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๐Ÿงต human/chimp relation

Anonymous No. 16077711

human an chimp relationship is weird: its like these two are the closest animals to reach other and its hard to find other examples from nature where two similar creatures are as closely related

mouse/rat: about double the difference that is between human/chimp

and woodpecker/crow: they have 5 times more divergence between each other than a human and chimp have from each other

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Cult of Passion No. 16077790

What about crow/raven or shrimp/prawn?

Anonymous No. 16077814

I have to check this out.

Anonymous No. 16077888

You are just being fooled by human centric thinking, rats and mice may look similar to you but they are just both rodents. It's just that lot of rodents basically look the same because of coevolution but the actual common ancestor of rat and mice is further than that of chimps and humans. Not to mention that rats and mice breed way faster thus leading to more rapid changes in genome. The difference is way bigger with crows and woodpeckers, may as well compare humans with cows at that point.

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Anonymous No. 16078150

whoah, crows are extremely close to each other, like humans and chimps but even more

these two species has considerable size difference yet they are very close by genetics