120V outlet in some cubicle. Now given, I'm in a very unique position where I get to work from the T&D level to the outlet, but that being said I'm confident in saying Power is a field where young engineers are just not flocking to which means plenty of positions that you can fill easily. You just need that initial job to build that experience and from there you can go anywhere, every single state needs a Power Engineer that has experience. My mentor is a man 10 years out from retirement, most power engineers are close to retirement and companies are struggling hard to find replacements, as an example the company I'm working for was looking for a power engineer for 2 years until they hired me. If job security and mobility is what you're going for, Power is the best EE concentration hands down with offshore Oil and Gas being the biggest money jobs by far. This is just my experience and other power engineer will have it different, but what I do on a daily basis is varied. Some days I'm caught up doing arc flash analysis and load flow analysis. Some days I'm managing contractors or doing cost estimates for a project. Some days I'm meeting with electrical vendors. A lot of the time I'm twiddling my thumbs as I'm waiting for gear as my electrical design is done and it's boring as fuck just due to how long lead times are for electrical gear. Your mileage may very depending on what you jump into, but I'd recommend being an electrical engineer for an industrial facility first before jumping to utility, A&E company, or technical salesman. You'll learn what does or doesn't work first before working for a third party who does it for said facility.

Anonymous No. 16062270

Just got rejected from all the Neuroscience graduate programs I applied to. Two of which I apparently made it rather far into the admissions process before being denied. One of which also mistakenly told me I was on the interview list before realizing after two days that they made a typo and left out the word "not".

Other than killing myself, what other options should I consider? I'm in my late twenties, so I have no idea if that's still considered a viable age for candidacy at this point.

Anonymous No. 16062280

>What is the pathway to an executive role?
outside of founding your own company, i think the standard route in america is something like
>go to ivy league meme school
>become a product manager at a high profile company or MBB consult
>network/brownnose/politic your way up
>learn from other mbb bros how it works
>reach director or vp at 30
at least that's how i think it works. i'm turning 30 soon and i'm seeing the ivy grads from my high school get into director roles around now

Anonymous No. 16062282

I was thinking the uni execs but that too.
I'm in Aus rather than US though.

Anonymous No. 16062285

>uni execs
idk what that means
normally in burgerland when people say executive they're referring to CEO, VP, board roles

Anonymous No. 16062289

Do unis in the US not have those?

Anonymous No. 16062338

Just stay in cs and become a code monkey. No one wants generalised autistic degrees like math and physics. With the AI market booming, cs degree will be in demand for at least a while. At the very least, your coding skills would more relevant in the industry than fucking theoretical physics

Anonymous No. 16062372

not that anon but funny enough most of my code monkey coworkers have math or physics degrees. they'll probably get picked up by an AI team before i do

Anonymous No. 16062559

You almost just stepped out into traffic, consider this your message from the universe to straighten up and fly straight

Anonymous No. 16062563

physics prob not, but math with good statistical background maybe

Anonymous No. 16062570

Where do people with physics go to?

Anonymous No. 16062572

>be me
>writing thesis
>have results
>write 25 pages of discussion in a single night
>get some more results
will now be writing another 10 pages
You can't stop me. Only my rapidly deteriorating mind can stop me.

Anonymous No. 16062713

A lot go to finance and also management consulting. Then there is academia and national labs, and a few companies have physicists in their labs, big companies such as IBM. Also a few enter patent law as examiner and patent attorneys. Some go into software, especially embedded and instrumentation, where knowledge of the physics of the devices is crucial.

Anonymous No. 16062714

Anyone in robotics or anything to do with automation?

Anonymous No. 16062715

I hear monster sized theses are common in Germany. According to the old story there was the "Compact Introduction to Elephants" in 12 volumes.

Anonymous No. 16062719

You need your mates, there's more of you, I take 100* more pain, I should do my best to keep out of trouble, you cheat, you abuse the system.

All in all, I'm the better man.

Anonymous No. 16062720

Wait til it's all fair game. Anything you do to me here, I'll take, and you'll get much worse when we're out of this state. I promise you.

Anonymous No. 16062736

Cheat? Nope, my moral standards have cost me my job at least twice.
It was not fun to have to leave but the interesting thing is that each time I ended up with a better job. Those who stayed on went into stagnation in all senses of the word.

Anonymous No. 16062737

Truth: you had iron man cheat active all along

Anonymous No. 16062753

Not at all, I chose to slog it out. I had friends who were so brilliant they just thumbed trough the material, nodded a few times, and then understood it all. That was kind of demoralizing considering how much work I had to put into it, but I got there in the end.

Anonymous No. 16062801

you will design puzzles for genshin impact

Anonymous No. 16063162

If you are high-iq go for physics. CS and its adjacent degrees are for midwits. An exceptional physicists will go further than an exceptional codemonkey.

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Anonymous No. 16063177

true. we all know the countless examples of physicist multi-billionaires the last 2 decades have spawned.

Anonymous No. 16063188

Hi bark*n

Anonymous No. 16063209

the ex-physicists also tend to have done time in finance or data basedance so their stats background + phd might be enough to still be noticed

bezos was a physics dropout and elon did his undergrad in physics
you don't go to physics with the intent of getting rich. you're supposed to burn out then focus on getting rich once you give up on it

Anonymous No. 16063214

so once you give up on physics you go places? ... then why take it in the first place? it's literally a barrier to your life goals.

Anonymous No. 16063227

>it's literally a barrier to your life goals.
not everyone's life goals are to get rich or start a business. and life goals change in life. what i want in life at 28 is completely different from what i wanted at 18

Anonymous No. 16063287

if they're opticschads the world is their oyster

Anonymous No. 16063291

>tfw wrote 80 pages report on 4 months internship
>no bullshit or anything, just that much work and results
had to do everything in two weeks or so, felt brain damaged at the end

Anonymous No. 16063407

So why are these billionaires drawn to physics in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16063421

I will soon earn my B. Sc. in CS (Germany). Is it possible to go to grad school for Biophysics or Biochemistry, given that my side subject was physics (I took 22 credits worth experimental physics courses: Mechanics, Thermo, Atomic physics, a bit of QM and electrodynamics).

Will it benefit me in any way or will I be a worse Bioinformatician?

Anonymous No. 16063424

Tell me why some one would want to get a PhD in engineering. Specially aero or mechanical.

Anonymous No. 16063426

From what I've read, Elon didn't finish his undergrad and his credentials are questionable

Anonymous No. 16063432

Also, both Elon and Bezos aren't true rags to riches. They got rich from family ties. They could've studied fucking pottery and it'd end the same.

Anonymous No. 16063468

My whole reasin in pursuing this: I want to learn all about the human body (+ diseases). Lately I've found joy in it. I'm reading autostically into all vitamins/minerals/bodily processes/diseases. Which one would be better, biophysics or biochem? Prefer to combine it with big data/programming as well, since I still enjoy that as well.

Anonymous No. 16063524

idk, probably the same reason normies are draw to physics. space autism, popsci glamorization, and even just pride of taking the "smartest major"

yeah i'm not saying an interest in physics is what led to their success
if your goal is to get rich and make a business, obviously the most valuable part of their educations were the fancy nepo connections they made during their time at an ivy

my comment about dropping out of physics and selling out was just a sarcastic jab since i've seen it happen quite a lot
generally people are less money oriented when they are teenagers than when they are adults. it's usually only after the reality of adulthood settles in you see people care so much about money

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Anonymous No. 16063630

Any chemical engineers? What is the comfiest production industry?

Anonymous No. 16063825

Bump again :(

Family income > 20K USD
Non-white (South Asian)

How can I strengthen up my resume ?

Anonymous No. 16064313

That's a really mixed message. Am I supposed to try again or die? Or is trying to apply gonna be suicide too?

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Firefly shiba inu....jpg

Anonymous No. 16064531

Im in my first year of a BME degree at 26 y.o (late start, I know) and I'm about fed up with doing absolutely menial brainless work for a living while going to school (waiting tables). >Whats something BME adjacent that I could swap my ~$20/hr table waiting job for
so I can at least larp like I'm in a science / engi / med related field or feel like im doing useful work or SOMETHING other than mindlessly writing down orders and bringing plates to tables. Its so emotionally and mentally exhausting even though physically and intellectually its next to no work at all. I could probably get a certification if I could fit it into the summer break months

Anonymous No. 16064633

what made you pick this field? a lot of zoomers around me are choosing BME over other things
when i've asked they just say the other fields are too oversaturated

Anonymous No. 16064689


Anonymous No. 16064725

Holy shit anons, I think I might study BME.

Anonymous No. 16064796

I'm German as well. Ask the university if you fulfill the requirements for an M.Sc. It's often surprisingly easy to switch when you already have a Bachelor's. Usually you can catch up on the minimum requirements by doing a "Vorbereitungsstudium" that is at most 2 semesters depending on what you're missing. Biophysics will probably have less you need to catch up on, so the switch might be easier.

Anonymous No. 16064893

Become trans and you should be ok

Anonymous No. 16064904

Did you get a recommendation letter and submit it with your job application?
Most physics research is extremely labor and money intensive and boringly incremental. You can message physics profs if you can do an internship crunching numbers for them if you want to get into contact with physics. Computational physics can be quite comfy. Stay away from lab work, it requires a very disciplined and meticulous personality
t. switched from physics to cs
What are your goals? What kind of job do you want to do?
This is good advice just ask the administrators of the MSc program you want to do. I got into a MSc in CS with only 1 prior CS course due to high math grades and a recommendation letter attesting that I was good at programming

Anonymous No. 16064984

I just think working on medical devices would be cool. Shouldn't you pick a science / engineering degree basically on the grounds that its cool to you?

Anonymous No. 16065168

> t. switched from physics to cs
How long were you in phy before making the switch?

Anonymous No. 16065213

How useful is doing a master's thesis when applying to Ph.D. programs in ECE? I tried applying as a graduating undergraduate, but my results weren't great, so I was thinking of doing my masters and trying again in 2 years. Money shouldn't be as much of a problem since my TA positions covers tuition. Would you guys recommend this, or would it be best to get work experience instead?

Anonymous No. 16065247

I work for a small DoD/IC contractor doing DSP/AI work. I enjoy it a lot. Definitely recommend going EE.

Anonymous No. 16065327

5 years (bachelor and master), master in retrospect was a bad idea
Good programs want to see "research experience" which ideally means published papers or at least research internship(s) + strong thesis and also recommendations from people they know (meaning professors). With a MSc you can also apply to European programs, idk if that interests you

Anonymous No. 16065465

What field are you in that you need a separate MSc in CS? Wouldn’t a MSc physics suffice for most software jobs?

Anonymous No. 16065468

I'm in ML and want to do a PhD

Anonymous No. 16065638

Any genuine advice please ?
Why is my response being ignored by everyone ?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16065664

you want to do ml research? i assume it's for phd or extremely strong masters only

t. only did undergrad and options are extremely limited

Anonymous No. 16065796

did you sign an nda? yeah you mention it, just use your judgement on how many details you share

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Anonymous No. 16065858

EE student and want to get into optics/photonics, what is the job market like? I heard it's fairly scarce location wise and requires at least a masters

Anonymous No. 16065890

Biochem graduate with a job in pharma manufacturing. Not all that related to my field; its closer to being a trade than a scientist job. I make pretty okay money and have great benefits with infinite overtime and can frame my role on my resume more creatively to make it seem like I didn't waste time out of a scientist job.

I applied for a PhD and wasn't able to secure all of my letters of recommendation but was accepted to the MS (which I'm not doing). I want to do research long-term. How can I secure new letters now that I've graduated? I've seen many Scientist I/Research Scientist positions posted at big companies that generally require a PhD, but will accept an MS with 6+ or a BS with 10+ years experience. Is this true and a feasible route for actually getting into research or will I be hand waved by people who actually earned their terminal degrees?

Anonymous No. 16066185

probably because no one here has experience with undergrad transfers from India to the US, ask your professors if anyone did this in previous years
the only generic advice I can give if you want to go abroad is to take TOEFL (or IELTS, but TOEFL is more widely recognized), most places won't even look at your resume if you don't have a certificate of English proficiency

Anonymous No. 16066350

Thanks anons. Another thing I have to admit is:
I want to study this purely out if interest. But maybe it isn't the best job-wise. Will there be any benefit to me having a Biochemie or Biophysik M. Sc. + a CS B. Sc.?

Anonymous No. 16066356

Anon, do perhaps you know anything about this? Sorry for the spam anons, I trust your judgements kek.

Anonymous No. 16066904

>Not white, South asian
Go back, stay back, and use your intellect to better your country

Anonymous No. 16066906


Anonymous No. 16066908

Exactly Thai-bro

Anonymous No. 16066974

I had a follow up job interview I did over a video chat, with a manager, and the president of the company (i didnt know theyd be joining).
I wore a t-shirt, because im home in my bedroom, and the president made a comment that i was laid back.
I felt like it would be 'extra' to put on a dress shirt just for a video call, but now im feeling i screwed up and didnt put my best foot forward. fwiw, i dressed well for the office interview and the manager was telling the president he was impressed by my insight and questions

Anonymous No. 16067025

Do EE or at the very least CE. Get the fuck out of CS asap.

I was in your position and i wish i could travel back in time and go slap myself and tell myself to go to EE. I was just about to pull the trigger too, but decided against it because it was hard. But the fact that it's a hard degree is exactly why you should seek it out. Because it filters out retards with no qualifications.

For example, I now work with jeets from india, and not the smart kind. I spend months fixing print statements and other retarded issues that pop up because of the codebase that has degraded from decades of pajeet management. I work unpaid overtime and regularly stay up to 9PM to talk with teams in India.

Worst thing is, I cant leave because the market is dead (indian nepotism hiring + h1b) and I'm not a real engineer so I can't work on anything actually interesting.

Just get a real engineering degree. That way you open yourself up to a lot more job positions other than "software engineer"

My dad warned me about my degree but I didn't believe him, and now I'm going back for an MSEE at a state school (my BS was from a top engineering school too fml)

Anonymous No. 16067038

Yeah it's a bit of a faux pas to show up to even an online interview with a t-shirt and I think the comment was meant to reflect that. In my opinion it's much more important for an in-person interview though, and at least you put in the effort there.

Not the worst thing, so just take it as a lesson for the future and hopefully they're not the type of people to get too uppity about it. If they see a candidate they like otherwise and reject them because they wore a t-shirt in their own bedroom then they might not be fun to work with anyway.

Anonymous No. 16067045

Your job sounds like my dream job. Boring but stable paycheck, and zero chance of unemployment once you have experience.

Do you think I can break into this industry with an MSEE, or would starting over with a BSEE be more appropriate for this? My bachelors is not in engineering, and I know power industry tends to be very strict on the ABET accredidation.

Also do you think they care about school prestige in that industry? Or are they really just hiring anyone with the right degree? I always hear the power folks are getting old but it still seems pretty hard to get an interview.

Anonymous No. 16067167

>did you sign an nda?
I don't remember
>just use your judgement on how many details you share
How about just a title and a 1 sentence description at most?

Anonymous No. 16067452

>TAing for class
>retard comes in
>"so we need to show that 2 + 2 = 5?"
>no, you need to show that 2 + 2 = 4
>"but that doesn't make sense, 2 isn't 4
>correct, but 2 + 2 is 4, and thats what you are showing
>"i dont understand, can you go slower"
>sure, 2 and 2 make 4. show that on your homework
>"ok I think I understand, so we show that 3 + 3 doesn't always equal 8"
>no, show 2 + 2 = 4
>"OHH, I get it"
>they turn in homework
>1 + 1 = 5
>give them 100 because I don't want to talk to them again
this is how retards pass, btw

Anonymous No. 16067520

>being a TA-cuck instead of getting a research position
only retard is you

Anonymous No. 16067622

Why did you want to make the switch in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16068157

i got the rejection email today, fuck...

Anonymous No. 16068458


No such thing. You are going to be doing this for 40+ years. An extra 3 semesters to give you a 10x stronger foundation is nothing. Don’t be impatient and fuck yourself over. Become a real engineer, get your PE, it doesn’t matter that you arent doing EE shit.

Anonymous No. 16068614

This >>16068458 guy is right, especially for ameritards. American CS education is dogshit when it comes to fundamentals, the only serious CS programs I've seen on that side of the atlantic have been "applied mathematics and computer science" or CE/ECE programs with more software focused tracks.

That being said, there's a reason why that ECE program doesn't have a lot "programming courses": you don't need it. The other courses will teach you things like VHDL which makes working with javascript look like child's play.

Also, since you are a CS student already, you should have had enough general programming courses to compensate for the "lack" of those in the ECE program, and I honestly don't see any downside in switching to that program instead.

Anonymous No. 16068798

Do any of you anons work in formal verification? I got an offer to do my Ph.D in formal verification of embedded systems, and while I have a lot of embedded experience, I have no experience with formally verifying the correctness of programs. Do you guys find formal verification interesting, or is it usually a pretty dry topic?

Anonymous No. 16068819

To continue further, there are a million opportunities in non programming/CS engineering roles to do CS/programming stuff.

None of the old boomer engineers know how to code. At all. If you can whip up some slick VBA (yes I said VBA lol) scripts that automate design processes or engineering work flows you will look like a fucking god. Then you put that shit on your resume when you look for an actual CS job.

Anonymous No. 16068838

not him but I'm guessing $

Anonymous No. 16068860

I thought codemonkeys make just as much if not more

Anonymous No. 16068868

you're not gonna get a decent CS job by doing a little bit of python

Anonymous No. 16068975

at least in america code monkeys make much more than EEs except with much worse job security at all levels
job market right now is complete shit and every company is laying off, so diversifying and having a second skillset in case the market isn't recovered makes sense

AI is very cool shit tho, but not easy to get into and getting pozzed by executives trying to very poorly put an LLM into everything

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Anonymous No. 16069394

The vast, vast, vast majority of grad students TA, at least until passing quals.


Anonymous No. 16069473

Pretty sure the high income of tech jobs are now exponentially lower, considering the number of CS, CE, data science, info sys, cyber security… grads

Anonymous No. 16069627

anybody else find lectures completely useless? i learn 10x better just studying the content at home (im doing chemistry)

Anonymous No. 16069743

>at least in america code monkeys make much more than EEs except with much worse job security at all levels
After the massive sacking rounds it is now only a question of time before salary levels decline, or even plummet.

Anonymous No. 16070119

>So why are these billionaires drawn to physics in the first place?
It is and has always been the big brain study.

Anonymous No. 16070228

What are some good alternative careers that one could enter after a biology PhD

Anonymous No. 16070249

I hear Starbucks is hiring

Anonymous No. 16070264

Tried the fish farming industry? Fish health, especially parasite removal, fish feed and breeding are still under development. This is a huge industry across the world.

Anonymous No. 16070285

Is it worth it to start a bachelor's in CS right now? Or am I too late

Anonymous No. 16070294

Fish vets have the highest job security and shortest time between graduating and employment here kek

Anonymous No. 16070318

this is more of a /g/ question
the major itself is comfy but do you think you can be top 25% of your class?
also not sure if I'd go into debt for it
also you have to be young, companies don't want to hire old people for entry level positions

Anonymous No. 16070337

>top 25%
I think so, yes.
I'm european
whoops I'm fucked then

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Anonymous No. 16070883

I’m a hs math teacher looking for a career change (picrel). How would I go about getting into engineering with a math undergrad? Can I go into a masters in EE or ME or would I have to do a second bachelors?

Anonymous No. 16070899

Ok so first thing you need to do is learn how to read and write, then make sure you have an internet connection and a device to access the internet on.
Then you need to use a search engine to find EE or ME master's programs at different colleges.
Once you've managed to do that, you need to read the entry requirements for applying to those programs. Then, finally, you need to stop being a nigger.

Anonymous No. 16070931

Thanks for your thoughtful and useful response, retard.

I understand that I can take some prerequisites and get admitted to a masters, but my question is more about whether it would even be a good idea to do that versus getting a bachelors. Unlike you, I’m trying to get a job. So I’m basically asking, would I be at a disadvantage for hiring with an unrelated bachelors and an MS, and would it be worth doing a second BS?

Anonymous No. 16070934

>STEM turns out to be largely shit with virtually every aspect of it becoming more worthless unless you cuck out and become a CS person
>literal physicists and math majors will never get hired

What is even the fucking point? None of this is truly enjoyable, even if I'm skilled and talented at it. What's the point of majoring in math when I will inevitably wind up as some shittily paid code monkey or something?

If I was majoring in some humanities thing at least I would rest easy in not only having a piss easy educational experience, but I'd also get to indulge in my historical autism and do things like translate or digitize manuscripts, all for a degree that is just as much paper as half the STEM shit is these days.

Anonymous No. 16070937

Oh, also, I realize that this may be a nonissue for most people here, but I fucking loathe how half of STEM jobs and internships are no goes if you have an ethical or moral code. No, I will NOT work for the fucking MIC, suck my cock Raytheon.

Anonymous No. 16070976

Don't listen to these tards
Stick with CS, EE is just unnecessary stress and time as you said
>there are little to no jobs in electrical engineering, both in US and EU, all good ones are in China
>jobs that you get have bad workplace standards
>Software engineers get more money and have less responsibility. If they fuck up all they have to do is rewrite the code to pass the sprint with their tasks, production is off hands of normal developer.
>95% of electrical engineering is "prep work". Getting footprints, getting datasheets, modifying bill of materials so you have redundancies in stock, setting up 3d view for the managers, reading how to route pcb layout to meet the specs of manufacturer, looking up how to create some schematic, etc.
>"Innovation" doesn't happen in EE. Any really cool shit is done at research facilities and you are not there. Moore's law has flattened out. Physicists get all the cool shit done in electrical engineering. You are just awater boys, that get payed poorly and have a lot of responsibility.

Anonymous No. 16071053

I really ought to be taking notes for my geology meme BSc instead of just looking back through the module materials directly. I'll spend the rest of the week rectifying this.

Anonymous No. 16071069

>letting niggers destroy your country: GOOD
>helping build bombs to drop on violent niggers: BAD
cool moral code, bro.

Anonymous No. 16071146

im interested in knowing as well, but there's probably such a small sample size of people who have done this, that no one really knows

What I've gathered is that if you need the PE, you should redo the bachelors. FWIW I made a mock resume with a masters and a unrelated bachelors, and still got like 30+ interviews so I think its ok.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16071329

>mock resume

That is actually a very interesting idea...I think I might try that and get a definitive answer to this, at least for my area. Thanks

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Anonymous No. 16071346

I finally did it /scg/ I got a job

Just this morning I was all depressed and thinking of an hero. I get to be a senior scientist and work on a genomic database for sea urchins and star fish. It's a dream come true. For everyone roughing it out there, we're all gonna make it bros

Anonymous No. 16071376

So pure physicists get to do all the cool shit?

Anonymous No. 16071672

EE research gets done by engineers with a PhD or applied physicists with a PhD at big corporate labs
Job security is very good (they can't hire Chinese due to security concerns), pay is comfortable but a bit underwhelming for how stressful and niche it is
If you're smart enough for this and willing to work long hours you can probably make more in CS or finance
As for cool stuff it depends, you are really at the forefront of research but higher ups decide the research direction. A lot of the time you're just operating very expensive and complex machines, you do some design or data analysis, lots of meetings because teams tend to be big. If you're more senior you do get paid to go to conferences often which is really cool
t. interned at a major European semiconductor lab

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Anonymous No. 16071811

not exactly /scg/ related, but where do you guys find (single person) housing for summer internships?
i've looked into hotels, airbnbs, and the local uni's dorms, but they all seem a bit pricey or dont have the amenities that i want. does anybody know of any other places that i should look at?

Anonymous No. 16071924

If you didn’t graduate when you were 22 it’s over and you will never make it. This is for all my fellow late bloomer “it’s never too late” anons out there

Anonymous No. 16072049

i think it varies from place to place. see if you can find some local facebook groups.

Anonymous No. 16072125

I'm studying EE at the moment and I'm interested in going into DSP, do you mind if I ask what kind of work you do on a daily basis?

Anonymous No. 16072489

I go to ryerson university in toronto studying computer science and I have a 2.39 gpa. How over is it for me?

Anonymous No. 16072861

If you only took pure math classes, you don't know shit about EE and you would fail every masters class and I doubt they would let you in. If you did a lot of CS, you could maybe do an EE masters that is more data centered (signal processing, AI/ML)

Anonymous No. 16072866

Gay doomerpost

Anonymous No. 16072898

depends, how tight is your bussy

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Anonymous No. 16073088

I have the Practices of Geology exam on Friday. LEND ME YOUR ENERGY!

Anonymous No. 16073092

MBB or B4.

>go to medical school

Anonymous No. 16073103

good luck, gay dbz poster. i have my own big test on monday i've been studying 3months for.

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Anonymous No. 16075295

>Be forced to TA for my PI's course
>Pajeet students always cheat/plagiarize their assignments
>Too hard to prove that it's plagiarized relative to the amount of punishment they would get for it, usually they only get a 0 on the assignment but can still pass the course.
>PI is pissed off about this
>Mfw 2 of the streetshitter groups plagiarized a pajeet who took this course last year.
>They didn't even remove the dude's name from the code, they just copy-pasted it.
>Report it to admin
>Mfw Rajesh and co. get suspended
>Don't have to smell curry in my labs anymore
Y'know what anons, sometimes being forced to TA is worth it after all.

Anonymous No. 16076854

You can graduate but you will be very behind your peers financially. If you only start to earn real money in your 30s you will pretty much never be a homeowner or be in a position to securely start a family. Going STEM in your late 20s/early 30s is basically just being a wagie with extra steps.

Anonymous No. 16077228

You are a massive faggot

Anonymous No. 16077267

Asians cheat so fucking much and so blatantly it's beyond ridiculous.

I also had to suspend 3 students last semester. The dumbfucks really think they are still in their shithole countries where they can get away with this kind of cheating.

And they always cry about their visa and students loans, as if it's our fucking problem they got tricked by globohomo into migrating to White countries.

Anonymous No. 16077370

Hello Sanjeet

They move from a shitty corrupt country to get a high quality education in the western world. and then they're surprised that the education system isn't as shit and corrupt as back home. Honestly they need to start giving them introduction lectures explaining that they're not allowed to cheat here or something.

>And they always cry about their visa and students loans
if it ends up with more of them being sent back then good riddance kek

Anonymous No. 16078358

Another etiquette question.
I had been offered (upon my requests for info) thesis projects from various professors at my department. We talked about the project(s) for a while, maybe they showed me the lab, and it ended with me saying "thank you I'll think about it/read the references/whatever". Now that I have selected a project, should I email the other professors saying that I won't do the thesis with them? Or is it somehow implied that if I don't reach back to them it means I'm not interested?

Anonymous No. 16078817

Just do it it should be like 5 minutes per email

Anonymous No. 16078822

A quick and polite "Thank you but I've chosen another project".
It's only right, then they know to keep looking for other students and they'd be a really shitty professor to take that personally.

Anonymous No. 16079494

>like math
>major in "programming" because I thought it was safer choice
>we didn't even learn algorithms in this shitty "programming" degree
>no math
>i study math on my own because we don't learn any math or anything rigorous in this degree. i have never actually programmed for fun
>graduate, get codemonkey job
>realize i fucking hate programming and IT
>quit codemonkey job after a year
i regret so much going into programming because of hype and because it was "safe" (actually the field is very saturated now), now in my late 20s and don't know what the fuck to do. i cannot stand corporate programming. should i get another degree? kms?

Anonymous No. 16079524

>Asians cheat so fucking much and so blatantly it's beyond ridiculous.
>I also had to suspend 3 students last semester. The dumbfucks really think they are still in their shithole countries where they can get away with this kind of cheating.
Are you talking about east asians or the UK type of asian
I remember in my flyover state school we had like 30 arab/jeet/bangladesh/vague brown asianoids in my intro to programming class for some reason. There were like 300 people total in the class and we had seating assignments for the exams. They would always walk in and sit in a massive group together, ignoring the seating arrangement, causing chaos for other students who had to in turn ignore the seating assignments and find other seats, and then during the exam they would pass their papers back and forth to each other and loudly talk in their gibberish language. I've honestly never seen anything like it and no one did SHIT about it, the teacher would just stand at the podium staring at them sweating profusely but pretending not to see it.
It was absolutely bizarre.
The only thing that happened is multiple students anonymously reported it and the fucking dean came to start monitoring the exam and as far as I know still nothing was done because those same guys were in some of my future classes lol
It's honestly kind of based how brown people just take over whiteoid lands and shit all over them and there's nothing they can do about it because Racism Inc.

Anonymous No. 16080012

What can I do during my PhD to minimize my chances of getting stuck in adjunct hell

Anonymous No. 16080021

I'm a freshman in college, had a summer opportunity for research but lost it (professor is moving schools). How likely is it that I find another opportunity before the summer?

Anonymous No. 16080063

Pivot to industry

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Anonymous No. 16080109


Anonymous No. 16080189

How was it?

Anonymous No. 16080339

About the same vibe as when I took the FG exam. Thought I bombed that but passed. This time I felt a little better. It helps that 76% of people pass in their first attempt vs 60% passing the FG on first attempt.

You need a 70 to pass and they throw out questions allegedly.

Anonymous No. 16080365

Anybody here apply to senior level postions(5+ years of exp) while only having 3? Some recruiters have been reaching out to me for my field of work and they keep sending me senior level listings. I even told one I didn't think I would meet the requirements since I'm not even at the minimum for years of exp required. They told me the team still wants me to apply and they will review my qualifications. Bit strange honestly, not sure if any here have been successful at getting these more senior roles with less experience.

Anonymous No. 16080391

A career in academia is the epitome of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I guess publish a Nature paper and get some prestigious early-career award/fellowship.

If your skillset is a good match then I say go for it. The job requirements are usually more of a wish list anyway. That said, I wouldn't put much weight on recruiter contacts, I semi-regularly get contacted to tell me I should apply for positions where I have precisely none of the required skills. In my opinion they seem to waste everyone's time.

Anonymous No. 16080631

Good on you. They won't be missed.

Anonymous No. 16080710

impossible to transfer, most schools dont do transfers unless you're a special case.
At my uni in Switzerland, only one dude ever got to transfer (dropped out of his bachelor) and they put him directly into a MSc program because he was a literal genius who won multiple math/physics olympiads and had proven work and research experience.
The dude only dropped out of his college because he was a perfectionist he wanted to be at MIT or similar level US school and realized after multiple attempts that there was no way he could do the leap. He only got back for a MSc here in Switzerland because our school was closer to what he aimed for.

He ended up getting a PhD at MIT.

So in all honesty, if you want a top 50 US school and arent genius tier, I sincerely doubt you can transfer, at best you can apply for a PhD, but remember that a F1 visa does not lead to a green card, so you will have to find a way to get hired to get an H1b and kickstart the green card process. Just getting your degree from a top 50 school is not enough.

Anonymous No. 16080821

email a bunch of professors and ask
if you want to maximize grad school chances then REU in freshman year isn't really critical as long as you do one in 2nd and 3rd year with 2 different profs, you could do a corporate internship and be ok, they weight recent stuff more heavily
if you do all your REUs in the same group you are often guaranteed a PhD with them but will have a bad time with applications (only letters from PIs count)

Anonymous No. 16080828

It’s over. Should have just went with a math deg

Anonymous No. 16080838

Being a PE is so rad bros. I’m licensed in 8 states and I can literally not get fired. I basically do nothing but stamp drawings while drawfags do all my work.

Anonymous No. 16081033

STEM is kinda meh. I studied chemistry and physics for a while in a small town, but didn't get any relevant summer jobs so I dropped out and did have a trade job.

Now I'm studying IT & embedded electronics in a slightly bigger town because EU economics was in shambles after the war escalation and I had to go back to school.

The school basically only promotes soc design courses, because of the EU chips act. I'm in IT and more interested in embedded programming and more basic electronics. I understand ofc the need for logic synthesis etc. but I feel that it is more suitable for EE majors. I wish there was more resources at our school for other specializations, too.

Last summer I was doing mech assembly in this slightly bigger town, lol. IT job market is impossibru right now and my country is in recession, so everything else is also quite dry.

I only like STEM fields and I continue my studies happily. But man, it is a grind.

Anonymous No. 16081181

Imagine gigagenius europoors craving what is gibbed to blacks in america.

Anonymous No. 16081324

You could still studied EE and focused on low IQ fields like embedded systems, digital design, which are also very CS related fields. And after seeing how stupid the people are who focus on those fields, you could change your field to midwit filter areas like RF engineering, solid state physics, optics, etc.

Anonymous No. 16081598


Anonymous No. 16082009

>Accepted a PhD offer at Oxbridge as overseas student
>Still awaiting answers for funding, which is not garanteed
>Won't be able to fund it alone if I don't get a loan in my home country to cover all costs

Am I doing a mistake engaging in such a program without the money garantee? How and with who should I approach my concerns?

Barkon No. 16082010

Darkness is the middle of pain and fear.

Anonymous No. 16082014

You think I'm screwed?

Anonymous No. 16082141

Well it would be kind of a faux pas but you can obviously back out if you literally can't afford the program, you'll just lose your deposit.

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Anonymous No. 16082244

Don't worry, something similar happened to me. I ended up getting a job somewhere else, and a few months after both my boss and his boss ended up leaving to work other places. Businesses are complicated, and there can be many reasons why you do or don't come back after any kind of temp job, whether it's an internship, contract, or consult. Just keep it on the resume and apply everywhere you can.

Anonymous No. 16082362

It's been a while since I dealt with these things but my recollection is that you won't be able to accept the position without proof of funding. Basically, you need to show that you have sufficient funds to cover fees and living costs for the duration of the program, either from a funded studentship or, I guess, your own.

I would not advise a self-funded PhD though. UK PhDs are basically a job, there is generally not much of a student aspect. I don't think anyone should pay to work and to be blunt self-funding is looked down upon. Acceptance without providing funding is generally considered a soft rejection.

Anonymous No. 16082369

Any other patent examiners here

Feels like a fitting job for autistic antisocial anons who like arguing

Anonymous No. 16082385

I never really considered it but now that you put it like that...

Anonymous No. 16083636

Funny, I literally came here to ask if anyone has moved from STEM into patent law work. I'm considering doing this

Anonymous No. 16084097

hows the pay? I've always thought about doing this for digital design, but not sure if the pay would translate right away or you need more experience to get the big boi bux.

Anonymous No. 16084150

Is it "UNCOMMON" to have CS research internship in 2nd year ?

Anyone here grabbed research internships in 2nd year of their college outside the university?

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Anonymous No. 16084158

Anyone have a quick run down on the bionic limb/robotic prosthesis industry? Or better yet has anyone worked there, what's it like?

Based, fuck those street shitters.

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Anonymous No. 16084315

>$18k federal loans
>2 terms to graduate w/ either math or CS degree, 4 terms for both (which is what I was originally going for)
>$12k savings
>make $60k per year currently at work after taxes
>make $60k per year with business after taxes
>28, upset about not graduated by now, and not interested in my work
I’m glad I got to experience the horrors of beaucracy before applying to grad school, but my ego needs a degree. I was really hurt by not graduating by 28, and only wasn’t able to do so due to some crazy illegal shit inflicted upon me. I had -$8k four months ago, and am up $12k now that I’m not being extorted monthly.

What should I do? I currently work an entry level job, USPS. I could pay off my debt in a few months if I wanted. But I originally wanted to work on stuff I found engaging and interesting.

Anonymous No. 16084472

As in Professional Engineer?
What's the process to get that over there?

Anonymous No. 16084482

I guess FAANG is not the place toapply to these days:
>Tech Lay-Offs
>21,000 employees have been laid off by Meta since January 2022 and 460,000 people have been laid off from Amazon in the past two years.
>34,000 employees were laid off from tech companies between January 1 and February 13, according to,

Loads of other companies are also mentioned.

Anonymous No. 16084490

Anyone use their big brains and maths skills to play the financial markets?

Anonymous No. 16084493

>Did you get a recommendation letter and submit it with your job application?
No. I had hopes that the company will reach out to me after the contract ends but that never ended up happening. I fucked up equating asking for recommendation letter to sabotaging the odds of a return offer.

Thanks for the giving me hope anon. The job market is absolutely nightmare at the moment but I will keep my chin up and grind away.

Anonymous No. 16085061

I have an EE degree with 4 years experience in MEP and architecture (building electrical design) and I want to get into IT system architecture so I can work from home and be overemployed.
What certs should I try to get?

Anonymous No. 16085301

Why do you need licenses in so many states though, doesn’t it cost money to maintain each of them

Anonymous No. 16085322

Applying cold online is virtually impossible. Message someone on LinkedIn.

Anonymous No. 16085337

Go on LinkedIn and see for yourself. Very often they work their way up in consulting then jump into upper management. Play politics hard, which sounds bad but really just means get along with the people making decisions about who gets promoted.

If you look at exec history these dudes were grinding for 25+ years getting promos at worst every 5. It's about getting to management as fast as possible. Consulting makes it easy because if you don't get fired you'll get auto-promoted into it. At a regular company you often have to wait for a manager to leave to even be considered. Jumping up across companies is very difficult.

Anonymous No. 16085352

You should know the job market is terrible. Can't get a job out of ug? You can waste more time getting a masters just to finally get that 80k job.

Anonymous No. 16085360

Graduate with the CS degree asap, math undergrad is notoriously useless. Shitty resume will prevent you from entering big tech but you can make a decent living being a code monkey somewhere small.

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Anonymous No. 16085727

How do I break the procrastination cycle?
>get assignment
>worry about making the perfect assignment because expectations are always vague
>feel tired from worrying and planning
>daydream for a couple days
>no sleep because worrying
>realize I have ~four hours before it's due
>everything snaps into place
>receive a 90%
This isn't good for my health and relationships. I'm in my Master's now, and I don't understand it. How do I achieve the t. minus 4 hours mindset before my work is due?
Congratulations, anon! That's great!

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Anonymous No. 16085808

Has anyone successfully networked with strangers and landed a job?

I heard stories from only 1 graduate that got an interview because the hiring manager happens to like him. It has never worked in my experience despite showing up to these events well groomed and properly dressed.

Tips and tricks is appreciated.

Anonymous No. 16085887

not him but I work in MEP as an EE. you need to be able to get your PE eventually, so ABET or nothing.

Anonymous No. 16086367

I got accepted for an internship for a program for juniors and below, but I am set to graduate this semester. Will they find out or can I keep it a secret?
I need the experience.

Anonymous No. 16086950

Realistically, should I go for a CS or physics degree?

Anonymous No. 16086971

Math grad with a bachelor's currently working. I wanna go to grad school to get more money but whatever I'm interested in going back into seems oversaturated.
>Informatics: every DS position has >1k applicants
>Math Master's: too stupid to pursue
Any suggestions? I currently work in finance/tech. Were there any other math bros in a similar position?

Anonymous No. 16086978

Trying to do the professional larp is retarded, you need to treat it the same way you'd catfish retards on dating apps. That's the most powerful 'networking' in practice.

Anonymous No. 16087188

today i finally accepted that i just can't work in groups with my classmates and i don't really get along with anyone.
i'm no genius, but most of the times i am explaining something that they don't understand or just don't know yet (literally trivial things that they should be able find out on their own). after some explaining, they get it and we move on but this is really draining my energy because we just have different speeds and i'm literally wasting my time to help without getting some in return (which i don't really expect, but this thing has been going for too long now).

it has also lead to altercations because since i have this know-it-all reputation they enjoy it when i don't understand something or even when they find a solution to a problem before me, they basically only talk to me to ask questions.
what should i do? i haven't found a job yet but if the workplace is going to be like this i'm fucked

Anonymous No. 16087257

Unless you're already at MIT or somewhere like that then don't worry, there are places you could go that would make you seem as clueless as your classmates seem to you. You can absolutely find somewhere to work where you won't be the smartest person if you want. I think being smarter than about 75% of people in your group is probably the sweet spot since you won't be bored but can also stand out positively when it's advantageous.

Anonymous No. 16087437

Is ChatGPT still the best free tool for brainstorming and reviewing cover letters/resumes?

Anonymous No. 16087500

I am finishing my undergraduate in math soon, plan on doing a masters and PhD. How bad is employment within academia (UK).

Anonymous No. 16087515

Corporate governance these days makes it extremely hard to get yourself networked into a job. Typically it looks like one of two things:

>1. You are well-known enough in your discipline that there's already strong evidence you can do a good job, and someone gives you a hint that they need a person and would like you on their team.

>2. You capture recruiters into your network and let them know when you're looking for work, and if you left a good impression when you met them then they may remember you as a good candidate and decide to do a quick run-through of their jobs

There's really not a scenario where you meet someone, put them in your network, and then let them know you're looking for a job and they just give you one because you're such a cool guy. Either you let it slip that you're considering changing jobs and they let you know they have something, or you're leveraging a recruiters greed for those placement dollars and an initial good impression to get them to recommend you.

Stop caring about how your group performs, it doesn't matter. Working in industry is, 80% of the time, explaining XYZ to someone who doesn't understand it. The remaining 20% is your group dividing up work to do in small workshops or solo. The reality is that you will get way more out of learning to be patient and explain things to people that don't get it, than you ever will by getting anything in return from your peers.

Recognize that you feel shittier imagining how unpleasant the work will be than you will actually working on. Accept you are imperfect. Do the assignment anyway. Periodically come back to it over the next few days to review it and correct errors.

Anonymous No. 16087565

I accepted a PhD-TA contract for 5 years. What does a TA exactly do?

Everytime I ask I get vague answers like "Helping in courses and with students"

please tell me it is just not gruelsome paper grading

Anonymous No. 16087603

How many applications do you guys send out in a go?
I've done 5 today and am totally worn out. Been at it for 7 hours. Working fulltime wasn't this exhausting.

Anonymous No. 16087705

What kind of internship should I look for in physics if I don’t want to stay in academia?

Anonymous No. 16087868

i know i'm not that clever but they put me in a spot where they always question me for everything i say because they are trying to prove me wrong. it's exhausting. i really just prefer to do things on my own even if it takes me longer.
>The reality is that you will get way more out of learning to be patient and explain things to people that don't get it, than you ever will by getting anything in return from your peers.
sometimes it's true that i realize i missed something whilst i'm explaining it to someone but 90% of the time i'm explaining something i already know, how am i supposed to learn new things if i'm with people whom are discovering things now? (which is NOT a bad thing in any way, i just feel like they are holding me back and i should spent my time acquiring new knowledge).

Anonymous No. 16087986

depends on how lazy the prof is
typically you prepare exercises for recitals/labs, lead the recitals/labs (you often get a lot of freedom in this) and grade papers and exams, respond to student emails
if the prof is very busy he'll make you substitute for some of his lectures or in the most extreme case make you prepare the slides for the lectures
PhD students are also expected to do almost all the work if there's a conference or workshop at your uni
industry or a lab with industrial-academic cooperation
what kind of physics specifically (optics, semiconductors, nuclear?)
academia is a pyramid scheme, if you're at Oxbridge or UCL publish a fuckton, if you're anywhere else prepare your anus for industry since you have like 1% chance of getting a professorship
why not split the difference and do computer engineering

Anonymous No. 16088429

>what kind of physics specifically (optics, semiconductors, nuclear?)
Not any particularly, I am currently a y1 undergrad

Anonymous No. 16088437

for y1 it doesn't really matter I'd go for whatever seems interesting and lets you pick up some skills

Anonymous No. 16088579

Raw pay isn't great (pay rate table is online), but you can make mid six figures doing mindless paper work with a bunch of free time. So the pay-to-effort ratio is good.

Anonymous No. 16088789

You might want to be careful with Glassdoor:
>Users Ditch Glassdoor, Stunned By Site Adding Real Names Without Consent (
>Glassdoor, where employees go to leave anonymous reviews of employers, has recently begun adding real names to user profiles without users' consent.
>Glassdoor acquired Fishbowl, a professional networking app that integrated with Glassdoor last July. This acquisition meant that every Glassdoor user was automatically signed up for a Fishbowl account. And because Fishbowl requires users to verify their identities, Glassdoor's terms of service changed to require all users to be verified.
>Ever since Glassdoor's integration with Fishbowl, Glassdoor's terms say that Glassdoor 'may update your Profile with information we obtain from third parties. We may also use personal data you provide to us via your resume(s) or our other services.' This effort to gather information on Fishbowl users includes Glassdoor staff consulting publicly available sources to verify information that is then used to update Glassdoor users' accounts.

Anonymous No. 16088896

What do you guys think about regarding blending AI and Biology? Currently doing biochemical engineering Master's and have a Bachelor's in the same field. However, I am thinking about changing to a Master's in Statistics. Also, I have a lot of statistics undergrad coursework. I want to get involved in either the AI industry or CMC Statistics.

Anonymous No. 16088973

>how am i supposed to learn new things if i'm with people whom are discovering things now?
The thing you are learning is how to manage a team of people who understand less about the subject than you do. Not all of STEM is about "learn cool new thing", in most cases the most important stuff to learn is "How do I do X in a group of 100 people who are not experts in X?" or "This person disagrees with my plan, how do we reach a consensus on how to move forward?"

The reality is that in industry almost all problems have already been solved by the organization in some instantiation. E.g., even if you majored in IT and database management, the organization you are working in has almost certainly already set up at least a few databases. People will expect that new databases look like the previous databases they have set up, and will prefer to keep those patterns the same. As a result, your primary job is not really to learn how to set the database up optimally. Your job is to explain why the design you have chosen is reasonable based on the perceptions people have about the current and previous systems.

>i just feel like they are holding me back and i should spent my time acquiring new knowledge
If you're in college there is basically no knowledge you're going to pick up that will not be radically overwritten within like two months of actually doing something in a job.

Anonymous No. 16088979

I'm not making a terrible mistake by getting a PhD in physics, right?

Anonymous No. 16088980

I majored in biomedical engineer and now work in computer systems for medical manufacturing, which is tangential to your goal area.

My answer is that AI and Biology are completely irrelevant to each other. The data science and computational skills you learn trying to build complex software systems are really not dependent on your understanding biology, and in the majority of cases it's really something you're going to need a full-time biology specialist to do, i.e. an MD or PhD. However, understand medical regulations and design patterns in systems for medical analytics and diagnostics are definitely helpful. This can help you recognize why things were done some way and not some other way. I also think that bio-focused engineering programs are basically just systems engineering with a lot of bio terminology replacing the systems terminology. As a result, it's very helpful for giving you good heuristics for breaking down complex systems. E.g., the idea of feedback-based chemical control mechanisms in the human body was a big part of my program, so the idea that you could run an industrial system using electrical control systems was pretty intuitive, and all I needed to learn was the basic structures of the languages, and the typical design patterns.

Anonymous No. 16088996

Make sure to also practice your interview questions too. There's no point in applying for jobs 24/7 since you're eventually going to run out of jobs to apply for anyway and adding variety is going to reduce your burnout.
Unless the PhD program is at an elite and reputable school which guarantees you getting landing a competitive government/military research position or at the very least a private research lab like Bell, no.
I got accepted into a PhD program for Chemistry, but they are nowhere near reputable or at least high quality so I am not going to bother. I'll just use my BS to branch off into something else, like Quality Assurance/Control.

Anonymous No. 16088999

Getting hired by a business/insurance consultancy firm after earning a STEM PhD is a viable option. I took part in a seminar where someone did that.
Have you looked into areas related to informatics? Chemical imaging, weather forecasting software, or spatial intelligence might interest you.
Also what kind of math are you pursuing? Pure math or something where you can apply it irl?
I thought you're supposed to make bank with in those industries. What happened?

Anonymous No. 16089002

test post

Anonymous No. 16089007

Teal - AI specializing in resume and CVs
Notion - Job Application tracker
Massive - Auto applying for jobs using AI
CopyAI - Networking tool using AI

Anonymous No. 16089066

>Math pursued
I did pure math in undergrad.
>Have you looked into areas related to Informatics
I haven't. Never even thought about those fields mainly because they sound so niche it sounds more like one would fall into it rather than pursue those types or careers.
>I thought you were supposed to be making bank with those
I'm not sure if I do. I make sub 75K USD basically doing nothing. I get paid on holidays for being on-call which also amounts to me getting paid for nothing. It's actually a pretty sweet gig but I just want more money and it's getting boring doing fuck all most of the time.

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Anonymous No. 16089071

Well lads, I lined up a job post PhD

pros: exactly what I wanted to be doing, bioinformatic programmings of weird organisms (starfish and sea urchins) and not a super high COL city

bad news: 70k. Guess that's what I spent all these years aspiring for with a bio phd, it's still 3x my stipend so I guess I have to look at it that way

Anonymous No. 16089433

More doom scrolling about US universities:
>America’s elite universities are bloated, complacent and illiberal
>The struggle over America’s elite universities—who controls them and how they are run–continues to rage, with lasting consequences for them and the country. Harvard faces a congressional investigation into antisemitism; Columbia has just been hit with a lawsuit alleging “endemic” hostility towards Jews. Top colleges are under mounting pressure to reintroduce rigorous test-based admissions policies, after years of backsliding on meritocracy. And it is likely that the cosy tax breaks these gilded institutions enjoy will soon attract greater scrutiny. Behind all this lies a big question. Can American universities, flabby with cash and blighted by groupthink, keep their competitive edge?

Anonymous No. 16089512

Haha yeah, Biochemical Engineering should be renamed to Bioprocess Engineering as most of it is just engineering systems.

Do you think I should switch my Master's to Statistics and have the bio-people do all of that? I hate the idea of being a lab monkey. Also, My dream is to make enough money where I can easily travel and go on trips while I am young. Being a bio-slave forces you into a lab where you can't leave your cells for too long. Doing more statistics is nice as I can work away from the lab.

Anonymous No. 16089655

I did Math undergrad, couldn't get a single good job offer despite having a good internships. All post-internship offers were more loose like we can get you a better internship next year if you continue on to master's, or we can refer you to a different part of company. The best offers I could get were in consulting.
I ended up paying big for a master's at a really prestigious school. I enjoyed the classwork a lot but I recognize it for it is: a mill for internationals to come to America. Anyway, the recruiting was still really good and I got a great job in big tech.

Long story short, yes it's worth it.

Anonymous No. 16089661

One more thing I forgot to mention. If your goal is to go without a master's into consulting, finance, wall street, whatever then having a degree like math, physics, statistics, etc is not preferable. These degrees are only good for continuing in academia.
Industries like I mentioned above don't give credence to how much harder science is than business and would rather see someone with a 4.0 in business and also hold office in a business related club than a 3.5 physics major that works in a really good lab.

Anonymous No. 16089673

What’s the path to take if I want to end up in a physics research lab?

Anonymous No. 16089685

Did you end up going for a Master's in Math? I'm facing the same thing trying to break into something towards analysis and stats but I keep getting rejects or low end offers.
Okay then. Well there goes those offers. As much as I would like to continue working in finance for the stability and money rolling, it really seems like if I want to go into something stats/informatics related I'd need a Master's. Or at least it definitely only helps my position. Thanks Anon.

Anonymous No. 16089703

Are "academic career coaches" all crabs in the bucket or is it worth it?

My institution offers a few hours of this kind of coaching for free, so I consider booking it to let someone check my CV and my stage. I checked through the list and the majority seem to be disillusioned scientists acting like gold mining suppliers now.

I have an IT / AI background and know very well what my "plan B" options are, much better than a "coach" sitting in her countryside home office. I don't want them to coerce me away from academia because industry needs more educated drones and because they feel better about their own decisions this way

Anonymous No. 16089718

If you mean experimental physics
>bachelor in physics
>if in Europe, masters in physics
>do internships at research labs during these
>PhD in physics
>get hired by an industrial lab
>or do a bunch of postdocs in hopes of landing a faculty position, then go into industry when you don't
The second best undergrad degree for this is probably electrical engineering, which also has better value on the job market

Anonymous No. 16089787

So in the physics field, if you don’t have a PhD, you are basically worthless?

Anonymous No. 16089835


Not true, there are other, often more secure positions with a shorter way. E.g. you can study IT or other engineering and intern at CERN, it might be easier than doing a physics degree. It also depends a bit on what you want to *do* in a physics lab.

You might appear on papers but won't be able to call yourself a big scientist. But unlike the large majority of people trying that, you might still be able to keep on working in a physics lab.

Anonymous No. 16089848

Has anybody here successfully enrolled in an elite US school? (Particularly in physics)

I read the requirements for like top 5 and it's always
> le extracurricular acitvities
> have a record of being le leader
and retarded shit like that which just fucking triggers me. Not that I don't have those, it's just a retarded fucking requirement which would've filtered out some of the most important physicists in history.

Anyway, are the accurate rates of enrollment available for those and how is it different for people who finished high school in a different country and have no le research experience? Let's say I only have great SAT/ACT and my essay is convincing.

Another big question is which schools are considered "elite"? Like is it just Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Stanford or do some lower tier ones count as well?

Anonymous No. 16089914

For undergrad, I've met a foreign IPhO silver medalist who was able to get into Harvard, but I'm unsure how the timing works since IPhO takes place after admissions decisions
Don't think they'll admit you just on the basis of test scores if you don't have at least a national Olympiad medal or are able to play the race card
Elite includes at least Princeton, Yale, Chicago, maybe also UCLA, Berkeley and UIUC (my advisor's opinion when I was applying to grad school)
Depending on how shit your country's universities are, maybe able for a flagship public school? Btw if the admissions process is making you seethe you'll probably also hate interacting with Americans irl, they're all about acting fake as fuck and selling yourself

Anonymous No. 16089931

You can be a lab tech, which is a tradie career, at my old lab there were 2 boomers in charge of the building's liquid nitrogen and helium systems, must have been quite comfy
To actually do research you generally need a PhD yes, at least in semiconductors companies are pretty strict about this, in academia also
Maybe some companies in fields like optics or sensors will hire you with a masters? You can look at job postings
CERN internships are insanely competitive even for physics majors

Anonymous No. 16089934

>if you don't have at least a national Olympiad medal
Is there an age cap/requirements for participating in those?

Anonymous No. 16089950

depends on your country
internationals are for high school students below age 20

Anonymous No. 16090002

>Did you end up going for a Master's in Math?
Statistics, now I do data science. Very hard to break into this field without a masters, at a reputable company at least.

>Okay then. Well there goes those offers.
I would try your luck before giving up completely.

Anonymous No. 16090078

>Any other patent examiners here
We had one posting here earlier, probably hailing from USPTO. I expect 6k to appear any time soon, his unhinged approach to patent law and facts will be quickly spotted.
>Feels like a fitting job for autistic antisocial anons who like arguing
Roughly 50 percent of patent attorneys have been Examiners, and we have had at least two here.

Out job as patent attorneys is to argue back. We are kind of limited in how forceful we can be back but some find a way. And one went right off the rails in his arguments.

t.European patent attorney

Anonymous No. 16090086

>Funny, I literally came here to ask if anyone has moved from STEM into patent law work.
Plenty do. Nearly all of my Physics colleagues here have a PhD, most also did a few rounds as a postdoc.
>I'm considering doing this
I can recommend this line of work, the FAQ has a bit of information about this. You can work in the patent field as a patent specialist/agent/attorney or Examiner. Job security is very good and salary level is good.

Anonymous No. 16090095

As much as possible, you should do something you enjoy/tolerate AND can make money off of. Be warned though that anything bio will almost certainly require a masters degree, even if it's biomedical/chemical engineering. I would recommend finding people on LinkedIn with either degree and asking them about their career and what they do. Most actual industry work using the degree will look very different than the degree itself, and "What classes I enjoy most" is therefore a poor metric for determining which degree you will get the most mileage from.

Anonymous No. 16090348

Interesting. See how the hell am I supposed to know what I like to do? So far, out of all my classes, I like my statistics classes the most where I analyze data. I also like making presentations for people. I coded a model for a reactor before and I thought it was pretty boring actually.

Interestingly, the most fun sounding classes I have taken always end up being the most boring. Examples include tissue engineering where I thought we were going to learn to grow tissues instead it was just a lot of powerpoints, same thing with Animal Cell Manufacturing, and the newest addition is Macromolecular Simulation, which includes us just copying and pasting the code the TA was forced to write for the professor onto the Uni's super computer and then analyzing the output.

Its kind of a funny class, this poor woman from Africa is in there and she barely knows how to simply copy and paste shit into her powershell. Actually, everyone but her uses Mac so the TA wrote the code for UNIX systems and she is always struggling. I feel really bad for her, but maybe if we learned how to perform the simulations instead of copying and pasting, the class would be useful. I guess I have learned why the simulations are important, but god damn im going to let someone else do that.

The class I did the best in was Process Control, where we designed a lot of functions to control biochemical processes. It involved a lot of Laplace Transforms and I thought it was a fun puzzle.

Anonymous No. 16090379

If it helps, my experience in regulated manufacturing primarily looks like:

>Design engineering studies to test the impact of process updates
>Write and proctor system validations, lifecycle documents, etc.
>Code and review code
>Troubleshoot how tf someone completely broke XYZ thing.

Simulations are honestly just always super boring, and fortunately you very rarely have to do them. I remember figuring out how COMSOL worked and thinking "This is cool! I hope I get to use this again!" and in reality I've never had to use more than SOLIDWORK's built-in mechanical simulations. Typically in design or manufacturing what you would do is bang out a list of requirements, work as a team to break down your equipment into a basic sequence of ops, then put it together in CAD. Then you'd run simulations to validate that your design will probably work to meet the requirements. If needed, you go back and tweak things, or derive updated values to narrow in on what the design needs to be. Then you build the whole thing and verify that it actually works to meet the requirements.

In short, most of engineering is either:

>A: Solve problems that range from extremely boring to boundary-breaking
>B: Write paperwork

The field you choose is going to dependent mainly on your varying levels of tolerance for any of the following:
>Dealing with low-intelligence people
>Dealing with managers
>Systems schizophrenia
>Working in controlled environments
>Doing dangerous lab work
>Doing gross lab work
>Slow projects

In particular, anything in biotech will mean lots of paperwork, slower projects lots of systems schizophrenia, gowning up for controlled environments, and sometimes doing dangerous or gross labwork. That will all be regardless of your specialization. So if you can't see yourself dealing with that, I'd choose something else.

Anonymous No. 16090505

Which fields IT/engineering/phy get picked up by research labs like CERN more often?

Anonymous No. 16090677

What types of careers are there for "glue guy" engineering types? I am not particularly gifted in technical subjects but I can talk with just about anyone and lead autists. I like helping everyone get their shit done faster and doing much of the support work required to make shit happen.

Anonymous No. 16090787

Applications engineering or management

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Anonymous No. 16090879

Anonymous No. 16090941

I fucking hate entitled Pajeet like yourself.

Anonymous No. 16090948

What is systems schizophrenia lmao. And true, there is always so much paperwork. This is why I kind of want to be on the data analysis side of things rather than engineering. Right now, depending on if I am able to transfer to a better school, I will be working in a lab where I am writing AI to predict the functionality of certain enzymes, then doing metabolic engineering on E. coli to test if my AI actually works. I think that sounds really cool and promising, but it might suck cock.

What if I just drop out of my Master's and open a cafe in Europe? Eventually, I could start roasting my own coffee and selling that. I have the biochem knowledge. I think this would be more fun.

Or I could start a winery...

Anonymous No. 16091242

Get your PMP

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16091649

>get crush on qt postdoc
>fuck up some deadlines
>he hates me

Anonymous No. 16091729

>Or I could start a winery...
I work in STEM but I grow wine grapes as a hobby, can recommend.

Anonymous No. 16091817

systems engineers?
also autists tend to be highly technical in this field.

Anonymous No. 16091975

>$70k with a PhD
You can make more money cutting up chickens for Costco or something. Did you talk your former colleagues on if they have similar job search experiences?
Do you at least plan to job hop?

Anonymous No. 16091984

Welp, just got a 'no' from the last of my faculty applications for this seasons. At least this one had the courtesy to contact me - out of two dozen applications only three had the decency not to just straight up ghost me. Is it seriously that hard to send even just a canned email that you've gone with a different applicant?

Anonymous No. 16091986

Are you really applying for a job in academia? Did you at least know the chances of you landing a position there were abysmal? Have you looked into industry?

Anonymous No. 16092032

Because you are an ANNOYING Pajeet who is asking people on how to scam your way into MY country. Get fucked.

Anonymous No. 16092036

This shit is so fucked
>We need new talent! Taking interns for all majors!
>Cool, you'll pay for my housing then?
Stupid niggers why the fuck would I spend my summer losing money?

Anonymous No. 16092095

CS grad with an interest in math and robotics + research (individual) and patents under belt. Along with AI. How good am I in the upcoming decades? H1B visas + limited jobs available seems to filter me out automatically.

Anonymous No. 16092287

Does the company help you source for housing? If not, try asking HR if they know employee who is happy to offer a room at their place.

Anonymous No. 16092460

Good news:
>How Big Tech is winning the AI talent war
>“There is no question that there is an enormous talent war,” says Jordan Jacobs, managing partner of Toronto-based Radical Ventures, which has invested in some 50 AI start-ups globally. “At the top of the pyramid are the people who can build foundation models and make them sing. There are very few people who can do that effectively and there are organisations that will pay them an absolute fortune to do so.”
>The UAE, Saudi Arabia, several Nordic countries and South Korea have emerged as net importers of AI scientists, with more moving to their countries to work than leaving them. Some national industrial champions, including Siemens in Germany, Samsung in South Korea and ASML in the Netherlands have also become big employers of AI engineers.

Most relates to AI but all talents in all fields will make it.
Relevant music while reading:

Anonymous No. 16093045

>all of the corporate research jobs require a phd

Anonymous No. 16093131

That depends on the country.

Anonymous No. 16093569

>Faculty 'forces' student to complete an integrated masters degree to attain the right to practice as an engineer
>Takes 5 years while other uni only requires a 4 year bachelors
>Now it's reverted back to 4 years at my uni
What do they mean by this? What's the point of doing a master when the curriculum is almost identical. It's not like having a masters would increase the earning potential.

Does having a master degree help you stand out in your country?

Anonymous No. 16093741

Is an MS in Bioinformatics worth it? I'm currently an undergrad at an R1 public university and I've taken a data science heavy path and even took a couple of bioinformatics classes.

Gotta be honest, way less programming than I thought in those two classes. Just some regex, console shit, and dicking around with 3D rendering tools and PyMol. I'd like to apply my data science skills in the field of biology and biotech which is why I'm drawn to bioinformatics.

Like every data science job requires an MS and bioinformatics is no different. I'm concerned about the amount of opportunities that'll be available for me by the time I'm done with my MS

For schools I'm considering doing the MS in Bioinformatics at my current school (R1), but I'm also looking at places like Boston U and Drexel (both R1s), just to name two.

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Anonymous No. 16093753


My school's CS department lets undergrads be TAs so I was a TA for the intro to programming class at my school for two semesters. My school also has a ton of Indians.

One day this Indian kid comes into my office hours to ask for help on their second project - a simple little side scrolling game using Python turtles. They couldn't use PyGame

Anyway the code this guy shows me is way beyond the scope of the class, it has classes and other stuff. I think he used PyGame too.

I asked him about the code since maybe he took another CS class in the past and learned about classes there. This kid tells me that he got it from a coding video.

So I ask him about the video, not expecting him to say anything. The guy shows me the exact fucking video.

Later, a different Indian guy comes in and his code looks exactly like the first guy's. I ask him about where he got this code from - insists he did it himself. Which was funny because he also insist that I do basic shit for him like declare a dictionary variable.

A lot of conservatives say that going to college will make you a brainwashed Marxist but all it did was make me hate Indians and Arabs. Get the hell out of my country

Anonymous No. 16094447

>Does having a master degree help you stand out in your country?
In much of Europe, a master's degree is necessary. HR uses this to filter out people with a batchelor's degree to pare down the pile of applicants to a convenient level.
Germany is an exception; often a PhD is needed.

Anonymous No. 16094553

You're an intern, not God's gift to mankind. Ease up

Anonymous No. 16094646

Ok but interns still need a place to sleep

Anonymous No. 16094668

How does having a 3.4 gpa in engineering from a mid state university affect my chances at grad school for the same subject or associated subjects?

Anonymous No. 16094848

for a masters that should be fine
for PhD they care about research experience and recommendations more

Anonymous No. 16095071

you have a car right?

Anonymous No. 16095326

Maintain that GPA at the very least. But network your ass off or suck up to your professors for research opportunities. If you're applying to internships and the like,apply as early as possible. I found my chances for acceptance shot up by doing so (your mileage may vary).

Anonymous No. 16095328

Is there any good news for the STEM job market? I have looked and I can't see any.

Anonymous No. 16095418

>looking at applying to jobs including neuralink
>see that neuralink gets thousands of applicants per job posting
im doomed

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Anonymous No. 16095428

There's an analogy to be made here.

Anonymous No. 16095444

the neurotech startup industry is just too small, and neuralink holds the majority of interest and job available positions. i just didnt expect it to have so many applicants.

Anonymous No. 16095829

Their latest story was a success that got plenty of media coverage, expect new rounds of financing and then more job postings.
After all they want to scale this up to all people.

Anonymous No. 16095861

I don't know what to do after I graduate. I'm already 25 and stuck in college for 9 years due to different challenges in life. Most of the people I knew are already getting married and such while I am still here waiting for my college degree.

Anonymous No. 16095877

Last week:
"Guys for the upcoming quiz you can form a group of 3"

This week:
"Guys, you have to sit on your own in the assigned seat"

*groaning ensues*

10 minutes later:
"I just made a call with the faculty, you guys can sit together with your group."

Thank god because I'd definitely flunked this quiz if it wasn't for my homies who i just made friends with for 1 hour before the class. I really really dont like the lab assistants in my uni bro they pull off the most bs of tricks and refusing to bump your grades to get at least C

Anonymous No. 16096288

what low tier school is this

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Anonymous No. 16096555

>land dev expect fresh grads to have civil 3d experience even tho they didn't have any classes that used the software

I thought land-dev guys were supposed to just learn on the job? thats literally what I've been told by land development guys but apparently I've been lied to.

Anonymous No. 16096559

>stamp off on some retard EIT work
>get ass fucked when something goes wrong and people die because you didn't bother to check


Anonymous No. 16096616

>befriend guy who works for mid level engineering firm in Florida
>most of his LinkedIn posts are kosher-conservative boomer facebook shit and libertarianism

I'm not complaining because I'm not a leftist fag but seeing that did raise an eyebrow. I can understand expressing your sincerely held views on your own facebook page or instagram but to do that on LINKEDIN is kinda strange. He's like a project manager too, not just some CAD monkey.

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Anonymous No. 16096713

You don't post stuff like this on linkedin?

Anonymous No. 16096862

Did anyone else go into STEM for the money or am I the only one?
This general seems really try hard lately.

Anonymous No. 16096869

bro you gotta be try hard to get a job. the "Cs get degrees" degenerates don't get jobs anymore. Its not the 1980s where companies would hire you just for having a pulse and a degree.

Anonymous No. 16096874

Just lost access to my .edu email and I had all my FE study material on there. I had a feeling I should download it soon. FUCK.

Anonymous No. 16096908

Talk to your College administrators, they should be able to give you back access.

Anonymous No. 16097053

>got my circuits exam back

Anonymous No. 16097189

I feel like LinkedIn schizoposting is somehow based

Anonymous No. 16097243

I already have a job in academia, but I've been spending the last few years trying to apply for positions that would let me move closer to my family. I know it's a slim chance (the job I have now was one of only a handful of applications that even interviewed me the first time I applied after grad school), but it's still depressing when most of these schools don't even give you the courtesy of a token "thank you for your application, however... yadda yadda yadda" email.

I've thought about industry a few times, but I don't know if it'd be a good fit. The money's great, sure, but that's not really my biggest motivator.

Anonymous No. 16097247

Any uk chem grads? What career sectors do you recommend for average pay and good worklife balance

Anonymous No. 16097744

LinkedIn-posts can be interesting. The Economist is going increasingly "intellectual" left wing and will take any opportunity to savage Trump. I have no pony in that race since I am European, but it is interesting to see well educated people pick the articles apart, siding with Trump. It is also food for thought when all rags exclaim only uneducated trailer park thrash support Trump.

Anonymous No. 16098227

It's kinda wild how some people manage to make a career in academia while lacking basic skills for presentations. I'm not even necessarily talking about fossil professors that understandably have less energy, but I swear there's a cure for insomnia somewhere in conferences with MSc/PhD students and postdocs giving talks. It's no wonder they schedule coffee breaks every now and then
The sad part is that it's clear and undeniable that these people know what they're talking about (and sometimes put some thought on their slides), but then they go and speak in a monotone voice while looking at the projector screen and not even facing the audience for 20 minutes

Anonymous No. 16098314

My life has been on a downwards tragectory ever since I stepped foot in university.

Anonymous No. 16098920

Same. I near the end of my degree but I can't find the strength to continue knowing there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Grad jobs are given out to high flyers or people who network max. All the skills I've learn from uni will probably go down the drain because most companies in my area are operators in energy and resource industry.

Anonymous No. 16099027

only pooblishing capacity matters at every level of the hiring process
those guys have more papers than you and that's what counts

Anonymous No. 16099100

Engineering salaries simply have not kept up with the labor market.
Is an MBA worth it?
Feels like the only way to make a decent salary is to get into management but the cost of an MBA is huge. Almost feels like a gatekeeping thing.

Anonymous No. 16099161

>>16098314 >>16098920

Normally the employer pays for this.

Anonymous No. 16099205

Yeah unless your employer is sponsoring you don't do an MBA.

Anonymous No. 16099210

Academia has got to be the biggest scam going. Poor wages for the chance to work under poor conditions with some of the most irritating people on the planet? What a proposition.

Anonymous No. 16099361

>Poor wages
That depends on where you live. UK is the worst, get out as soon as you graduate.

Anonymous No. 16099408

My faculty advisor walked into the bathroom and heard me moaning in the stall from doings a cum shot
I can’t pretend like I was moaning from shits either because it sounded way too retarded

Anonymous No. 16099441

Why do you masturbate in a communal bathroom with open stalls?

Anonymous No. 16099446

needed to cum

Anonymous No. 16099479

How autistic are you?

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Anonymous No. 16099502

no one is gonna give me pointers on this?


Anonymous No. 16099529

Get an internship.

Anonymous No. 16099613

Very but that’s besides the point

Anonymous No. 16099617

one of my lab members is a 3rd year PhD candidate at 33, you have plenty of time to torture yourself

Anonymous No. 16099627


You would be sacrificing 5-6 years of real salary for slave stipend doing a PhD, if you're making decent money it isn't worth it.

Anonymous No. 16099632


At shit tier programs and humanity cuck positions maybe. Good programs will guarantee you full funding the duration of your PhD, only really requiring 1-2 semesters of teaching for professional development and not because your advisor is a brokie.

Anonymous No. 16099637

>20k PhD stipend for life sciences

extremely grim senpai...

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Anonymous No. 16099638

Getting a math PhD was a big mistake. How do i fix this? Bus driver?

Anonymous No. 16099699

Aim for management consulting, or see if your maths can be applied to lucerative AI work.

Anonymous No. 16099733

I feel totally cooked. Been doing a stupid GIS databasing role with a mechanical degree for the last 5 years. Getting denied any vertical movement. I look at the job listings near me, they barely pay any better, most pay worse for an entry level engineer. Who is gonna wanna hire a guy who hasn't been doing engineering for the last 5 years?

How over is it and what can I do to get into a better position in the next year?

Anonymous No. 16099820

You’re fine, you’re still in your 20s. If I were a hiring manager for an entry level position I’d actually favor someone like you because I’d assume you had to overcome some serious shit to still finish the degree after all that time. That shows perseverance. Don’t fall for the doomer meme!

Anonymous No. 16099835

Yes, just get it done. I tried in vain for several years to get a “real” data scientist position after a BS Applied Math and Stats and over 4 years experience as a data analyst. Finally bit the bullet and started my MS this year. The market is insanely over saturated atm, you need the MS especially if you’re going to be a fresh grad with no relevant work experience. Even more so for bioinformatics or biostats than general DS

Anonymous No. 16099845

Just apply to anything and hope for the best within engineering. Did you forget your education?

Anonymous No. 16100199

I'm guessing they don't have time to properly prepare.

Anonymous No. 16100686

I just... bro how do you rub one out in a public bathroom of all places? I wish I was this fearless in life I can't even take a shit in public bathrooms let alone rub one out and moan.

Anonymous No. 16100742

But that's beside the point.