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Anonymous No. 16068342

>We need water to survive
>No, not the 97% of water that's on earth, it's this special type of water that only makes up 3% of water on earth.


Anonymous No. 16068353

chemistry and that 3.5% of the earth's water that isn't salt water is still a very very large amount of water

Anonymous No. 16068370

Because the initial conditions of the universe during the big bang led to this

Anonymous No. 16068703

jews rigged the human body to rely on water sources they can control and sell to us

Anonymous No. 16068708

>has salty eye juices

Anonymous No. 16068713

If evolution is real how come nothing has evolved that can drink salt water?

Anonymous No. 16068717

Because our ancestors didn't live like Adam and Eve in paradise. Because living with one infection after the other is not conducive to modern standards of hygiene and work performance.

Anonymous No. 16068721

If our ancestors lived in the sea, how come we can't drink seawater?

Anonymous No. 16068801

We don't drink demineralized water and we don't drink heavily mineralized water, both are lethal to most cells

Anonymous No. 16068872

Marine mammals can do it
Maybe get a kidney transplant from a dolphin?

Anonymous No. 16068898

something about kidneys not being able to produce urine that's more salty than your blood due to osmosis. any salt you consume must be flushed out with water