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Anonymous No. 16079339

How will this affect scientific advancements?

Anonymous No. 16079343


Anonymous No. 16079365

It won't happen, it's based on idiotic extrapolation of current trends with no changes, the fertility collapse affecting developed countries is already rapidly spreading to Africa, that's without even considering secondary factors like economic degrowth in western countries that currently sustain African population growth with food and medical aid and exhaustion of petroleum based fertilizers to sustain the agricultural production to feed all those people.

It is certainly true that the African continent will make up a far larger proportion of the human population however.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16079370

stop sending aid to Africa and they'll die out in a generation or two.
there is always a shut down button.

Anonymous No. 16079372

I wonder what calculations they used to figure out every event that's going to happen in the next 76 years

Anonymous No. 16079383

Anonymous No. 16079786

Maybe if Westerns stopped extracting raw materials from Africa, establishing an equal exchange of wealth, African's wouldn't need that kind of aid.

Anonymous No. 16079799

nah, it'll implode long before that happens


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16080932


Anonymous No. 16080935

Africa gets negative aid. They send out more money to the rest of the world than they get in aid.
40% of african capital is not in africa, thats 2 trillion dollars.

Anonymous No. 16080937

that would mean you pay more for shit made from those resources and then you start complaining again

Anonymous No. 16080949

>that would mean you pay more for shit made from those resources
Thats the point. It would be a wealth transfer. But the problem isnt just commodities prices, but that part of the money never reaches africa (or Russia, which is Nigeria with snow).
Be logical, it is obvious that if africa was paid more for the products it gives to the world, and that if more capital was invested in africa, there would be less wealth for the rest of the world.

Anonymous No. 16080953

Based nairaland poster.

Anonymous No. 16081017

I doubt their population will reach that high given the disasters from climate change that will happen in the future.

Anonymous No. 16081026

>It would be a wealth transfer.
It wouldn't because africans wouldn't replace the businesses, all those resources would remain in the ground

Anonymous No. 16081383

A rare based and redpilled tripfag

Anonymous No. 16081507

unfortunately most people can't work out the tv jew might not have our best interests at heart

Anonymous No. 16081517

There are been people on Africa since before there were people on Europe and now you think everyone in Africa will be dead in two generations. I assume you just mean black Africans and not Nafris or white South Africans.

Anonymous No. 16081537

Their population is the disaster from climate change they're referring to

Anonymous No. 16081567

>It wouldn't because africans wouldn't replace the businesses,
What you write doesnt make any sense, you might as well post this in some random thread. What business? What replacement?

Anonymous No. 16081838

>Maybe if Westerns stopped extracting raw materials from Africa
How western are those? China? India?