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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16067316

How do we """know""" the iq of dead people?

Anonymous No. 16067324

It's all made up.

Anonymous No. 16067328

Planck was BALD? Not listening to this loser's planck length/time bullshit ever again.

Anonymous No. 16067329

Because there is nothing scientific about IQ.

Anonymous No. 16067330

he has the phenotype

Anonymous No. 16067338

why are you asking 4chan? ask the people who made the claim, or ask for help figuring out who made the claim and why.

Anonymous No. 16067345

>Because there is nothing scientific about IQ.
Does that go for the recent COVID studies mentioning drops in IQ, or is IQ suddenly relevant again there?

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Cult of Passion No. 16067350

If Schizos shill them.

Anonymous No. 16067354

I was very happy to discover that nazis, who undoubtebly made a thorough examination, only managed to "prove" that he was 1/16th jewish, which he refuted, but of course he would, still at most 1/16 is a bargain and only english scientist tend to do better
funny how to only living and testable person has an uncertain score

Anonymous No. 16067358


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Cult of Passion No. 16067366

>only living and testable person has an uncertain score
Time is money, are going to pay for those hours? Exactly. Let him play vidya until aliens invade.

Anonymous No. 16067370

Musk seems closer to engineer rather than theoretical physicist

Anonymous No. 16067396

He's neither. He's just a highly successful salesman, no different from Richard Branson.

Anonymous No. 16067401

More like a con artist than anything.

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Anonymous No. 16067414

You don't, it's based on estimates of historical "feats" and "accolades" relative to the local population.

Which is interesting because if such is the case how did one like pic related get neither a Nobel Prize or a Fields Medal? Was his work not relevant or important enough to recieve it despite being derived from a ""190 IQ mind""?

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hitler was denied....jpg

Anonymous No. 16067420

Its a demonstrable fact that Hitler was more intelligent than Planck was.

Anonymous No. 16067436

How the hell did Planck make it onto that list?!?!

Anonymous No. 16067439

Your level of high quality education, access to educational resources that stimulate cognition (like educational toys, books, etc.) during childhood, etc. are highly correlated with IQ.

So, even if you are genetically predisposed to high intelligence, if you get shitty education during your childhood or raised up in a shitty environment, you will be retard and would never attain your intellectual potential in your lifetime (very hard).

But even if you were brought up in a shitty environment with crack head fent-addicted white trash parents, if you score high in conscientiousness, you may try to self-education yourself (especially in this age of internet and pirated e-books, khanacademy, etc.). So your environment (and conscientiousness) really plays an important role in whether you will be grown up to be intelligent or retarded.

The reason Asians do good in math is because their parents force their children into tuition academy since they are 7 years old, and they view their sons and daughters as "trophy child" - comparing yourself with your aunt's son. Literally force you to do math during childhood - given this environment, this makes the kid "intelligent" (nature = genetics, nurture = parent's discipline & torture, access to resources, etc.).

This also happens in India, except most Indian teachers themselves are retarded. It's like domino effect. The same Indian when goes to study in an environment that encourages liberty, individualism, that kid would succeed than compared to what would have been in India. Changing environment, changes outcome. And Indian and Asians also have the "trophy child" syndrome so they force us to study hard, do HW, do this, do that. Family plays an important rule in this. And look at the Spelling bee or Math competitions, Asians and Indians usually come on top.

That's the point. Your intelligence have two factors, genetic and environmental. In humans, environment also includes culture, how you interact with kids, etc.

Anonymous No. 16067443

>elon musk
Yeah, nah. He's a reddit midwit lol.

Anonymous No. 16067598

If the establishment finds them useful for the narrative, they have "high IQ".

Anonymous No. 16067600

if galileo was that smart how did he end up getting outmaneuvered and outwitted by the jesuits so easily? why did he make them his enemies to begin with? if he was smart he would've realized that things wouldn't end well for him if he got on the wrong side of the jesuits

Anonymous No. 16067602

but musks IQ is 142

Anonymqus No. 16067631

Musk's is like 101 on a good day

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El Arcón No. 16067632


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Anonymous No. 16067645

When the ducks dive for pearls lucking to clop some horses, a chameleon chuckles, "Aren't your my wife?"
They are never seen again.

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Anonymous No. 16067648

he secondary is a blue-white hued star of magnitude 6.1. The two stars are distinguishable in binoculars. β Capricorni's traditional name comes from the Arabic phrase for "the lucky stars of the slaughterer
Lord: Ketu (South lunar node)
Symbol : Horse's head
Deity : Ashvins, the horse-headed twins who are physicians to the gods
Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Mesha
Western zodiac 23°46 Aries - 7°06' Taurus

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Anonymous No. 16067653

For real?, yes eel

Anonymous No. 16067701

everyone shits on musk. The guy is highly intelligent. Perhaps not a genius, but the guy is more intelligent than the average successful person several times over. I don't think he's much more intelligent than Bezos however, and Bezos isn't being lauded as some kind of genius by many. They are both capable of learning a great deal about much in order to successfully run and guide companies in complex industries of which they have both innovated. Besides, I'd reckon 95% of actual IQ-geniuses don't create a single thing used by other people in their life, so who gives a fuck about IQ.

Anonymous No. 16067708

Sometimes you gotta martyr yourself to get shit done.

Anonymous No. 16067742

Most powerlifters never get in a streetfight in their lives. So who gives a shit about muscles, what good are they? We're all equally valid.

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Anonymous No. 16067752

I killed all three of those magi.

Anonymous No. 16067755

at least the powerlifters earned their muscles, if IQ is genetic its about as impressive as having a big dick. Only impresses the wrong people. Whats more impressive is using a dick of any size well

Anonymous No. 16067968

And what do those things have to do with each other
those wiki links i mean

Anonymous No. 16067973

He's just an autistic retard. Ignore him.

Anonymous No. 16069020

Lmao pls make a list of BALD scientists, so I can ignore their "theories" in the future