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Anonymous No. 16064595

Scientifically speaking, what is the difference between creativity and intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16064615

Creativity is about having novel ideas. Intelligence is about learning and applying what you learned. Like IQ tests don't really require novel ideas to complete, it's more that you can either complete the problems or not

Anonymous No. 16064622

This should be obvious to any child that has spoken english for more than 5 years. You are retarded, OP.

Anonymous No. 16064629


Anonymous No. 16064810

Creativity is what successful people have. Intelligence is what wage slaves have

Anonymous No. 16065377

>the difference between creativity and intelligence
Habitual curiosity.

Anonymous No. 16065415

Creativity is the capacity to create (bring something into existence.) Intelligence is the capacity for problem solving. Creativity can be compared more against intellect (the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract matters). Creativity is a femenine quality, and intellect is a masculine quality.

Creating is about developing new things, intelligence is about applying those things to solve problems. You can use your intellect to infer something out of something else, intuition (femenine quality) is when you pull those things out of your ass.

Anonymous No. 16065439

Risk tolerance is probably a part of it. The lack of creativity among some high IQ people can a lot of the time be explained by risk averse and cautious temperament.

El Arcón No. 16065443

>creativity and intelligence?
Not much.

El Arcón No. 16065445

Creativity and diligence are very different.

Anonymous No. 16065643

Creativity is schizophrenia-brained, intelligence is autism-brained, every single creative genius is either a schizophrenic autist or an autistic schizophrenic, no exceptions

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Anonymous No. 16065821


Anonymous No. 16065839

Creativity is connecting the dots to make sense. Aka intuition. Aka intuitive reasoning. (Aka ability to go down the path of various different branches/leaves on a tree, instead of just taking 1 straight forward path)

Intelligence is problem solving skills, with reference to usage of creativity and knowledge base to work with.

Anonymous No. 16065848

Creativity is the mental ability to create ideas and/or innovate them.
Intellegence is the mental capacity to solve problems and find solutions through cognitive patterns

Anonymous No. 16065855

None when considering all thoughts, even unspoken, unexpressed. So some loudmouths might look creative until you put them through a creative test, only to find out they are extroverted midwits. Same works for intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16066251

Creativity is the capacity to "create" new mental constructs, or schema if you want to get technical. Intelligence is the ability to make conscious connections between preexisting mental constructs (problem solving) and I usually associated it with a person's measure of working memory. Wisdom and intuition are forms of intelligence as well but refer exclusively to problem solving based predominately on tacit knowledge, meaning information obtained through direct experience and not logic or abstraction, while also not being consciously recalled.