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Anonymous No. 16061178

red pill me on sneed oils, are they really that bad for you?

Anonymous No. 16061195
Rapeseed (despite its meme name) oil is supposedly okay if you look at the statistics. Ideally you want to avoid fats that cause ox-LDL damaging your arteries.

Anonymous No. 16061199

No Ruffles and other carbs has absolutely nothing to do with this

Anonymous No. 16061206

Yeah so when you lose weight as stop being a fatass you look better
uhhh well seed oils are made of fat so removing them means you're reducing your caloric intake.

Anonymous No. 16061209

I'm sure not eating seed oils will do that if it's also along with going to the gym and eating better in general.

Anonymous No. 16061229

Wow she even changed eye color! That's crazy.

Anonymous No. 16061242

Is it true we already passed peak seed oil?

Anonymous No. 16061246

>ox-LDL damaging your arteries
This is a stupid meme.

Anonymous No. 16061247

The girls just lost weight, why people are so dumb?

Anonymous No. 16061316

Says who? Most medical journals are reporting on it now.

Anonymous No. 16061329

dosage is key mantra

Anonymous No. 16061335

>pop starts
>fruit juices
>instant waffles
I think it's called the difference between highly processed foods and normal food.

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Anonymous No. 16061372

seed oils? I rather think it was the quitting pop tarts.

Anonymous No. 16061384

She's just lost weight, it doesn't have much to do with seed oils

Anonymous No. 16061536

obviously not it's just a diet fad

Anonymous No. 16061664

In general it's just the caloric density, people that hate seed oils probably have an allergy to them much like a peanut allergy.
It could be the cause to some cases of IBS or fatigue or brain fog.
Or oil could literally have the opposite effect.

Anonymous No. 16061768

>pop tarts.
those are made with sneed oils

Anonymous No. 16061778

my trad wife on the right

Anonymous No. 16061782

read the ingredients; poptarts are filled with sneed oils

Anonymous No. 16062353

No trad would ever dress like that

Anonymous No. 16062359

Tradwives are a state of mind. Any woman can be a tradwife so long as there are men around to make believe with.

Anonymous No. 16062712

you put oil in your car
I don't think it's natural adding fats artificially to every food
butter either
that shit is literally congealed cow cum

Anonymous No. 16062721

Fart with me.

Come onnn. You got this.

Anonymous No. 16062725

>I'm being immature cause you're being stupid.

Anonymous No. 16062758

How likely is it to be due to the seed oils, and not the fuck ton of simple sugars she was eating?

Anonymous No. 16063274

yes and no
all these seed oils are good for you in some capacity, but when you eat food with ONLY seed oils, its bad for you.
Imagine everything you ate had butter. You'll still turn out like that, and probably much worse.
Butter is healthy in appropriate quantities, but eating it constantly is detrimental.

The deeper question is, when is it too much?
This varies from person to person. To play it safe have a diverse diet. Variety of oils and fats.
Imo olive oil is pretty universal, so a good place to start. If it doesn't sit well with you, theres peanut oil (used a lot in east asian food)

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Anonymous No. 16063280


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16063281

Congratulations! You just wrote the most stupid shit in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16063294

no u

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Anonymous No. 16063384

>consume less calories
>lose weight

Anonymous No. 16063533

It has nothing to do with caloric density. The image to the right has more calories. Fat fucks love to eat frequently. Muh high calorie meals is a canard and one they love to lambast as the cause to their fat fuckery. The problem is they eat 5 or 6 pop tarts in a day and 5 or 6 of those low calorie belveta cracker dry shit things. Fat people penalize thin people by blaming muh heckin McDonald's or whatever fucking thing they get at a restaurant as being "1000 calories" meanwhile 3000 calories they consume in a day are from their god damned snacking and compulsive eating habits. The end result if this stupidity causes "low calorie" meals to be common place and you spend $15 bucks to get 350 calories at a restaurant. I didn't work all fucking day not eating to sit down and suddenly get a few morsels of food instead of a proper meal because fat people like to blame MUH HECKIN DENSE CALORIES as the cause of their obesity. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16063546

The truth is that seed oils aren't inherently bad. However, if your food has a lot of seed oils added to it, then it's more likely to be highly processed, nutrient deficient foods high in fats/sugars. With that being said, not all processed foods will have seed oils, that doesn't meant they're good for you though.

Anonymous No. 16063618

>being this desperate to defend muh honor of sneed oils

Anonymous No. 16063638

Something weird happened to her vulva too. I just cannot put my finger on it.

Anonymous No. 16063639

but in all honestly she looks amazing. the difference is just astounding. she should be used to advertise to people that uglyness is not real (well, actually it is, but the majority of people who think they're ugly just need to exercise and eat right) ...

Anonymous No. 16063776

sneed oils cause cancer and they have a much higher calorie density than sugar

Anonymous No. 16063945

It's the gut bacteria that turns food into pieces your body use or store.
By getting a FMT from an obese person you will likely get weight problems yourself.

>Gut bacteria and mind control

Anonymous No. 16064515

everyone needs to switch to using electric sneeds

Anonymous No. 16065630

This, sneed oils are very very bad for you.

Anonymous No. 16065661

>highly processed
It's the carbs, retard.

El Arcón No. 16065667

The place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" and the sign says "Formerly Chuck's." It means that after Charles is no longer the king of the UK, the throne that was formerly Chuck's is going to be mine.

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El Arcón No. 16065669

>the throne that was formerly Chuck's is going to be mine.
Charles grandfather was the same king of England through his mother that my grandfather was through my mother: we're first cousins. Since his father was only a Greek prince but I am the Russian emperor, my claim on that throne was already much better than his when Elizabeth died. When he's dead and it's between me and Charles' son with a peasant woman, it will go to me.

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El Arcón No. 16065672

This fact is what SNEED posters post.

Anonymous No. 16066924

its the sneed oils

Anonymous No. 16067216

You can consume whatever the fuck you want - just don't be retarded and over consume.
Realistically you should only really eat like twice a day, (less if you live a very sedentary life style) of which you should eat a varied diet. By doing this you will stay a normal and healthy size.
If you want to you can have the ocasional day where you eat garbage, however doing so will normally result in your body showing its unhappiness for the slop you give it.

Anonymous No. 16067256

I haven't looked into sneed oils personally. But I am skeptical of all these fads. They are usually based on overinterpreted statistical studies.

Anonymous No. 16067405

>usually based on overinterpreted statistics
This. tik tok, youtube, twitter, etc are all full of influencers telling you everything from red meat to vegetables are literally poison

Anonymous No. 16068625


Anonymous No. 16069960

sneed oils are literally poison

Anonymous No. 16071101

If sneed oils were good for you then they wouldn't be so super cheap, they'd be in demand and market force would drive up their price

Anonymous No. 16071390

her weight loss results came from removing junk food from her diet. The whole seed oil thing is very likely pseudoscience.

Anonymous No. 16071446

you have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 16071453

Not that dude but he’s right. Cutting carbs is key to weight loss. This has been known for decades

Anonymous No. 16071563

They were already experimenting with sneed oils on animals more than 100 years ago.
The kind of fat matters. This is obvious from different outcomes between different fat compositions at equal caloric intake.

But it should come as no surprise that a human reacts different to animal fat than to some chemically processed seed that he would never eat otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16071587

Funny, I lose weight whilst eating carbs all the time.
Carb restriction is only necessary for weight loss if you are sedentary and/or prediabetic.
This will upset you, but 95% of weight loss studies are on obese T2D middle-aged women. So the findings of those studies are relevant to you if you're also an obese middle aged T2D woman.

I'm an athletic young man, so calorie counting works for me.

Anonymous No. 16073064

Carbohydrates are extremely high calorie

Anonymous No. 16073066

its just weight loss retard

Anonymous No. 16073796

>look up literally anyone's fitness blog
>select text tool
>type "seed oils"
>look mommy i proved my new science