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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16071693

Scientifically speaking, how true is this?

Anonymous No. 16071747

If I read the word "study" I automatically believe the opposite is true. Simple as that.

Anonymous No. 16071794


Anonymous No. 16071799

CNN is actually pretty objective when it comes to news, it's just that they don't parrot your conspiracy retardation so you get mad.

sage No. 16071808

>CNN is actually pretty objective
Kill yourself shill.
If the government tells me the sky is blue and the earth is flat, I'll believe the opposite because the probability that the opposite of what the government is saying is true, is higher than the probability that what the government is saying is true.

Anonymous No. 16071841

It's the most obviously true thing on this board

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Anonymous No. 16071849


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Anonymous No. 16071928

I want to cut out your jaw with an axe.

Anonymous No. 16072091

here come the mad MAGAshills. this is /sci/, go pack to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16072096

this board is actually full of nonverbally retarded bots holy shit did you even read the op or just see the CNN program and boot up anger.exe

Anonymous No. 16072114

My hate will flow towards you.

Anonymous No. 16072118

That may offend me if it came from someone literate.

Anonymous No. 16072124

I am far better than you in every dimension.

Anonymous No. 16072129

Actually if there are an infinite amount of dimensions with infinite possibilities, there are bound to be an infinite amount of dimensions where you are inferior to >>16072118

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16072142

>believing the (((media)))
they should have written *except schizophrenic people

Anonymous No. 16072154

It's a good way to spot bots not gonna lie.

Anonymous No. 16072238

Seems accurate.
/pol/ and Facebook are full of sourceless "infographics," sourceless "quotes," sourceless "graphs and numbers" and sourceless "news articles." And those people invariably take them as absolute fact. So long as they "own the libs/jews/blacks/police/women/chinese/queers/newYorkers/zoomers/furries/french/academics/artists/indians..." or whatever demographic their master chose for this month.

Anonymous No. 16072260

Honestly I haven't read CNN (or watched I genuinely do not know) in so long I actually have no idea whether they're 'right wing' or 'left wing' anymore. If something hits the news I'll just believe the opposite of it. Worked for covid and has been working fairly well ever since.