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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16062113

Why don't we just make it a standard thing that everyone gets all their teeth replaced with dental implants as soon as they're an adult? Imagine how much money you would save over your life if you never had to brush your teeth or go to the dentist again. Your teeth are all going to rot away anyway over your life so why not just preemptively get rid of them?

Anonymous No. 16062116

Why not just kill everyone? Then nobody will ever need a doctor anymore.

Anonymous No. 16062118

There's literally no downside to replacing teeth with implants though.

Anonymous No. 16062131

It doesnt not solve the issue of teethy blowjobs in women

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Anonymous No. 16062134

You still have to brush your teeth and go to the dentist with dental implants; in many ways they're LESS robust than organic teeth

Pic related, I don't think it's gore because there's technically no actual teeth in it

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Anonymous No. 16062193

We should also remove people's fingernails and toenails at birth

Anonymous No. 16062194

Lets just chop every guy's cock off at birth just in case they become a tranny, there's literally no downside to doing so

Anonymous No. 16062252

We should actually. I god damn hate my fingernails and toenails. And earlobes. Fuck earlobes. I get painful cysts in mine. Fuck that pointless shit. I'd slice that shit off if I had the balls.

On a related note, I ripped off my plica fimbriata myself cause they were pissing me off. Fortunately those don't grow back.

Anonymous No. 16062258

dentists would make less money that way

Anonymous No. 16062332

Teeth are the worst-designed aspect of the human body

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth

>if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks

>for some reason, teeth are plaque magnets

>They’re entirely misleading because they look like bones but they aren’t bones mainly because they can’t fucking regenerate. The one part of my body that looks like a bone and feels like a bone, and would be really handy if it had the ability to regenerate like a bone, isn’t a bone and can’t regenerate.

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed

>teeth often just don’t come in right at all and it sometimes requires surgery

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not

>bonus: ruins blowjob

I even tried to start proactively cleaning plaque between my teeth with interdental brushes for only to have plaque build up EVEN FASTER than it was before. What the actual fuck fuck you scientists now my breathe smells like poop

Anonymous No. 16062339

Pretty sure that if you clean your teeth too often the bacteria in your mouth will build up a resistance or something to the toothpaste.

Anonymous No. 16062346

My dentist has started doing rudimentary plastic surgery to supplement their income.

Anonymous No. 16062349

And to be clear I mean shit like facelifts/botox/dermal fillers. Not anything teeth related.

I think they should also move into hair cuts/care for maximum return to tradition.

Anonymous No. 16062362

How many people can afford full implants? Bro people can't even afford places to live and you want them to pay upfront?

Anonymous No. 16062366

Na most antibacterials cannot be resisted and the flouride is for reinforcement against acid not killing the bacteria. Brushing also physically removes them and most of their food supply so it's hard for it to be considered negative (other than the time waste of course)

Anonymous No. 16062436

>It is possible to genetically engineer Streptococcus mutans, the dominant human mouth bacteria, to produce ethanol instead of cavity-causing lactic acid. Further modifications cause it to outcompete native mouth bacteria, without spreading outside of the mouth. All research suggests that a one-time brushing of this GMO strain onto the teeth will dramatically reduce, or entirely eliminate, dental caries.
>A variant of this organism was first created in 1985, and volunteers deliberately inoculated themselves with the modified strain. This has, to our knowledge, caused no ill effects since.
Of course this got nowhere because it would drive the grifters known as dentists out of business. Friendly reminder dentists induce teeth damage and peddle unnecessary expensive treatments for no reason other than personal profit

Anonymous No. 16062458

Makes me wonder if there are people alive whose mouth environment naturally predisposes them to having ethanol producing bacteria. Of course it is still ethanol, literally alcohol, so it would be banned in muslim countries.

Anonymous No. 16062463


Anonymous No. 16062468

Have you actually had your tooth replaced like this? I have and it doesnt feel good.

You only have to do all the shit because of modern diets being terrible. Many studies have been done on tribes found by europeans as the colonized the new world and oceania and they all had excellent teeth.

Anonymous No. 16062471

Unless you intend to be the best-of-the-best at something with the demand, it makes much more sense to diversify.

Anonymous No. 16062490

We didn't evolve to eat grains and refined sugar. Eliminate those, breathe through your nose, and all the issues disappear.

Anonymous No. 16062516

Dental hygiene and dentistry in general is mostly total horseshit. Some people obsess about that shit and all their teeth fall out. Others never brush and have perfect teeth, not to mention all pre-modern societies did not brush and broadly had pretty good teeth. There seems to be some combination of abnormal oral biome and genetics that fucks your teeth up regardless of brushing or not.

Anonymous No. 16062517

I assume selling the bacteria would tie you up in so much red tape that it would never happen, but I wonder how hard it would be to sell kits for people to make them themselves. You could market it as just an educational tool or something.

Anonymous No. 16062521

because that is bad for your jaw, has the possibility of having very bad complications and they don't fix themselves like actual biological teeth
keeping your teeth as long as possible is the best bet

Anonymous No. 16062532

Because the jaw bone would decay and possibly die

Anonymous No. 16062547

The implants actually wear down more.
Romans didn't have tooth decay, the decay is probably caused by malnutrition. We could likely regrow teeth, actually.

Anonymous No. 16062554

>We could likely regrow teeth
I met a chick with hyperdontia once. You don't want that shit.

Incidentally she could also breath through her ears. Not sure what was up with that.

Anonymous No. 16062562

B-b-but capitalism breeds innovation!

Anonymous No. 16062565

>Romans didn't have tooth decay, the decay is probably caused by malnutrition.
Spurious claims. What was the Roman diet? Was it the same for all social classes? Did none of them have tooth decay? Not even slaves? What about compared to contemporaneous civilisations? What were their diets like?

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Anonymous No. 16062612

Let's just go all out and replace the full teeth with titanium

Anonymous No. 16062616

ok ye

Anonymous No. 16062618

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
That a diet issue though. Obviously are teeth can't keep up with all the modern crap people put inside. Why would it? It's unnatural

Anonymous No. 16062635

>You don't want that shit.
Why not, assuming they grow a replacement abd not as spurious teeth somewhere in your mouth?
>Spurious claims.
Not at all. Iglt's based on actual human remains, there was little need for dentistry no matter your social status. As other civilizations, the diet was heavily grain based, and little to no meat unless you were rich.

Anonymous No. 16062639

>Romans didn't have tooth decay

Anonymous No. 16062640

>>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
Skill issue, I have all of mine.

Anonymous No. 16062644

Yes, they did have it, but it wasn't commonly needed.
A treatment that existed doesn't imply that it was common. Glasses also existed long before most people needed them.

Anonymous No. 16062645

So eating gruel your whole life with the occasional bit of meat is all the nutrition you need and anything more is "malnutrition"?

Anonymous No. 16062647

They knew bread. There are probably micronutrients missing. Most plants are flexible in what they are able to deal with.

Anonymous No. 16062669

Nails are a very useful tool for humans, you are making a huge mistake underestimating the ability to scratch and the precision gained with thin nails when doing manipulation of small items (example: taking out the blade of a small swiss knife)

Anonymous No. 16062677

Dry bread. So nutricious.

Anonymous No. 16062679

Will I at least get a cinco phone for my troubles?

Anonymous No. 16062755

Unironically most of these things can be prevented if you minimize processed foods and sugar.
And eat some diet rich in milk and proteins (I'm not a ketolard). And I 'm not even strict and I did it unconsciously with my diet. And NO, It's not genetics.
>I brush my teeth 1-2 times a day
>Never had plaque
>My teeth have grown nicely and I have good arching
>My wisdom teeth have grown out smoothly with no pain
Meanwhile my relatives:
>Are plagued with teeth problems
Crooked teeth
>Most of them had braces and teeth removed
>Their wisdow teeth caused them hell.
>they eat shit ton of processed food and sweets
Same things can be applied to immunity
Dr.Weston Price figured it out perfectly way before mainstream soience start plaguing us with nonsense. Just eat natural tasty food that isn't processed to oblivion, It's fucking poisining and degenerating you

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Anonymous No. 16062911


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Anonymous No. 16062926

lots of downsides: your jaw shrinks because implants do not transfer force as effectively - and that in the long run causes your whole skull to lose structure resulting in you looking worse + older + ugl0r. also given that shitty skull means shitty sinuses you will have a harder time breathing (not that you actually realise it once it happens) and that will overall impact your whole quality of life since it makes any kind of exercise more inconvenient resulting in you moving less which will lead you down the road of becoming a disgusting fat slob with health issues who feels deeply depressed because his lack of exercise doesn't hold the systemic inflammation at bay that is caused by your now preferred diet consisting of soft processed food.

Anonymous No. 16063027

More gum disease, more bone loss, possible nerve damage + infection still need dental cleaning
A good implant costs 10G
> player

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Anonymous No. 16063055

That's literally what happens in America

Anonymous No. 16063087

KEK, no wonder they are full of trans people

Anonymous No. 16063126

just brush your fucking teeth or at least chew some fucking sugarfree gum you disgusting fuck

Anonymous No. 16063127

There are some ways in which teeth repair micro scale damage, or just keep themselves from getting worse, they're part living tissue, which exist in a stable state achieved through constant stream of low entropy. Titanium teeth, as stable as they would be could only get worse with time, and accumulation of damage over time would destroy them, not accounting for all the stuff that having a metal screw in your jaw could lead to.

Anonymous No. 16063529

Actually, I want to ask something about teeth w/o starting a thread

Do you think it's worth getting an implant? What if we get super science in 5 years and we can activate the 3rd teeth to grow in our jaws? I know it's sorta silly, but technology is really profiting from machine learning finding out new pathways in the metabolone and molecules in biochemistry.

I lost a tooth beofore middle age thanks to my parents not giving a fuck when I was around 9...

Anonymous No. 16063564

>"What if we get super science in 5 years"
There will never be super science

Anonymous No. 16063843

We already have super science, it's just called science. Imagine how surprised people from the past would be at what we've achieved, I'd call that pretty super.

Anonymous No. 16063897

Fucking imbeciles. The reason teeth get rotten has already been settled, it's because you eat carbohydrates. There's no dispute in the medical literature on this. No carbohydrates, as with a carnivore diet, means no tooth decay even if you don't brush your teeth. Gee, I wonder if eating a food that causes the hardest substance in our body to rot means that humans aren't designed to be eating it and are more designed to derive their nutrition from animal sourced foods? Tooth decay is an example of evolutionary mismatch, we simply weren't meant to be eating carbohydrates. Take my redpill, anon.

Anonymous No. 16064242

So the amylase in our saliva was just evolution making a mistake?

Anonymous No. 16064568

That's bullshit. They gave hard candy to retards who probably chewed on it, and broke their teeth.

Anonymous No. 16064668

Vitamin C strongly indicates humans have required fruit very recently in our history. Maybe it was low sugar fruit, but I kinda doubt it. You can get some vitamin C from raw meat, but all evidence indicates humans have been cooking meat for 1 million years or more.

Anonymous No. 16064681


~25 years ago, some researchers modified the bacteria responsible for tooth decay to make them no longer produce lactic acid. this strain in particular outcompetes the normal strain, so once infected you no longer have cavities. forever. some of the researchers colonized it in their own mouths and were still colonized 15 years later. we've already figured out how to fix tooth decay. one of my favorite papers.
an interesting question is why nothing further has been done with the research.

Anonymous No. 16064751

evolution isn't god, idiot
it's a buzzword mostly, and in reality it's just statistical optimization

Anonymous No. 16064769

The best thing you can do is to drink water and rinse your mouth after a high sugar food. And use baking soda to neutralize the bacterial acids.

Anonymous No. 16064775

Having people's teeth grow back like a shark should be a long-term eugenics goal.

Anonymous No. 16064776

>we started eating a bunch of grains and starches and FOR SOME MYSTERIOUS REASON now our teeth are rotting out of our heads!
yeah wow what a mystery

>Skeletal analyses of human remains from early agricultural centers throughout the world indicate that this revolution significantly affected overall human health. This paper will address some of the drastic effects of this transition as evidenced by craniofacial changes related to masticatory function, declines in oral health, increased spread of pathogens, infectious disease, and zoonoses, as well as a variety of ailments which have been linked to nutritional deficiencies and increased physical stress on the human body.

Anonymous No. 16064782

Modern hunter-gatherer tribes eat tons of fruit and honey and have perfectly healthy teeth. What fucks your teeth is complex carbs, not simple carbs. The #1 food that humans are obviously "meant to eat" is fruit. We have incredibly powerful taste receptors for sweetness and we wouldn't have them if we were supposed to eat nothing but meat or whatever this autist >>16063897 is trying to shill.

The problem is that autistic people don't understand nuance so when an autistic guy like that starts getting into nutrition, they don't know how to engage with the topic except via harsh black and white divisions. Processed sugars are bad? That means that ALL carbs are bad, no exceptions, fruit is poison, all you should eat is meat. Any time you see someone trying to mix culture war cringe with health recommendations
>here's my diet redpill!!!
then you can safely write them off as retarded.

Anonymous No. 16064793

>I even tried to start proactively cleaning plaque between my teeth with interdental brushes for only to have plaque build up EVEN FASTER than it was before.
this is disinformation. I used interdental brushes and they saved my teeth. Waay less cavities and plaque, all my gum bleeding stopped.
The difference in cleaning power is obvious when i brush and then use the picks, and they take out large bits of food the brush skipped over.

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circumcision caus....jpg

Anonymous No. 16064809


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16064829

We aren't built to eat too much meat, and get poisoned by eating more than a little. It just leaves behind obvious evidence in the form of animal bones...
It's very likely a mitronutrient deficiency, likely one that plants can reasonably do with.

Anonymous No. 16064832

We aren't built to eat too much meat, and get poisoned by eating more than a little. It just leaves behind obvious evidence in the form of animal bones...
It's very likely a mitronutrient deficiency, likely one that plants can reasonably do without

Anonymous No. 16064891

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
This is mostly an American thing. (((Dentists))) push for wisdom tooth removal for "preventative" reasons so that they can make a profit. Wisdom tooth removal is less widespread in places like Europe so I've heard.

Anonymous No. 16064959

I was always surprised how americans talk about wisdom teeth removal as something like an inevitable coming of age event, it is not common at all in europe and probably the rest of the world.
We do it when it is needed, but the "preemptive removal" is something never heard of.

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Anonymous No. 16064975

>mfw reading these periodical dental threads as local /sci/ dentist

Anonymous No. 16064976

much cheaper to just eat MK-7 supplement

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16064983

Americans are visibly more deformed, so probably most of them needs it anyway. We may see it too in a decade or two.

Anonymous No. 16064986

Americans are visibly more deformed, so probably most of them need it anyway. We may see it too in a decade or two.

Anonymous No. 16064999

That is not just a tooth implant. That is someone who clearly had really bad gum disease also.

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Anonymous No. 16065035

>never had to brush your teeth or go to the dentist again
Dental implants are even higher maintenance than real teeth. The gum doesn't adhere to them, so you get food stuck under the gumline and have to do a lot more flossing to get rid of it.
>Your teeth are all going to rot away anyway over your life
Implants don't always last forever either, and once they fail it's tricky to replace them because you've already drilled the bone. You're much better off getting maximum lifespan out of your original teeth first.
If you wanted to replace teeth (or any body part) pre-emptively I'd wait until you're old enough that things are beginning to wear out, but not so old that you're at high risk of complications from elective surgery.

Anonymous No. 16065038

Yes you are

Right. You're beginning to get annoying

Anonymous No. 16065147

>Modern hunter-gatherer tribes eat tons of fruit and honey and have perfectly healthy teeth.
Fucking imbecile.

The Hadza have tooth decay:
The earliest evidence from late Pleistocene ancient hunter-gatherers indicates that tooth decay started when carb intake increased:

Anonymous No. 16065149

I know it's a joke about circumcision but the thought and the picture give be the creeps.

Anonymous No. 16065177

>So the amylase in our saliva was just evolution making a mistake?
Fucking imbecile.

Cats also produce the amylase enzyme (that's why they can survive on modern cat food which is just pea protein with starch), does that mean they're meant to eat carbs and evolution made a mistake?

A gene from an earlier ancestor being conserved only means that there was no evolutionary pressure to force it to be dropped.

Higher amylase genes are actually an indication of late stage adaptations to high starch consumption.

Anonymous No. 16065180

>Vitamin C strongly indicates humans have required fruit

Fucking imbecile. Even cooked meat cures scurvy (so it has more than enough vitamin C - ascorbic acid as well as other forms like dehydroascorbic acid which is much better absorbed but gets ignored - to reverse vitamin C deficiency).

> The surgeon-in-chief of Napoleon's army at the Siege of Alexandria (1801), Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, wrote in his memoirs that the consumption of horse meat helped the French to curb an epidemic of scurvy. The meat was cooked but was freshly obtained from young horses bought from Arabs, and was nevertheless effective. This helped to start the 19th-century tradition of horse meat consumption in France.

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Anonymous No. 16065237

Fake teeth look unnatural
Fake teeth need maintenance too. You're not brushing your teeth to make them white. You brush them to remove bacteria, plack and other build up
And this, for what? Because you are too lazy to brush your teeth for 1 minute every day, or every other day if you're lazy?
By the time you opened 4chan to even make this post, you could've brushed your teeth. It's not hard.

Anonymous No. 16065278

No, you’re a fucking moron. The amount of vitamin c to treat scurvy is not enough. Most people on a carnivore diet need ascorbic acid supplementation to be healthy. I can’t believe you think treating scurvy is why we need vitamin c. Please remove yourself from this conversation, and possibly life if you think I care about your ignorant opinions.

Anonymous No. 16065287

Bone does not accept screws very well. It also recedes, some people need bone grafts before the implant.
It would be easier to replace the entire dental arcs with granpa dents.

Anonymous No. 16065292

Fucking idiot. My point was not that scurvy was all that mattered, but that the fact that cooked meat reverses it means that it contains more than enough to reverse deficiency.

The claims regarding the RDA of vitamin C are entirely based off pointless speculation, about its antioxidant properties (but you don't need it in a meat only diet as you get plenty of endogenous uric acid (a more potent antioxidant than vitamin C - and the inability to break it down comes from the same gene mutation that removed our ability to endogenously produce ascorbic acid) and gluthatione), and speculative benefits regarding metabolic syndrome (which is solved by a meat only diet).

Go sell your vitamin C supplements to someone as gullible as you, I'm not fooled by BS snake oil salesmen like you.

Anonymous No. 16065296

All well and good saying its modern diet. Issue is that grains have been the best food to farm: low space needed, vitally it stores for a long time.
If we all had to eat meat, feeding ourselves would be expensive.

Fact of the matter is, teeth are not fit for purpose. We need to use eugenics to fix this.

Anonymous No. 16065300

>I assume selling the bacteria would tie you up in so much red tape that it would never happe
Absolutely. Government interference in the market is the sole cause of all our woes. Regulations destroy competition and innovation.

Anonymous No. 16065303

That's a separate issue. Also you can choose yourself to eat exclusively animal sourced foods as others are lured into low quality plant foods.

Anonymous No. 16065305

do a better job and people wont come up with these ideas

reminder that the legal mandate of dentist licenses increases the price of dentistry

Anonymous No. 16065321

People who suggest either diet changes or hygiene changes have the same flaw to their plan: most people have the wrong genetics to be capable of following through on these lifestyle changes.
Most people are impulsive and have low intelligence; they're unlikely to carry out these changes, people should stop expecting the population's dental health to improve using either of these ways.

Worse, there's a trend of lowering intelligence and increasing impulsivity. This is due to dysgenic breeding.

We need eugenics. Both to adapt human teeth to the new environment, and to reverse the dysgenics crisis.

Anonymous No. 16065325

>People who suggest either diet changes or hygiene changes have the same flaw to their plan: most people have the wrong genetics to be capable of following through on these lifestyle changes
Worksforme. Don't care about other people, let them be milked to death by dentists and healthcare leeches.

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Anonymous No. 16065369

a better job in making proactive threads on /sci/ for schizos who belong in x or pol?

or a better job treating the public (read: goyim) that wont make prophylactic appointments and instead only come in when disaster strikes?

t. dentalfag

Anonymous No. 16065402

I do neither of those things and my teeth aren't rotting yet
My gums are infected, have been since I had braces, never went away no matter how much I flossed so I stopped
My gumline receded but not that much and it's been 15 years
I have good enamel and didn't drink soda growing up, but there's a hole in the enamel on the back of one of my front teeth and that never got a cavity either
I scrape my teeth off quick with a fingernail once every day or two and occasionally swish around some water
I brush my teeth maybe twice a year just sort of on impulse but every type of toothpaste makes me gag up mucus for hours after brushing with it, even baking soda, I'm just allergic to toothpastes somehow and have been since I was a child so as an adult I stopped trying

I eat sugary foods, refined grains, trash diet in general, everything
I do not get cavities, sometimes I think I have one but then realize that's just an infected gum aching and poke it for a few days and it goes away
My canines became more pronounced as my other teeth slightly receded but oh well, also I bit into an unripe pear without realizing and sank my bottom front teeth a bit so they no longer quite meet the top teeth when I close my jaw but it is what it is, it's just a very small gap
I also had my braces taken off early because they were annoying me and my teeth didn't get all fucked up
None of my teeth are loose, one I could wiggle a bit once on a really poor diet but I ate some fruit and took multivitamins for a few months and it restuck in place no problem, can't even remember which one it was now, it's so solidly rooted
When my wisdom teeth were coming in the doc showed me xrays and said there was no chance they would come in and would get stuck under my morals so I needed root canal or whatever surgery, I looked at the xray he showed me and it seemed obvious they'd bounce off the molar and grow in, so I kept them and all four did though one is set a little lower than the tooth before it.

Anonymous No. 16065418


Anonymous No. 16065430

Implanys are not "for a lifetime" loke natural teeth. Do you want to replace you implants at 43, then 68, and maybe even at 93? Just brush your fucking teeth.
And floss, goddammit.

Anonymous No. 16065449

if dentistry were cheaper more people would be willing to make prophylactic appointments. Dregulation would go a very long way to reduce dental costs

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Anonymous No. 16065565


Anonymous No. 16065581

>innovation develops
>gov't intervention results in the innovation not being used despite the fact that it would help a lot of people
>why would capitalism do this?

Remove the government that takes bribes from large businesses from the equation and this bacteria would be sold to people. So many problems that people blame on capitalism and try to solve with less capitalism are actually caused by not enough capitalism.

Anonymous No. 16065620

If you believe that bacteria would be the solution, then I have a bridge to sell you.

If I make a drug that lowers mortality from CVD by 100%, would you take it? Now what if I told you that despite lowering CVD it significantly lowered all cause mortality, would you still take it? What makes you think this strain of bacteria won't have any undesirable long term side effects?

Anonymous No. 16065992

> talks exclusively about scurvy
> My point was not that scurvy was all that mattered
You ferret brained retard. Do you think before you type?
At least your second comment addresses my point.
I will grant the RDA of AA is rather arbitrary, but I am also not selling you AA. My point is only the human condition strongly indicates we have always had fruit and vegetables as a major contributor to the human diet, as cooked meat is unlikely to keep human AA levels within healthy ranges (even beyond curing scurvy). Small amounts of leafy greens and fruits will easily keep a human’s biological processes operating normally in a way that requires large amounts of meat. Organ meat is an interesting exception, but I argue observation of lifestyle hunter gatherers show the most important AA organ meats are mostly ignored.

Anonymous No. 16066016

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed
Still have all of mine and no issue with them.
And even if they caused problems I still wouldn't get rid of them since I want to keep my body original with all it's parts.
I actually apply this mentality to every part of my body. Nothing gets removed and nothing gets added. I'll die with the exact same body I was born with.

Anonymous No. 16066047

>when carb intake increased
The soils were already depleted. In fact it was near universal at that point, already post apocalypse.

Anonymous No. 16066048

It isn't conserved, we produce more than other apes.

Anonymous No. 16066053

You are mentaly ill. People did suffer from scurvy. It's completely preposterous that a hypercarnivore would need it in diet.

Anonymous No. 16066123

>systematic harvesting and processing of edible wild plants, including acorns and pine nuts
I said fruit and honey, not acorns. If you eat a food you're not designed to eat (nuts) then you will suffer negative health effects. Per your own study, you retarded idiot,
>We infer that increased reliance on wild plants rich in fermentable carbohydrates caused an early shift toward a disease-associated oral microbiota.
Which is exactly what I said - complex carbs fuck your teeth.

Regarding your other study, it literally confirms what I said:
>Our results showed that women living in villages consuming a mostly agricultural diet exhibited more caries and periodontal disease than those living in the bush consuming a mostly wild-food diet.
Get the fuck out of here with this weak shit. The only thing that might be vaguely contradictory to my post is the claim that the hunter-gatherer men specifically have higher rates of tooth decay, but they don't know why and they point out that this is unusual:
>The unexpected discovery of high caries incidences for men in the bush is likely explained by heavy reliance on honey, and perhaps differential access to tobacco and marijuana.

Given that the women in the bush also eat lots of honey, while smoking is something only done by males, I think it's reasonable to assume that they're having smoking-related tooth decay, not dietary tooth decay. If it were the diet, women would show the same decay, and they don't. And I can tell you from personal experience that eating a lot of honey causes a huge reduction in plaque.

You are not a carnivore, you will never be a carnivore, your fad diet is a moronic attempt to cope with your inability to lose weight.

Anonymous No. 16066188

It's a missing nutrient and it isn't fluoride, they probably got that wrong. We wouldn't need dentists if it worked. It's something else.

Anonymous No. 16066242

>if you eat poison and it makes you sick then it just means you weren't getting enough of this mystery micronutrient that we have yet to discover
no you retard, it means that you should stop eating poison

Anonymous No. 16066248

What the fuck are you talking about you stipid schizo?

Anonymous No. 16066257

>writes shit like
>calls other people schizo
really makes you think

Anonymous No. 16066264

There is nothing schizo about either of that.

Anonymous No. 16066274

>Imagine how much money you would save over your life if you never had to brush your teeth or go to the dentist again.
>>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth
stop eating processed foods, start eating whole foods especially organ meats, eat saturated fats like butter, cream, milk, cheese (preferably all raw)
stop using conventional toothpaste or stop using toothpaste altogether, just brush your teeth with water
as long as you eat a nutrient dense diet your teeth will take care of themselves
your gut health is what determines the smell of your breath
anyone who says your breath will stink if you dont brush is self reporting an unhealthy gut microbiome
>Dental hygiene and dentistry in general is mostly total horseshit. Some people obsess about that shit and all their teeth fall out. Others never brush and have perfect teeth, not to mention all pre-modern societies did not brush and broadly had pretty good teeth.

Anonymous No. 16066280

>schizo doesn't think his own posts are schizo
a tale as old as time

Anonymous No. 16066283

>Unironically most of these things can be prevented if you minimize processed foods and sugar.
mostly true but it requires your parents to avoid goyslop even before conception ideally, most of us are fed grains and sneed oils as soon as we are 1 year old
I would say it's mostly genetic when you're consuming such a nutrient deficient diet
if everyone ate whole foods the genetics wouldn't matter since your face would fill out like it naturally would

Anonymous No. 16066285

>What if we get super science in 5 years and we can activate the 3rd teeth to grow in our jaws?
you have to be 18 to post here

Anonymous No. 16066287

>but all evidence indicates humans have been cooking meat for 1 million years or more.
these are beliefs, there is no evidence for this you colossal retard

Anonymous No. 16066291

stfu quack nobody cares about what you have to say

Anonymous No. 16066292

>have no idea what you're talking about
>call other people retards
Son, you could have spent 10 seconds googling this before making a fool of yourself.


Anonymous No. 16066295

>muh plant foods are actually so good if only the soil wasnt ruined
just eat meat faggot

Anonymous No. 16066298

>links to someone spouting their beliefs because it confirms his own beliefs
I'm not interested in your religion, chief

Anonymous No. 16066316

>fossil evidence of the use of fire to cook meat is a "belief"
Protestants get more insane every day, don't they?

Anonymous No. 16066335

It doesn't matter that much what you eat when there are nutrients missing from soil. They do eat meat, a lot.

Anonymous No. 16066337

>anon forgot how the circle of life works
Where do you think the nutrients in meat come from?

Anonymous No. 16066372

>mostly true but it requires your parents to avoid goyslop even before conception ideally, most of us are fed grains and sneed oils as soon as we are 1 year old
soon as we are 1 year old
Literally THIS.
stupid parents will just feed goyslop laced with sneed oils and harsh processing chemicals to their children in peak development years instead of preparing good food for them. The results, a degeneration in brain growth, teeth forming, fucked up immune system and most commonly this days, a body full of fat deposit that fucks up blood circulation and metabolism.

Anonymous No. 16066376

ok guys, can you solve this mystery?
>be my 1 year younger brother
>hated brushing teeth since I remember
>completely stopped brushing in our teens when parents stopped tracking
>has a diet full of carbs, sugar and processed junk
>3 cans of red bull every day, plus coffee with sugar
>smoked and drink alcohol for 5 years in his early 20s
>had wisdom teeth removed some time ago
>perfectly healthy teeth otherwise
>never has breath smell, plaque build up or a toothache
>be me in my early 30s
>brush my teeth twice a day since I could remember myself
>have a healthy diet with meats, veggies and dairy
>limited amount of sugar and processed food for the last 10+ years
>never smoked, rarely drink, never did drugs
>had 3 cavities
>probably more trouble coming because I feel some pain deep in my chin from time to time
How is this even possible? I'm not jealous, I'm happy that he has good teeth, but how is this phenomenon could be even explained? The only explanation I could come up is that brushing teeth is bad for you, but that doesn't make sense. I see a noticeable plaque build up in 2 days if I don't brush.

Anonymous No. 16066394

Why don't we make brushing teeth a standard thing?

Anonymous No. 16066433

>you don't believe in my religion?
>you must be part of [other religion]
no nigger, I just don't base my worldview on beliefs that I have deluded myself into believing are facts

Anonymous No. 16066541

Fucking imbecile. If cooked meat was unlikely to keep human AA and DHA levels within healthy ranges then it wouldn't reverse scurvy and it would in fact induce scurvy.

Why do you only talk about AA and not DHA which has much better absorption?

Anonymous No. 16066545

Fucking idiot. Ruminants can move and ingest much more, they're not limited like plants to whatever is present in their local soil.

Anonymous No. 16066548

Fucking imbecile. Other animals don't need to brush their teeth to not get tooth decay.

Anonymous No. 16066562

Can you just fucking shut up?

Anonymous No. 16066565

>I said fruit and honey, not acorns. If you eat a food you're not designed to eat (nuts) then you will suffer negative health effects. Per your own study, you retarded idiot,
Fucking imbecile. Starches are less cariogenic than sucrose, so the effect would be more pronounced with fruits (especially acidic fruits) and honey.

>Get the fuck out of here with this weak shit. The only thing that might be vaguely contradictory to my post is the claim that the hunter-gatherer men specifically have higher rates of tooth decay, but they don't know why and they point out that this is unusual:
Fucking idiot. My claim only requires the existence of tooth decay in both groups (and you moronically claimed that tooth decay categorically did not exist in >>16064782), not that one has more than the other.

Anonymous No. 16066627

Shut up.

Anonymous No. 16066707

>It isn't conserved, we produce more than other apes.
Fucking imbecile. That indicates a late stage adaptation to high starch diets (ironically higher amylase would lead to more tooth decay kek), see:

>"The few Neandertal and Denisovan genetic samples have only two AMY1 copies (G. H. Perry et al., 2015), similar to chimpanzees, which consume little starch. G. H. Perry et al. (2015) conclude that the common ancestor of Neandertals and H. sapiens, some 500–600 Kya, also had only two copies, a conclusion supported by Inchley et al. (2016)."
>DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24247

Anonymous No. 16066901

but what if?

Anonymous No. 16066972

>Ruminants can move and ingest much more
You're so close, anon. What do those ruminants ingest, exactly? If the soil is depleted and the plants have less nutrients, then the effect on the nutrient content of the animals that eat those plants will be...?

>I have no idea what I'm talking about but let me lecture you on this topic anyway
You're a fucking embarrassment, anon. Truly. Sugars don't stay in the mouth long enough to cause any significant bacteria growth. Starches, on the other hand, adhere to the surface of the teeth and remain in the mouth much longer, spurring bacteria growth. This has not only been proven via modern studies, but is readily observable via the fossil record, which shows and very clear and abrupt decline in dental health coinciding with the transition from hunter-gatherers to sedentary agriculturalists.

Take some time to educate yourself so you don't spout off this stupid shit in the next thread, ok?
>Skeletal analyses of human remains from early agricultural centers throughout the world indicate that this revolution significantly affected overall human health. This paper will address some of the drastic effects of this transition as evidenced by craniofacial changes related to masticatory function, declines in oral health, increased spread of pathogens, infectious disease, and zoonoses, as well as a variety of ailments which have been linked to nutritional deficiencies and increased physical stress on the human body.

Anonymous No. 16066976

>My claim only requires the existence of tooth decay in both groups (and you moronically claimed that tooth decay categorically did not exist in >>16064782 (You)), not that one has more than the other.
Hunter-gatherer tribes living traditionally do not have tooth decay and nothing about the link you posted disproves that fact. There is nothing traditional about smoking tobacco and marijuana, which are both known causes of tooth decay.

Anonymous No. 16067054

>Hunter-gatherer tribes living traditionally do not have tooth decay and nothing about the link you posted disproves that fact. There is nothing traditional about smoking tobacco and marijuana, which are both known causes of tooth decay.
Fucking idiot. The women in that study weren't smokers yet had tooth decay (by your own admission "smoking is something only done by males").

Anonymous No. 16067065

>You're so close, anon. What do those ruminants ingest, exactly? If the soil is depleted and the plants have less nutrients, then the effect on the nutrient content of the animals that eat those plants will be...?
Fucking imbecile. The effect won't be anywhere close to those chomping on plants from mineral depleted soils, and doesn't explain how people on carnivore diets don't develop tooth decay. But this is just a red herring, the carbohydrate induced etiology of tooth decay is uncontested in the medical literature.

>Sugars don't stay in the mouth long enough to cause any significant bacteria growth.
Fucking idiot. This is the most idiotic thing in this thread and that's saying something. Check table 3 here (this is an in vivo experiment): "Potential cariogenicity of starches and fruits as assessed by the plaque-sampling method and an intraoral cariogenicity test."

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Anonymous No. 16067096

Your diet is clearly deficient to support healthy brain function. You cannot induce scurvy. Scurvy is the lack of a nutrient, not the effect of exposure, and my arguments imply nothing close to your moronic conjectures. Only an imbecilic failed abortion would argue this as you have. Your inability to achieve education or meaningful contribution to humanity is hereby noted. Although wasted upon your pudding brain, I will inform you of this fact: AA does more than prevent scurvy. The threshold to prevent scurvy is not the only desirable effect of AA.
Please have a qualified individual count your chromosomes and take appropriate action immediately. Your continued unsupervised access to the Internet is worrying.
You see, child, I am only discussing AA, because I can focus my discussion on the relevant points. as my original comment here:
You may note at that time, I chose to discuss AA (vitamin c, as I called it at that time) because plants do not usually provide much DHA. Further, animal metabolisms will convert between those two compounds, and it is pointless to handle them separately, since their concentrations vary directly. Any attempt to handle them separately is an exercise in wasting time. And since my original comment was to discuss the role of plant foods in keeping humans healthy, it was pointless to handle every nuance in a comment on an image board, frequented by the mentally disabled.

Anonymous No. 16067099

Fucking imbecile. Your comments don't address none of my arguments so there's nothing to respond to. And thanks for revealing further your imbecility, you didn't even consider DHA.

Anonymous No. 16067110

Looks painful

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Anonymous No. 16067331

>don’t address none of my arguments
Thank you for admitting I have bested you. Perhaps your new found humility will help you be less retarded in the future. At the very least you will find a new respect for avoiding double negatives. I’m not sure why you think addressing DHA makes people intelligent. It clearly doesn’t. You lack even sufficient intelligence to operate the English language. Well, to be fair, I probably don’t speak your ESL Durka Durka. I won’t repeat myself except to say if you read my previous comment, I explained why it’s perfectly reasonable to not address DHA on a topic regarding AA. A pity you couldn’t understand it. Education will make you free.

Anonymous No. 16067356

Did your brother get fluoride varnish and you started skipping it? I seen some dental practices which will not default offer a varnish treatment on adults because adults “don’t need it”. But fact is, middle class kids with good dental coverage may never see a cavity in their lives so long as the visit the dentist twice a year, even if they don’t brush because of that varnish. Their gums will be wrecked, but still…

Anonymous No. 16067671

Nothing is stopping you op. Go ahead.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16067687

this is the most stupid thing I heard all week, maybe a month.

some people are truly and deeply morbidly stupid.

Anonymous No. 16068137

>if you take some flesh from an acidic fruit and hold it in your mouth against your teeth for an extended period then it will encourage bacteria growth
wow incredible
such an insightful study
very useful

Anonymous No. 16068160

>people on carnivore diets don't develop tooth decay
Interesting how you have lots of studies to post when you're trying to debunk other people but none in support of your own claims. Go ahead, post the study of the carnivorous tribe of humans who are completely free from tooth decay.

Oh, wait...there are no carnivorous humans, are there? Should we start referring to it as a faith-based diet? You're welcome to post a study if you'd like to prove me wrong but I don't think you will.

Anonymous No. 16068211

Fucking imbecile. Vitamin C intake depends on both AA intake AND DHA intake. There's no reason to suppose that meat intake alone wouldn't provide adequate vitamin C supply for adequate health beyond your arbitrary estimates.

Anonymous No. 16068218

>Interesting how you have lots of studies to post when you're trying to debunk other people but none in support of your own claims.
Fucking idiot. Meat is essentially carb-free, no carbs no tooth decay. The etiology is known and there's no way you can get tooth decay without the cariogenic substrate.

>Oh, wait...there are no carnivorous humans, are there?
Fucking imbecile. Never heard of the Maasai, Inuits, or all the others?

>Should we start referring to it as a faith-based diet? You're welcome to post a study if you'd like to prove me wrong but I don't think you will.
Fucking NPC. Look at the work of:

Anonymous No. 16068220

They used to do this. My grandfather had all his teeth out at 18

Anonymous No. 16068228

>if you take some flesh from an acidic fruit and hold it in your mouth against your teeth for an extended period then it will encourage bacteria growth
Fucking idiot. That's not what the experiment consisted of. Glad you're now desperately strawmaning the study as it shows your argument holds no weight.

Anonymous No. 16068231

>doesn't post any studies
Yeah, that's what I thought. Last chance to prove me wrong by posting even one single study in support of your claims. Are you seriously telling me that there isn't even ONE?

>mfw he unironically linked to a blog written by some jew
I know that carnivore guys are retarded but come on, seriously?

>Never heard of the Maasai, Inuits, or all the others?
Oh I've heard of them, just perhaps not filtered through the mind of "Michael Goldstein". Maybe I can tell you some things that you haven't heard, though.

>While it is not possible to cultivate native plants for food in the Arctic, Inuit have traditionally gathered those that are naturally available, including:
>Berries including crowberry and cloudberry
>Herbaceous plants such as grasses and fireweed
>Tubers and stems including mousefood, roots of various tundra plants which are cached by voles in burrows.
>Roots such as tuberous spring beauty and sweet vetch
If a carnivore diet is so obviously superior then why did the traditional Inuit make the often extreme effort to gather and consume literally any and all fruits and tubers they could find?

>Traditionally, the Maasai diet consisted of raw meat, raw milk, honey and raw blood from cattle.
>Although consumed as snacks, fruits constitute a major part of the food ingested by children and women looking after cattle as well as morans in the wilderness.
Maybe I'm confused here but does the carnivore diet include fruit and honey? Fruit as a "major part of the food ingested" by these people you claim are carnivores...interesting.

Anyway, good luck finding that one(1) study in support of your claim that
>people on carnivore diets don't develop tooth decay
Bet you don't find it, though!

Anonymous No. 16068238

>That's not what the experiment consisted of
it literally is though
guess you didnt read past the abstract lmao

Anonymous No. 16068305

>Yeah, that's what I thought. Last chance to prove me wrong by posting even one single study in support of your claims.
Fucking imbecile. Let me dumb it down for your NPC "muh study" mind that's not capable of basic reasoning and logical thinking.

Review study on the etiology of tooth decay: "However, caries will not occur in the absence of a cariogenic (that is, pathogenic) dental biofilm and frequent exposure to dietary carbohydrates, mainly free sugars19,20, and therefore caries must be considered a dietary–microbial disease" DOI:10.1038/nrdp.2017.30

USDA data on carb content of meat: Carbohydrate, 0g

Can you make a logical connection between the two to derive a new statement or should I dumb it down further for you?

>I know that carnivore guys are retarded but come on, seriously?
Fucking idiot. Can't address the claims so he resorts to ad hominems.

>Oh I've heard of them
Fucking imbecile, if you heard about them you wouldn't ask that question in the first place.

>If a carnivore diet is so obviously superior then why did the traditional Inuit make the often extreme effort to gather and consume literally any and all fruits and tubers they could find?
Fucking imbecile. Vilhjalmur Stefansson lived with them for great periods and they would never seek those. But don't move the goal posts here, the original claim was purely about tooth decay.

>Maybe I'm confused here but does the carnivore diet include fruit and honey?
Fucking idiot. We're talking about the traditional Maasai, not the modern ones who have been plagued by flour and other Western goyslop to their detriment.

Anonymous No. 16068313

Fucking idiot. The experiment was measuring how much enamel was being leeched away not just bacterial growth.

Anonymous No. 16068344

>he admits that he didn't actually read it
bro i know that it's fun to google shit and pretend you've found something to support your position but if you've never read the full text (be honest: you don't even have a karger account, do you?) then you probably shouldn't post it because it probably contains some conflicting information you aren't aware of
in this case, the literal details of the methodology used in the experiment (which you referred to as a "strawman" fucking lmao)

>The experiment was measuring how much enamel was being leeched away
and do you imagine having a piece of acidic fruit held against your enamel for an extended period would do anything besides degrade it?
that's what acid does bro

Anonymous No. 16068348

>you don't even have a karger account, do you?
Fucking idiot. As if sci-hub doesn't exist.

>that it's fun to google shit and pretend you've found something to support your position but if you've never read the full text
Fucking imbecile. I referred you to table 3 before, I fully read it. Let me quote from it (p.73): "Oranges and apples were found to produce the most demineralization. [...] With the exception of oranges and apples, all foods produced less demineralization than sucrose, althought not significantly so." All those foods were carbs, and let me remind you from this review study on the etiology of tooth decay: "However, caries will not occur in the absence of a cariogenic (that is, pathogenic) dental biofilm and frequent exposure to dietary carbohydrates, mainly free sugars19,20, and therefore caries must be considered a dietary–microbial disease" DOI:10.1038/nrdp.2017.30

The strawman was you inferring that it only concerned bacterial growth and didn't measure demineralization.

>and do you imagine having a piece of acidic fruit held against your enamel for an extended period would do anything besides degrade it?
Fucking idiot. This shows that your claim that "fruit good for teeth" is bogus. They not only cause caries but also teeth erosion so you end up with translucent teeth. I want you to go to the mirror if you're an avid fruit eater, place some light and see how translucent your teeth are.

Anonymous No. 16068369

>Let me dumb it down for your NPC "muh study" mind that's not capable of basic reasoning and logical thinking.
Oh, so this actually is a faith-based diet? I see, I see. And you learned about all of this from Mr. Goldstein? That's very interesting.

Well, you tried your best (it wasn't very good) and for your next attempt, I'd suggest actually doing some reading on the topic outside of the Goldstein blog. You'll find that you can do a much better job of convincing people if you have literally any evidence backing up your claims. You're telling me that the cure to cavities, the pathway to perfect oral health, is simply "eat nothing but meat"? And yet somehow, you and Mr. Goldstein are the first people in the history of the human race to ever figure this out? Not a single clinical trial has ever been done on the subject? No, I don't think so.

Since all you seem to want to do is lie about the diets of supposed "carnivores" and since you don't have a single shred of evidence to support your faith then I am unfortunately going to have to accept your concession. I appreciate the effort you've made.

Anonymous No. 16068376

let me guess, it's the "increased testosterone" from your "carnivore diet" that makes you so angry, right?

Anonymous No. 16068391

>As if sci-hub doesn't exist.
Oh no, he's a layman too. How embarrassing. See, this is why gatekeeping science is a good thing, otherwise guys like this will read articles they don't understand and draw wild conclusions from them.

Anonymous No. 16068431

>There's literally no downside to replacing teeth with implants though.
Yes there are. I'm going off my dad who has implants; he can't eat fish, his teeth are hyper-sensitive, his gums are more prone to receding, and his remaining teeth are more fragile. Every surgery has a failure rate, and tooth implants have a 5% failure rate (conservatively), so imagine if 5% of all the teeth in the world were either misplaced, infected, or damaged from inception. That'd just cause a more expensive widespread health problem. If everyone just brushes their teeth at least once a day people's health would improve drastically.

Anonymous No. 16068471

>Oh, so this actually is a faith-based diet?
Fucking idiot. The review study I posted and the mountains of other studies it reviews are not faith-based. Nowhere does Mr. Goldstein mention that study.

Here's the argument again please address it instead of engaging in ad hominems, straw mans and red herrings:

1. Dietary carbohydrates are necessary for tooth decay. [Review study on the etiology of tooth decay: "However, caries will not occur in the absence of a cariogenic (that is, pathogenic) dental biofilm and frequent exposure to dietary carbohydrates, mainly free sugars19,20, and therefore caries must be considered a dietary–microbial disease" DOI:10.1038/nrdp.2017.30]

2. Meat has virtually no carb content. [USDA data on carb content of meat: Carbohydrate, 0g]

3. Therefore meat by itself can't induce tooth decay.

Anonymous No. 16068480

>let me guess, it's the "increased testosterone" from your "carnivore diet" that makes you so angry, right?
Fucking idiot. I'm not angry, I just like to start my comments with Talebian expletives when dealing with IYIs.

Anonymous No. 16068491

yes and then we can also think about replacing our jaw with a steal construct, and if we do that we can also just replace the entire skull with a metal can where we place the brain inside and wire everything with electronics, we could give ourselves night vision if we are at it anyway and why not replace everything else with machines?
Sounds like a shitpost but I think the evolutional endgoal of humanity is something like the Borg in Star Trek where we optimize us with machines.
OR also a possibility is to perfect genetic engineering where we make evelotion our own, we could program the DNA in such a way, that teeth grow perfectly and regenerate when they rot away

Anonymous No. 16068493

Glad you couldn't address my arguments so now you resort to channeling your inner fantasies about gatekeeping onions-ence. Sorry, chud, but Alexandra Elbakyan has freed science from the locks of idiots like you.

Anonymous No. 16069178

ah yes because fruit and honey have the same sugar content as high carb food with added high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup.

Anonymous No. 16069198

>americans are more deformed
have you looked at the UK? lmao.

Anonymous No. 16069201

many people have their wisdom teeth come in wrong "impacted". plenty of people in europe have it too, you fucking gigantic retards.

Anonymous No. 16069209

That's what that imbecile doesn't realize. Fruits if anything makes things worse since a lot of them are acidic af.