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Anonymous No. 16072598

Is it possible to tell if someone has a high IQ (140+) if you yourself are stupid? What are the signs? How do they behave?

Anonymous No. 16072605

It’s hard imo. It can only express it self as creative output be it industrial, artistic, or something like that.

Anonymous No. 16072887

I wonder what would iq of op pic would actually do irl. I guess even slime moulds may have a positive non zero iq

Anonymous No. 16072945

Intelligent lifeforms process information to produce an input-output mapping in pursuit of a goal structure (even a very simple one like moving amoebae around to find food). Inanimate matter can't do this at all, so it has 0 IQ.
A negative IQ lifeform would have to do worse than inanimate matter. It would be an antiprocessor, taking in coherent information and responding with less coherent information. When presented with a problem it would have to propose a "solution" that is worse than doing nothing. When given a goal to pursue it would actively adjust its input-output function to minimise the probability of success.
It would be an average redditor.

Anonymous No. 16072950

Is very hard to tell when high IQ is not coupled with conscientiousness. Morons believe high IQ people are just "lucky", and fail to see their own retardation is hampering their efforts.

Anonymous No. 16073175

We should use roman concrete it was way better than modern concrete

Anonymous No. 16073184

The secret ingredient of Roman concrete is not driving several thousand semis on it every single day.

Anonymous No. 16073186

Idk but i can easily tell when some is <140 iq

Cult of Passion No. 16073206

>Is it possible to tell if someone has a high IQ (140+) if you yourself are stupid?

You will only understand "value" but not why, you will hear advanced science and reject it (they all do...except for people already well into their careers). You are most likely to see the more intelligent as more stupid than even you.

t.NAT 20 INT, NAT 20 WIS

Anonymous No. 16073262

I've been told I'm highly creative but am lazy and unambitious.

Anonymous No. 16073496

>t.NAT 20 INT, NAT 20 WIS
b-but you roll 4d6s and take away the worst one

Anonymous No. 16073507

the concept of IQ is itself retarded

Anonymous No. 16073844

"IQ" is not a measure of intelligence.
From the very first moment you started with the question you were on the wrong path.

Anonymous No. 16073851

Midwit cope

Anonymous No. 16077162

IQ tests are like judging a vehicle by its engine's RPM.
In some way sure, there might be some correlation between its RPMs and power, but it's generally rather meaningless, and in the end you're likely to select for the lowest gear ratio, select mostly useless sports bikes over trucks and such, and you can score massively high by disengaging the clutch when you know THAT is what the test us about.

Anonymous No. 16077184

>Is it possible to tell if someone has a high IQ (140+) if you yourself are stupid?

Cult of Passion No. 16077190

Aw, hun, the rules are made for humans because their Satanic little shit with no inbuilt moral compass (like me, except I have a super colputer to run logic gates until a moral irreducibility can be found).

Morality is a measure, not a feeling.

Anonymous No. 16077422

It's easier to tell if someone doesn't have a high IQ. They'll either tell you they have a very high IQ, or they'll claim IQ doesn't measure intelligence. It's always either extreme.

Anonymous No. 16077427

It's impossible because your intelligence will likely be in social intelligence if you are not well gifted with true intelligence.
And smart people will either come of as retarded or intolerable assholes.

Anonymous No. 16077636

No. That's why low-IQs Fall for esoterics et al. Sufficiently coherent gibberish is indistinguishable from actual intellectual dialogue for them. They feel like you when you're reading about IUT.

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Cult of Passion No. 16077687

>esoterics et al
Hah, what a midwit. Correlations of Numerology and Particle Physics is obvious, if you were, you know....a scientist who actually does science, not a some lab technician LARPing an intellectual when all you do is procedure.
>coherent gibberish
Filtered*, you failed Linguistics.

Pot, kettle, not a serious board.

Anonymous No. 16077690

If they're black, first look for the lack of a blaccent.

Next, look for the General version of their anglophone country's accent.

Finally, look for the esteemed version of their anglophone's country's accent.

The more proper their diction, the more likely they are to be highly intelligent.

Anonymous No. 16077699

people are surprisingly good at judging others abilities

however they can only really tell if someone is smarter than they are, or smarter than someone else they know, they won't really understand the degree and when the difference is too extreme it's somewhat incomprehensible
iq is already not really valid <60 >140,

Anonymous No. 16077841

>schizobabble proving me right
*yawn*, nu chan is just way too easy

Anonymous No. 16077847

Well, when someone tells you that they are me.

They very likely have an IQ above 140.

Cult of Passion No. 16077873

Youre not a srious person, which means you are NOT A SCIENTIST.



Anonymous No. 16077953

You're way less interesting than Tooker. Total borefest

Anonymous No. 16078252

>when high IQ is not coupled with conscientiousness
Everyone on /sci/, /g/ and /lit/.

Cult of Passion No. 16078275

>expecting entertainment instead of scientific discourse



Stop pretending to be someone else when you post at me...OTHERWISE I HAVE TO CORRECT YOUR RECORD FOR YOU.


Anonymous No. 16078326

>he has to cook the numbers
Nigger I roll 18s and 20s natty.

Anonymous No. 16078333

compared to AI in 50 years we are all profoundly retarded apes, barely above rats

Anonymous No. 16078388

It's really as simple as whether people can read and write. Then it's whether they practice the ability to write. If you meet that simple criteria, you're very likely someone with an above 100 IQ.

After that, you can analyze the content they produce which can include a conversation with them. You will have a rough idea but it might take deeply knowing someone for more than 7 years to really conclude if they have high intelligence.

All criteria that don't directly relate to intelligence isn't giving you any information about the person. A blonde can become a brunette with hair color, but did that increase their intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16078712


Cult of Passion No. 16078767

Your consession is not accepted, you are a lying retarded LARPing on the internet.

You never had a father and every man can tell.

Anonymous No. 16078823

i don't think it is, someone that far off range would appear almost stupid if you weren't at least 30 points within his range because of confirmation bias, the kind of things they would tell you would sound so ridiculous that you would involuntarily find any excuse to attack his character just because you are too dumb to arrive at the same conclusion yourself and also because the authority figures you follow haven't okayed such controversial opinions