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🧵 China is about to finish building a neutrio lab

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081571

It's over westoid trannies, "the science" is now ruled by China.

Anonymous No. 16081582

wasnt this built already in Japan and in Antarctica, and in Dakota?

Anonymous No. 16081589

American here: Why would I be upset about the Chinese helping to advance human knowledge? All men are like brothers, dawg. In a thousand years, it won't matter who discovered certain things, just the discovery itself.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081604

Answered in this (short) article:
>Why would I be upset about the Chinese helping to advance human knowledge
imagine the brain drain in the reverse direction back to China? it's already happening because China pay x2 America to attract rare talents and it's not great for America to keep losing their edge. empires and hegemoney are built partly on perception and optics. will not be great outcome for the average joe in america if somehow China become the de facto leader.

Anonymous No. 16081606

Welp, same game same rules I suppose. If the chinks can pay for talent, good for them. If America is the better place for talent, good for the Americans.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081637

I don't want to live in a world where China is the de facto leader because they are authoritarian as fuck. if there were ever a world government, it'll be Chinese. the zogbots might be plotting the same thing but they don't have the population to do so.
faggots in America losing this ball game will be disastrous for the world. this period in America history will be recorded as one of the worst in history, just like when the Tang dynasty trannies become hedonistic degenerates and screwed up China for the next thousand years.

Anonymous No. 16081642

>China pay x2 America to attract rare talents
lol, lmao even.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081658

man you don't know shit.
I know a chink professor that made 250-300k salary range in Canada went back to China to become head of some department in China cause he's getting paid 500k there.
they're also poaching SV employees for higher salary.

Anonymous No. 16081669

Then vote for politicians who emphasize funding the sciences and improving education. I don't know what else you or I can do.

Anonymous No. 16081673

>brain drain to China
lmao. literally impossible because anyone with a brain doesn't want to live in China, including the Chinese

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081675

I think you niggas need to travel the world a bit because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16081679

>my single vote will matter
voting is the most cucked way to change things.

Anonymous No. 16081687

The largest dune is made of many grains of sand. Your vote doesn't matter, but if we as a society can start voting for candidates who emphasize science funding and school quality, much good can be done.

Anonymous No. 16081693

China is notoriously corrupt so I can’t trust that this project isn’t just a graft project for the CCP-linked institute leaders. Even if it’s not China’s has poor-quality building industry in general, although obviously something like this would be specialized contractors — does China HAVE such specialized contractors with experience in this sort of work? Or just companies which make nuclear reactors with peasant labor? My understanding that catching neutrinos is hard and it just has to be really big so maybe they’ll succeed BECAUSE of corruption and peasant workers can make the economics work whereas in a Western nation there’d too much politics over the money. Who knows, maybe’ll this be real and they’ll rent it out to other scientific institutions for doing research and be a world leader in something prestigious instead of something embarrassing?

Anonymous No. 16081710

>neutrino detector
wow the west definitively doesnt already have plenty of those
wow so impressive well done chine
wow the west is so over
wow great thread

Anonymous No. 16081732


Anonymous No. 16081738

It's actually mostly the Chinese who back. They got rid of the ESLosers and white monkeys in 2019, then Covid drove off the remaining leeches and sexpats back to neetland the belonged to.

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Anonymous No. 16082452

Where we're going you won't need eyes to see

Anonymous No. 16082458

Sometimes i wonder if everything we hear about China being authoritarian communist lunatics is just made up by the governments in the west and they're actually pretty normal

Anonymous No. 16082463

I do not understand what average burger flipper needs to cope with to write shit like this.