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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16068188

I’m starting to feel pretty confident this is the biggest medical discovery of my lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16068194

It's expensive and risky for a laxative. There are better ways to induce diarrhea for weight loss.

Anonymous No. 16068198

>this is the biggest medical discovery of my lifetime.
Damn we won't get anything cool like robot arms or anime tiddies? Just weight loss and diabetes medicine?

Anonymous No. 16068207

It just makes you starve yourself.

Anonymous No. 16068214

imagine your population getting so cucked, lazy and obese that a weight loss drug is considered a big discovery.
chinks and nippons laughing confusedly at this because they never know what being obese is.
nigga maybe you don't need a weight loss drug, you need your dignity and self respect back.

Anonymous No. 16068223

Our system of governance does not allow us to adress the fatso question in any significantly straighforward way, so the best you'll get is these workarounds. My priority is not having to see or intract with fatsos, and if drugs are the most accessible path towards that, so be it.

Anonymous No. 16068233

Imagine still believeng it's from overeating, and people being lazy.

Anonymous No. 16068235

Imagine, being less of a fag. You can't. because to do that you would have had not been a fag by birth and have some experience of faglessness as to connotate a difference.

Anonymous No. 16068236

Just eat less.

Anonymous No. 16068372

Chinks are seeing their obesity rate increase btw

Anonymous No. 16068378

it will stop your bowels so you'll have 5 day old food in your stomach

Anonymous No. 16068385

chinks import a ton of corn from America, maybe that's why.
the US government is the biggest distributor of obesity on this planet, just so they can either sell you overpriced insulin or ozempic.

Anonymous No. 16068386

the chinese are fat now

Anonymous No. 16068402

Asians are an inferior race

Anonymous No. 16068413

How is it not?

Anonymous No. 16068435

i eat a lot more than i did when i was younger, i dont know why, it must be that before i didnt have money and my mom cooked for me

Anonymous No. 16068437

Fags, Fags everywhere

Anonymous No. 16068558

Fucking imbecile. A lifetime drug that is linked to permanent gastroparesis is not an item worthy of consideration.

Anonymous No. 16069010

the harms from long term use are unknown

Anonymous No. 16069054

wouldn't it be funny if obese faggots used this drug and get cancer 10 years later?
imagine the hysteria that would come.
imagine the healthcare cost of those "cancer treatment" that big pharma gonna rack in.

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Anonymous No. 16069074

LMAO, that is the most idiotic shit ever. Just don't eat like a fucking pig.

Anonymous No. 16069641

In America, probably.
The rest of the world doesn't really need it.

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Anonymous No. 16069939

>Nah, bro it's cool
>Just let me paralyze your guts a little, bro
>Trust me, bro...I'm a lizard

Anonymous No. 16069943

Or their GI tract and stomach dies because they have been constantly paralyzing it for years on end. Sure doesn't sound like a genius idea, but what do I know.

Anonymous No. 16071414

Trust me, stop using ozempic and diet like a normal person.

Anonymous No. 16071434

Japanese scientists are currently trying to cure baldness and regrow human teeth; stuff that actually matters

Anonymous No. 16071490

I’ve been diabetic since I was 20, ozempic is at least interesting for me but I also weigh a healthy 145 lbs so I hardly need to diet