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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16080681

>Cellular automatons operate on a series of rules that are so complex that they seem to have a mind of their own
>The brain operates on a series of rules that are so complex that it seems to have a mind of its own

Consciousness is an illusion and it only seems to exist because we don't understand the complex rules of neurochemical interactions

Anonymous No. 16080685

The point of cellular automata is that the rules are SIMPLE yet give rise to complex behavior.

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Anonymous No. 16080818

>Cellular automatons operate on a series of rules that are so complex that they seem to have a mind of their own
not ryl... cellular automata have extremely simple rules

Anonymous No. 16081337

>Consciousness is an illusion

Consciousness is EM-based, and it's primary

Anonymous No. 16081342


actually consciousness is given to us by God. Imagine wanting to reject that gift in favor of being a literal npc lol

Anonymous No. 16082603


>its an illusion

who is it fooling then? retard.


Anonymous No. 16082604

that's just inventing a fake problem and coming up with a lucrative (for you) solution

Anonymous No. 16082609

No, YOU'RE not conscious.

Anonymous No. 16082621

Suppose f(x) is a basic counting function that we plug into g(y). The evaluation of the function is g(f(x)). We can pull arbitrary outputs from the void.
Consider the library of babel, where all possible phrases and such are stored. There are some phrases which are gated by well defined formulas to access them.
Now consider the library of babel actually exists and we can access arbitrary any page we want, at any time. There is no storage of it anywhere, but it remains accessible through the theoretical framework of its construction.
This is what consciousness is doing. For convenience, we will call this noosphere, though we keep this as a term separate from omniscient noosphere. It is the personal scope, P-sphere.

Now consider memory: a physical manifestation resulting from recursively accessing a P-sphere moment. That is, there was some P-sphere event and we are summoning it again into another P-sphere event.
Consider a stream of consciousness(verbal, visual, observational, etc) as a collection of recursive accesses. We are exploring the arbitrary space of the P-sphere.
We now have a framework of consciousness, a how of it all. The exact details of the mechanism and the why of it all are outside the scope of this post.

Anonymous No. 16082625

Ah yes, the "furnish a defeater for every belief I hold, including this one" strategy.

Anonymous No. 16082711

Prove it by killing yourself.

Anonymous No. 16082862

It's funny how NPCs have an aggressive urge to let everyone know that they never experienced consciousness. A blind man can accept that other people can see. An NPC can never accept that others have consciousness and free will. He will violently deny it.

Anonymous No. 16084040

Don't blind people see flashes of light, even if they don't originate from the eye?

Anonymous No. 16084049

>A blind man can accept that other people can see
Some will. Showing that the NPC is blinder than blind

Anonymous No. 16084056

once I can save my brainstate and tech to rebuild me exists, yeah. checkmate faggot

Anonymous No. 16084159

Yeah and people with no dick still feel phantom sex

>Once I question-beg I'll be right
Why can't you guys just do the star trek teleporter thread like the old shitposters did?

Anonymous No. 16084164

I mean it's a legit answer, from my point of view that's how it is. should I avoid talking about it because it's troubling for your views? I guess I could avoid it outside the teleporter thread.

Anonymous No. 16084195

>Why can't you guys just do the star trek teleporter thread like the old shitposters did?
you do it. don't let your dreams be the work of others

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Anonymous No. 16084267

> Cellular automatons operate on a series of rules that are so complex that they seem to have a mind of their own
> Posts image of the most simple automaton whose whole set of rules fits in 8 bits.

Anonymous No. 16084284

duuuude, but the fractals man. have you even seen Joe Rogan?

Anonymous No. 16084287

God made a bunch of NPCs, the fact you think you’re above it just means you’re going to hell.

Anonymous No. 16084757

consciousness may not be computational, consider that computational models of simple n-body dynamics turn chaotic, what of the convoluted interconnected neural dynamics?

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Anonymous No. 16084795

Is it a cellular automaton or not?
Does it have a name or have I found some unexplored territory?

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Anonymous No. 16084798

it happened to be some super complicated way to predict if the number is prime by building such table on the base of it.
Here's the same principle built up large, and as you can see the 2 and the 5 drawn upon one the other; such table on base say 11 look much more boring.

Anonymous No. 16084873

The problem that offers insight into this is the consistency of access. Even when the neurons are doped with various novel compounds on first time exposure, the P-sphere is preserved. But this is a somewhat dramatic version.
Even on the moment-by-moment basis, P-sphere inexplicably retains structure. In an entropic form, the complexity of accesses should result in extreme variation - schizophrenia, hallucinations, etc. - rendering consciousness effectively impossible.
There is some encapsulation in the P-sphere. This could be hypothetically posited as the regulation of neural structures themselves, but I wouldn't say so. Likewise, it could be as some protocol regulation of the P-sphere. In the library of Babel example, this would be opening one page that points to its continuation. This is done by having segments of the page as encapsulation of the underlying story.
This is of course wildly problematic for the underpinnings of my P-sphere, because just as consciousness is impossibly summoned from the void, demons come along with it, controlling experience.

Anonymous No. 16085838

So it seems I did find something new. Okay, how do I publish it? Is it possible to publish something of the kind not being certified mathematician, and if not, why not?

Anonymous No. 16085851

You'll probably or might contact an affiliated mathematician or a recognized one in your field, or try your luck with peer review yourself

Anonymous No. 16085870

May some of you feel free to publish it. I contacted mathologer, the kike didn't even respond.

Anonymous No. 16086852

if you can manage to not be a sperg, you could try to contact matt parker

Anonymous No. 16086858

Submit an Arxiv preprint, submit for publication. Probably a good idea to ask an expert in your respective area prior to the latter step.

nice serpenski gasket.