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Anonymous No. 16061262

>3.5 years since getting my math phd
>no postdocs, no stable job
>constantly suicidal

Anonymous No. 16061267

Wtf does a postdoc in math even do?

Anonymous No. 16061268

just teach arithmetic at a primary school like a normal mathematician

Anonymous No. 16061273

That's unfortunate, my dude.

Anonymous No. 16061277

Think of new numbers

Anonymous No. 16061349

Math research duh

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Anonymous No. 16061356

>I know math
>I need a job to make money
honestly, mate, you're doing something wrong.

Anonymous No. 16061361

i'm so sick of these faggots who jump in every thread to tell you that having a phd means you're a fucking entrepreneur

Anonymous No. 16061364

who cares about a phd? He knows math, you sperg. The world is his oyster, but idiots like you can't think outside the box - and thus YoU nEeD a JeRb

Anonymous No. 16061366

ikr why does everyone say that?

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Anonymous No. 16061375


Anonymous No. 16061379

he knows math, not magic, so yes, he does need a job
why don't you explain in detail rather than vague boomer comments exactly how you think him having a math PhD means he doesn't need a job to make money and why the thousands of others in his position couldn't do it either?

El ArcĂłn No. 16061402

Even when I kill them all, their handwriting will still be on my face, and that's a big one for them: one which keeps being handed to them over and over and over.

Anonymous No. 16061408

absolutely based

>he knows math, not magic
math is magic. it enables you to calculate the circumference of the earth using only a fucking stick. how is that not magic? - and how do you not see the countless application of a universal tool with such powers?
>No I nEeD SoMeBodY tO tElL mE wHaT tO dO wItH mY mAgIc bEaN
find an inefficiency and exploit it. this guy did:
why can't you? ( don't go for gambling. just find something where you know you can have an edge. how about used espresso machine pricing? Can you imagine how to squeeze a few measly bucks out of it? I can. .. the real question is whether it's worth it ..)

seriously, you faggots are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 16061420

so basically you have absolutely no idea what a math PhD means and no idea how to actually turn that into any business idea either
pretty much what i expected, you hear boomers say dumb shit like this all the time

Anonymous No. 16061423

keep wallowing in your own filth, sad boy. you choose to be a loser.

Anonymous No. 16061430

you're posting fantasies about how someone should use math phd programs to go into used espresso machines lol, you have no idea what you're on about

Anonymous No. 16061440

>just find something where you know you can have an edge. how about used espresso machine pricing? Can you imagine how to squeeze a few measly bucks out of it? I can.
and just to be specific, this is a great example of why people who think you ought to be able to wave a wand and be an entrepreneur on the spot because you have a math PhD are morons
this would require at most high-school level mathematical skills - the PhD is absolutely worthless here, except for the experience of carrying out a large research project, but that counts for very little with something this simple.
this means OP would have absolutely 0 edge in anything like this. a high schooler could do it. his PhD is absolutely irrelevant to this.
you basically come across as the boomer equivalent of those idiots everyone knew in high school who basically think a math degree means you can add and multiply bigger and bigger numbers

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Anonymous No. 16061545

>so basically you have absolutely no idea what a math PhD means and no idea how to actually turn that into any business idea either
If you didn't know how to turn the degree into an income why did you start, work on, and complete the degree? You have no idea what to do, you complain to an audience, and you snub every response that suggests work instead of validating your preconceptions. You're a cliche: "I don't want you to solve my problems; I want you to listen to them!" Boomer anon was right.

Anonymous No. 16061623

applied math (physics analytical modelling)

El ArcĂłn No. 16061635

>what a math PhD means and no idea how to actually turn that into any business idea
If you got a PhD in math for some reason other than that you wanted to learn about advanced mathematics, you've almost certainly erred.

Anonymous No. 16061668

phd holders knew what they signed up for
they were told many times there were no jobs, and they answered back that they didnt do it for money. Its a cliche.
Regardless, math people can just get normal jobs, maybe in a bank or as a programmer

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Anonymous No. 16061729

>this would require at most high-school level mathematical skills
so because you have a phd you can't do high-school level math anymore? are you stupid?
you know why it's actually something you can do whereas people with no math-background can't? They can not conceive of the idea and they can not conceive of the methods to make it happen. Go to your local McDonalds or Bakery or whatever and ask the employees if they know what an ARIMA model is. There's your answer right there.
>his PhD is absolutely irrelevant to this.
his PhD enables him to know shit others don't know. That's the whole magic: conceive of problems in ways others can't and come up with solutions unimaginable to them. If the solution is simple or 'high-school level': all the better: makes it more robust (in most cases). In the end it all boils down to cooking with water anyway.
>you basically come across ... who basically think a math degree means you can add and multiply bigger and bigger numbers
yah, and you gonna be the trained math-monkey for people like me. have fun, anon.

Anonymous No. 16061741

>this would require at most high-school level mathematical skills
oh yeah, I forgot one thing: replace the coffee machines with stock options or futures and suddenly you need a math degree to get an employment doing this.
isn't that interesting you arrogant little prick?

Anonymous No. 16061760

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

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Anonymous No. 16061764

>2 years away from ending PhD
>see job market candidates ahead of me get no jobs or shit jobs

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Anonymous No. 16061791

The people you see scrambling now weren't trying to get anything done two years ahead of time.

Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16061829

teach other retards to have a useless degree

Anonymous No. 16062155

I’m not OP retard.
No, the point is that his skills are not in business creation. He could feel free to go for something like that but if he’s been out of work for years this is almost surely bad advice because he has no edge and the vast majority of business ideas fail and leave the entrepreneur in the hole. If you were as wise on this as you like to sound with your vague bullshit ideas you’d know this. A math PhD does not give him an edge in any other niche but research. That’s the whole point of the term “postdoc trap.” What he needs is just basic work in the meantime and he can figure something out longer term in the future. It would unironically be better advice to tell him to learn to code than to do what you’re doing, which is offering “advice” which is actually just an excuse for you to try and show off as if you’re Le self made man despite the fact your suggestions are all stupid and clearly demonstrate you have no clue what his skills are likely to be in reality.
No you don’t. That is my job and we’re degree agnostic when hiring.

Anonymous No. 16062171

dig up new dog shitting locations

Anonymous No. 16062325

they study the talmud