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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16069750

>be told by 4chan that nikola tesla is keanu chungus and Epic Win
>read about edison and tesla
>tesla wasn't really a part of the current wars, was a much bigger self-promoter and con artist, and save for a few productive years (ironically spent working for edison) he wasted his life ranting about nonsense
he also seems like he would've 100% posted here and would've been very annoying

Anonymous No. 16069753

yes, it's clear you don't belong here, and you should go back

bodhi No. 16069759

you are gay and retarded which is why you post here on >>>/lgbt/ and you need to go back

Anonymous No. 16069768

Tesla is a brainlet who only impresses sub engineer IQs. Ive never seen a single physicist or mathetician praise Tesla for anything. Tesla is a midget compared to Maxwell who mogs.

Anonymous No. 16069771

>be told by 4chan that nikola tesla is keanu chungus and Epic Win
Nobody ever said that.

Anonymous No. 16069774

i said that

Anonymous No. 16069801

Tesla is more famous for the /x/ things he was shilling than for his actual contributions to science of electricity.

Anonymous No. 16069812

He was pretty based while he lived for his ingenious designs and experiments.

His work with electromagnetics and power transmission is beyond question it is infact theory.

Reddit has over hyped him. He is not some magical wizard 369 Bs Mayan astrologer.

Unfortunately modern mythos has destroyed the man.

Appreciate his actual contributions

PS tesla valve is shit
The turbine is cool but also impractical.

Anonymous No. 16069835

he was a high IQ schizophrenic. sucks since he died in poverty and in pain. edison was such a fucking kike though