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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16079113

>drink strong coffee
>immidiately get sleepy

Anonymous No. 16079120

Probably because you drink it so much that your body has upregulated adenosine receptor expression, which when these receptors are ligated, you get tired.

Anonymous No. 16079128

Not really i drink like 2 or 3 coffees a week total desu. Maybe its something with blood pressure?

Anonymous No. 16079155

Just do it the other way around, like this
>immidiately get sleepy
>drink strong coffee

Anonymous No. 16079182

with sugar? then you got diabetus
black? coffee dehydrates and reduces blood flow so you are basically dying

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Anonymous No. 16079212

>Drink 200mg caffeine energy drink
>Don't feel a single thing

Anonymous No. 16079222

you prolly fill it with sugar

Anonymous No. 16079227

There's no real major link between blood pressure and fatigue. Some people have a higher level of adenosine receptor expression than others even without the upregulation due to caffeine, so that's my best bet. I'm the same way as you, I barely drink coffee, but it always makes me tired quickly.

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Anonymous No. 16079232

>you are basically dying

Anonymous No. 16079237

I dont, i drink black tar coffee