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🧵 race mixed people are so pathetic

Anonymous No. 16073096

>muh I don't belong to anyone
>i need my tribe so I can belong and hate the other tribe
how do we scientifically breed tribalism out of humanity for good?

Anonymous No. 16073097

whites racemixing is simply a downgrade, if whites created the best civilizaton and others couldnt, means youre evolutionary the most successful animal on earth, how can you find other races attractive unless youre fooled by long nose media?

Cult of Passion No. 16073161

>breed tribalism out
Counter-evolutionary and illogical, would probably cause extinction from genetic invarience.
>means youre evolutionary the most successful animal on earth
And now you know why the ancients practiced so much incest.
>Two humans of the same race are technically incestuous.
After a certain number of generations a stock will become more and more related until it either A: incest or B: racemix.

There is no third option except death.

Anonymous No. 16073176

Elliot Rodger was a good guy

Anonymous No. 16073185

>whites created the best civilizaton
Not every white person was some kind of visionary genius. Most were totally useless. They didn't operate as some kind of conjoined hivemind

Anonymous No. 16073191

as a race mixed person, I don't identify with any race except the human race

Cult of Passion No. 16073192

>They didn't operate as some kind of conjoined hivemind
Thats literally how it works, how the environmental interacts with other species, and effects things like bee-flies...which did not "look" at bees and think "be like that", Psychology was out of this equation...which leaves Molecular (doesnt apply outside HGT) and BioMagnetics as a through-air communication means (like a hammerhead shark feeling for food below the silt). The magntic signal tells the organism to use its internal electric charge to send signal to the brain/CNS etc.

Proof? Easy.
You just dont have the prerequisits to comprehend it so why bother...

Anonymous No. 16073204


Anonymous No. 16073218

My hapa girlfriend is pretty hot ngl

Anonymous No. 16073268

>Counter-evolutionary and illogical
retarded statement. but what should I expect from insectoids like you anyways?

Anonymous No. 16073379

And this is why the planet is doomed. This mutt logic right here.

Anonymous No. 16073388

unbelievably based

Anonymous No. 16073437

the muslim slaver kings of north africa would prefer race mixed slaves for official positions because they were easier to control

Anonymous No. 16073454

Just kill the mentally ill whiners regardless of race

Anonymous No. 16073471

>how do we scientifically breed tribalism out of humanity for good?
Tribal identity is created out of opposition to some other tribe. If all tribes got along fine, then they would mingle and join as one. To test this try to befriend a jew, then go to his synagogue, join his jew-only underground groups, ask out his daughter, you'll find his friendly nature was just shallow cordiality and a bit of small talk. He'll naturally set boundaries, thats where the tribal identity kicks in, in boundaries.
So you'd need some external enemy to unite enemy. I propose the jews, many have said all political movements ought to join against their common enemy

Anonymous No. 16073605

Sorry, I don't want or have to include shitskins in my life. Get over it.

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El Arcón No. 16073609

>not knowing who the Ming are

Anonymous No. 16073610

the only people who care about race are usually the ones who have so little going for them they need to adopt group-identity to come up with at least some achievement.

you're disgusting and I hope you perish in the coming holocaust.

Anonymous No. 16073615

>ask out his daughter
why don't you try to fuck his mother. if he wasn't tribalist he obviously would let you, dumbfuck /pol/tard

Anonymous No. 16073618

Typical Jewish diversionary post. I will stick to my own kind, thanks Rabbi.

Cult of Passion No. 16073722

>retarded statement
>Of course not, doctors dont say the dumb shit I do.
I know...I just wanted you yo know your testimony will be stricken from the record since youre not all you do is lie whenever you feel inferior, because THAT IS WHAT INFERIOR PEOPLES DO, SIN IN THE NAME OF GRACE.

Anonymous No. 16074237

Not every country is America. Everyone in Brazil get along fine, it doesn't matter if they look white, black, brown or asian

Anonymous No. 16074548

The losers in the video are just self centered and dumb. It's not someone else's fault they don't guess your heritage.

Anonymous No. 16076952

>if he wasn't tribalist he obviously would let you
pretty much yes, why, do you think all jews keep their daughters locked in dungeons? Sick fuck

Anonymous No. 16077467

>the only people who care about race are usually the ones who have so little going for them they need to adopt group-identity
Literally all humans adopt group-identity

Anonymous No. 16077623

Don't reply to that Communist jew