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color theorem.png

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Anonymous No. 16064193

I just found out about the final boss after the four color theorem. How is this not solved?

Anonymous No. 16064538

because we're fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 16064599

As far as I’m aware, we still don’t have a human-intuitive proof of the Four Color Theorem itself, just a massive proof-by-cases. That seems like a substantial obstacle to understanding harder coloring problems, although I’m not a graph theorist.

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Cult of Passion No. 16064820

Mmm, thats a nice problem, I like the disimilar lengths on either side of the equation.

Multi-dimensional combinatorics is stonk.

Anonymous No. 16065627

What is this gif?

Anonymous No. 16065642

Pretty much this. CS fags love "muh computer aided" 4 color proof, but it's basically the main obstacle to proving more advanced theorems than the 4 color.

Basically, to go any futher we'll have to completely ignore the 4 color theorem proof done by brute force and reprove it using real mathematics.