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Anonymous No. 16063216

Im looking for some resources/advice on where to learn upper level math topics I just know basic calc right now where did yall math niggas learn shit like proofs, abstract algebra, topology, analysis and cryptology from did you learn it from books an article or video online? Where were you at in school and math, what were the actual prerequisite subjects to learn before hand? Im curious because things like set theory and logic whenever I try to study just seem so retarded and calc and diff eq isn't used at all. But trying to study basic math like calc also seems retarded and all the literature speaks in very academic terms and uses a bunch of niggerlicious symbols to describe basic concepts instead of just using normal words. Are there people who learn all the symbols and academic speak before they learn shit like diff eq and fourier transforms and should I learn formal math speak before I try reading, if so where the fuck to learn that and what are some good math resources to learn from.

Anonymous No. 16063239


Anonymous No. 16063250

>where did yall math niggas learn shit like proofs
I cannot speak for math niggers, but as an Eastern European math Jew, I learned this in grade school while the teacher followed Kiselyov's "Elementary Geometry."

Anonymous No. 16063938

goes hard af