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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16079788

Would it have been possible to discover the Mandelbrot set before the imaginary numbers were a thing? I mean, to come up with the logic and rules that produce the Mandelbrot set but without going "wow imaginary numbers are new numbers"

Anonymous No. 16079841

Uhmmm if you mean finding another definition for Mandelbrot sets, but essentially all definitions describe the same thing so in a sense it's all imaginary number for which you will give a different name

Anonymous No. 16079932

Well sure I guess, it's just defined by iterating a function on the complex numbers. You can define the same function in terms of two real coordinates if you want. It would just be a bit unnatural.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16079942

numbers are already unnatural, silly

Anonymous No. 16079947


Anonymous No. 16080009

"Without imaginary numbers one cannot imagine" - Einschtien

Anonymous No. 16080032

probably if there was some other function that was like the square root function over negative space.

Anonymous No. 16080190

Probably but it would have been extremely counterintuitive.
The term "imaginary number" is misleading.
Complex number do exist, we just can't figure out how to accurately portray them.
The most accurate way to describe them is to imagine that when you multiply a number by -1, you make it rotate by 180 degrees from the origin.
However, if you multiply a number by i, you actually rotate it by 90 degrees from the origin.
It's kinda hard to imagine a quantity being rotated by 90 degrees but hey that's what math actually is.

Anonymous No. 16080625

>we just can't figure out how to accurately portray them.
literally just a 2d plan
>b-bit the funtcion need a 4d space, no human can imagine that
my guy we have people making fucking 4d golf games, the failure of mathematicians in portraying the full 4d extent of the functions is because they are noobs that need to git gud, nothing more

Anonymous No. 16080629


Anonymous No. 16080781

Yes, it's called psychedelics

Anonymous No. 16080810

just do it with matrices
a+ib \leftrightarrow
a&-b \\


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Anonymous No. 16081339

This anon gets it

Mystics and scientists are digging for the same transcendental truth

Anonymous No. 16083049
