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๐Ÿงต yeast and their waste products

Anonymous No. 16068840

A metabolic view of cities makes it clear and obvious they are unsustainable machines which produce carcinogenic pollutants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just like yeast drown in their own metabolic waste products the same is happening to cities all around the world.

Systematic analysis of global industrial activity by independent researchers reaches essentially the same conclusion, human industrial activity and resource consumption is unsustainable.

Some key facts and figures that highlight these issues:

Cities account for 60-80% of global energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions, despite only occupying 3% of Earth's land.
Air pollution, much of it from urban and industrial sources, causes an estimated 7 million premature deaths annually worldwide.
Humanity's resource consumption and waste generation exceeds what the planet can sustainably support. We would need the equivalent of 1.7 Earths to sustainably meet the demands of current human activity.

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false environment....png

Anonymous No. 16068844

Anonymous No. 16068870

i'm not concerned about the environment. i'm listing basic facts about the metabolism of modern industrial societies

Anonymous No. 16069929

>7 million premature death
Modern tech allows billions of people to be alive at once, net gain. Far more importantly, people are allowed to choose to use modern tech (unless the govt forces you to).
>need the equivalent of 1.7 Earths to sustainably meet the demands of current
Innovation by the market will make remaining resources go ever further. Provided statist buisybodies like you don't interfere in the market, we'll Zeno's paradox our way out of any scarcity problem.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16071440

Start with convincing wild yeast used the fallen fruits sustainably.

Anonymous No. 16071447

Start with convincing wild yeast to use the fallen fruits sustainably.