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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16063364

why cant you tickle yourself

Anonymous No. 16063368

Super symmetry. You can't reach certain angles.

Anonymous No. 16063378

even if you use a stick or something to reach it still doesn't work though

Anonymous No. 16063413

i can

Anonymous No. 16063415

It's like orgasms, it's impossible to tickle yourself it involves your nerves being touched in ways that your conscious mind isn't expecting

Anonymous No. 16063416

You can with a prosthetic arm and hand.

Anonymous No. 16063418

If you hold a prosthetic arm under your arm and push to tickle your other armpit, you'll feel tickled. But super symmetry restricts normally tickling yourself.

Anonymous No. 16063427

Death is actually a peaceful experience, you'll wobble and become light headed but the wobble will be filled with energy. Like a program. Because you're contained in this field where you produce dwarf motion, your body must be super symmetrical to your environment(possiblity). You can't possibly tickle yourself moving dwarfed, however, there is a way you can do it with a tool.

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Cult of Passion No. 16063428

Not if I decide my skin is a alien symbiot, then it attacks me with tickles because thats what its feeling (then I hurt myself laughing and my skin cries (cause he a bitch)).

Your life is boring.

Anonymous No. 16063434

We are doing it.

Anonymous No. 16063439

You unkempt buckoo.

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Cult of Passion No. 16063469

Youre not schizophrenic, stop LARPing youre crazy to fit in.
Yes. I had to move countries and the past month and a half Ive done nothing but go back and forth between Malaysia and Thailand moving my stuff and smoking weed to decompress from last year's trips.

I earned it. Eyeing Burma once I finish another trip and get settled.

Anonymous No. 16063470

Try touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Anonymous No. 16063489

>t. faggot who can't lick his own elbow

Anonymous No. 16063508

>Internal ‘forward’ models use an efference copy of motor commands (Von Holst, 1954) to make a prediction about the sensory consequences of an action (Blakemore, 2003). This comparison can be used to cancel sensory effects of performing the action, compared with identical movements that are externally produced (Blakemore et al., 1999; Weiskrantz et al., 1971). An impairment in such a predictive system would result in a failure to attenuate the sensory consequences of self-produced actions, making them appear indistinguishable from externally generated sensations and engendering the inference that one’s own movements were externally caused (Blakemore et al., 2002; Frith et al., 2000a). This theory provides an elegant explanation for why we can’t tickle ourselves, since we cancel the predicted sensory consequences of the action (Blakemore et al., 2000b). However, patients experiencing passivity phenomena and hallucinations, in whom sensory cancellation is presumed to be impaired, rate self generated stimulation as ticklish (Blakemore et al., 2000a). Impaired cancellation of efference copies has likewise been implicated in the pathophysiology of hallucinations; here internally generated speech is misperceived as externally generated due to this impairment in the cancellation of forward model predictions (Ford and Mathalon, 2005; Ford et al., 2007) .

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Cult of Passion No. 16063566

>efference copy of motor commands
If you were to mirror infinity...what face would you make?

Anonymous No. 16063740

It's an autonomous reaction to the mismatch between your physical sensations and your mental model of your body. Much like phantom limbs for amputees, and in a way even car/sea/vr sickness. If you tickle yourself, the sensations match your mental model, so no reaction.

Anonymous No. 16063820

cause u are the sauce, and so u expect the sensation, of u touching urself, and so no tickle

Anonymous No. 16063831

Tickling is related to social grooming. The entire point is someone else doing it to you.

Anonymous No. 16063899

jenny my beloved

Anonymous No. 16063972

If this is true explain gooning

Anonymous No. 16064001


Anonymous No. 16064022

Masturbation is necessary to relieve sexual frustration. Humans are constantly "in heat" so to speak, and as a result we need to be capable of ignoring that sexual desire somehow.

With tickling, it is intended to increase social bonds. Compare the "pleasure" you get just trying to hug yourself vs someone else hugging you. Humans need skin contact from others, it is part of our psychological and social well being.

Anonymous No. 16064023

I tickle myself every night to the thought of your daughter, if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 16064046

ok but why doe

Anonymous No. 16064050

I understand that but isn't gooning more detrimental to spreading your genes than tickling? I mean there are lots of people that aren't ticklish at all.