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๐Ÿงต Infinite growth is going to reck civilization

Anonymous No. 16062820

And the normgoids don't care

Anonymous No. 16062824

Infinite people = infinite tax

Anonymous No. 16062830

infinite growth isnt possible. Eventually what happens is that the most scarce resource in the economy runs out, or peaks. It could be labor as in many developed countries that have no real growth anymore, or oil, or goof farmland. Something will peak and growth will stop.
Then what happens is either war to control that scarce resource or some kind of legal trick to control it. The more scarce the more attractive the idea of taking over it will be. Imagine oil at $500 a barrel, there would be tons of wars to conquer oil zones.

Anonymous No. 16062834

There are no limits for growth. Universe is practically infinite, as are its resources.

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Anonymous No. 16062843

True. If we go catch some asteroids and push them to Earth, the problem will solve itself.

Anonymous No. 16062845

>the normgoids

If you said that unironically, then you should probably go back to your containment board.

Anonymous No. 16062848

I agree that intelligent white people should stop consuming and reproducing so that dumb niggers, pajeets and chinks can consume and reproduce more. Plastic pollution is the fault of addicted consumers and not the fault of producers allowed to disregard glass and paper alternatives for their products engineered for maximal addiction and not the fault of media normalizing goyslop culture.

Anonymous No. 16062853

The normal people, your average person, the lemmings, the lowest common denominator.

Anonymous No. 16062857

Everyone is guilty.

Anonymous No. 16062869

>Everyone is guilty...
...yes and not equally guilty and not equally powerful to enact change and not equally receptive to take the message to heart. Conclusion: western governments will totally control and bleed dry their intelligent white population to reduce emissions while importing destabilizing amounts of refugees from problems that western governments caused.

Anonymous No. 16062875


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Anonymous No. 16062886

that image isn't infinite growth. it's the result of having india around. kill the poos and the littering stops. simple as.

Anonymous No. 16062890

i say we should invade libia, create a supersimmetric society where we produce excess energy through solar panels, then starting to chemically syntrhetize all elementa from the dump wenrecieve from firet worlders. Who is in?

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Anonymous No. 16062891

those pesky first-worldoids

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Anonymous No. 16062893

we must punish the first-worloids for their littering ways with plastic straws and shitty shopping bags, comrade

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Anonymous No. 16062894


Anonymous No. 16062982

>>16062894 Yes just export you waste to any of these countries. Problem solved. Commercial free market system got you covered, progress.

Anonymous No. 16062989

>eternal growth
Counter point.
Eternal space.

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Anonymous No. 16062997

>third worlders so poor they literally have to buy garbage from real people
subhumans are inferior. too bad the first world has been down-scaling garbage exports even before china banned all imports of waste in 2017, but the emittance of shit from india and the other shitholes has actually increased since then.
it's almost like brown people aren't actually people but filthy animals in need of some neo-colonialism.

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Anonymous No. 16063059

>just dump cyanide and hydrogen sulfide in africa

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Anonymous No. 16063075

>the white man's burden
it's all so tiresome

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Anonymous No. 16063403

With that mentality you're going to exhaust this world's natural resources long before reaching so much as Alpha Centauri.

Anonymous No. 16063408

Not an argument.

Anonymous No. 16063410

Krypton/Maldek was meant as a cautionary tale, not as an instruction manual.

Anonymous No. 16063431

if the population grows too much the ultimate scarcity will be of land, then people will fight for it.
If the scarcity is of labor, slavery will be brought back in some hidden form. Say a country gets destroyed and the survivors are allowed to migrate, they can shack 25 to a room. Scarcity solved!

Anonymous No. 16063449

Economics is the science of scarcity but instead of having actual science about it we just get jewish pilpul

Anonymous No. 16063495

>Economics is the science of scarcity
Resource distribution and decision-making is downstream from more fundamental / universal principles like preferential attachment. I agree that economics is a jewish story about mathematical biology and physics.

Anonymous No. 16063525

Economics is just making good and services and then exchanging them through some sort of glorified barter system

Anonymous No. 16063562

You're overlooking the quest to understand who values what how much and why. The jewish goal of this quest is control. The none-jewish goal is to unravel the mysteries of the universe because transaction and inequality are fundamental.

Don't overlook the evolution of language, social media and relationships either. That's economy but not in the ordinary sense of goods and services.

Anonymous No. 16063598

Sounds like we agree then you're just interested in using more precise language.

Anonymous No. 16063713

>I am the savior of humanity!!!
>I am the protector of Mother Earth!!
narcissistic personality disorder and messiah complex