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๐Ÿงต Experimentation

Anonymous No. 16069789

What are good science experiments to do at home ? I have access to a 3d printer and home depot if necessary. I'm much more of a math guy but I've always wanted to test quantum phenomena at home without needing a atom smasher 3000. Any recommendations ?

Anonymous No. 16069795

Semiconductors I guess but you'll need to buy equipment and you'll need some knowledge in the field.

Anonymous No. 16069799

Not electronics bullshit though. Actual experiments to test laws of physics or stuff like that. Im not the type of nigga to play with potentiometers and diodes.

Anonymous No. 16069849

imagine being deranged and autistic enough to jab a needle under your own eyeball just to figure out how color works

Anonymous No. 16069998


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Anonymous No. 16070674

good morning, saar
you can build your own spectrophotometer with an LED, photoresistor, battery, some wires and a cardboard box
it's a fun project
the basic principle is pic related, just choose a good LED and you don't need to use a prism

Anonymous No. 16070685

learning some electronics massively helps for the experimentalist

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Anonymous No. 16070916

>Newtonian science is when you jab your eye with a needle to figure out how color works
>Goethean science is those meme optical illusion tricks