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🧵 S•ybean Oil Found To Alter Genes In Brain

Anonymous No. 16082473

Dysregulation of Hypothalamic Gene Expression and the Oxytocinergic System by S•ybean Oil Diets in Male Mice
>S•ybean Oil Might Be Altering Our Genetic Material And Leading To Diabetes And Obesity

A lot of people out there are trying to eat right, to give their body the fuel it needs, and to be as healthy as we can while we’re doing it.

That said, the advice and ramifications of what we put in our bodies seems to change all of the time – and now, something you probably eat has been proven to alter our actual genes.

The oils we use in foods and for frying, among other things, have changed quickly over the past couple of decades. Where canola or vegetable oil might once have reigned supreme, now peanut and s•ybean oil have taken the lead as “healthier” options.

When it comes to s•ybean oil, though, researchers are sounding the alarm.

Studies are starting to show that the rise in its use has coincided with a rise in metabolic conditions like diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity.

This latest study shows that it even causes genetic changes in the brain.

Studies with mice have shown mice who consume s•ybean oil are more likely to develop metabolic conditions than those fed something else, like coconut oil.

Researchers posited that the linoleic acid is to blame.

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Anonymous No. 16082477

To find out how the s•ybean oil produces negative consequences, they split mice into three groups. The first one received a diet high in normal s•ybean oil, while the second group received s•ybean oil with the linoleic acid removed.

A third group got coconut oil as part of their regular regime.

The first and second group’s results revealed modified gene expression in around 100 different hypothalamus genes. These affected things like metabolis, neurological disease, and overall inflammation.

The genes are ones associated with schizophrenia, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease, so some heavy hitters.

The most affected gene, though, is the one that codes for oxytocin – the happiness hormone – production.

Oxytocin promotes social bonding and feelings of euphoria and love, meaning that disruptions are linked to depression and autism.

It also plays a key role in glucose metabolism and body weight, a fact that turned out as expected with the mice.

These results led researchers to rule out linoleic acid as a main driver of the issue. Instead, they moved on to another compound found in s•ybean oil, stigmasterol.

Further testing ruled this compound out, too.

They’re still working on figuring out what exactly it is about s•ybean oil that has such an impact on us, but in the meantime study author Poonamjot Deol has some advice.

“If there’s one message I want people to take away, it’s this: reduce consumption of s•ybean oil.”

Anonymous No. 16082497

>be me
>stigma male
>eat s*y
>become depressed schizo with Alzheimer
>lose ability to pair bond
uhm I'm thinking yeah that describes us stigma males

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16082564

Anon, basedasaurs and gaysaurs got extinct for a reason: God hates fags. Is simple as.

Anonymous No. 16082566

Anon, soiasaurs and gaysaurs got extinct for a reason: God hates fags. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16082747

thats a good experiment, they even used a control group an sheeeiiiiittt

Anonymous No. 16082755

do people unironically use onions? I thought it was a meme. cow milk is better in every way

Anonymous No. 16082757

suck many cocks jannies

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Anonymous No. 16082783

Eliminate human tyranny!
The world belongs to Trisolaris!

Anonymous No. 16082829

They clearly don't want us to be discussing the East Asian legume in question because there is something they're trying to hide about it. So just avoid it and products containing it at all costs, theres plenty of other things to eat. Plus the peer reviewed study linked to in OP says its unhealthy.

Anonymous No. 16082838

For me it's bug oil and bug milk

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Anonymous No. 16082841

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16082865

>Dysregulation of Hypothalamic Gene Expression and the Oxytocinergic System by S•ybean Oil Diets in Male Mice
so ... what? Somebody posted some cow frog picture like it's some kind of healthy alternative: are you people aware that cow milk does have biological agents that play your genes and your endocrine system like a fiddle? It's a substance that takes calfs from around 50kg at birth to 250kg within 6 to 9 month.
There is a reason why bodybuilders love it, just as there is a reason why mammals lose the ability to digest milk. and there is a reason why governments introduced wide-scale milk-drinking programs in schools only after 1945 (the reason was propaganda. nothing else).

if you consider a cow or any living being as the sum of it's underlying subsystems, you must consider humans (or better said westerners) since 1945 to be bovine-human-hybrids.

I'm ok with that, just as I am ok with most food having an influence on my biology.

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Anonymous No. 16082879

we should all engage in the consumption of milk and butter as healthy alternatives.

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Anonymous No. 16082956


Anonymous No. 16083335

>The genes are ones associated with schizophrenia, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease, so some heavy hitters.
a possible explanation for the measurable IQ drop caused by vegetarian or vegan diets

Anonymous No. 16083372

>itt op cant spell s𐐬y for some reason.

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Anonymous No. 16083492

True. Anything that contains or uses soi must be destroyed.

Barkon No. 16083501

Soi bead.

Barkon No. 16083523

I didn't meen to nudge you I was being silly.

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Anonymous No. 16083633

you will eat the onions and like it

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Anonymous No. 16083675


Anonymous No. 16083746

good pic

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16084541

Thats what happens when you let women into science

Anonymous No. 16084623


Anonymous No. 16084628

>Giant chickens are harmless they can't hurt y...ACK!

Anonymous No. 16085542

You'd not allowed to name the east asian legume here, that word is censored as a means of hampering discussion of the topic

Anonymous No. 16085552

Something they will pay dearly for.

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Anonymous No. 16085560

>Giant chickens

Anonymous No. 16086187

it actually a lot worse than what the meme suggests

Anonymous No. 16087100

imagine a website that will let you use the n-word, but won't let you name the estrogen bean

Anonymous No. 16087114

stop it with the s o y hatespeech chud

Anonymous No. 16087133

>S•ybean Oil Found To Alter Genes In Brain
>Dysregulation of Hypothalamic Gene Expression and the Oxytocinergic System by S•ybean Oil Diets in Male Mice
those are literally not the same thing retard.
by your logic; taking a shit and doing about anything "alters" your genes

Anonymous No. 16088537

they are the same thing, you can't understand that because of your reduced intelligence resulting from sºybean oil

Anonymous No. 16088802

zoybeanz zoil causes brain clamp and circ. Bairn dammij and dugumdizzion from ze so-eeeeee.

Anonymous No. 16088873

Filtered by the sọy.

Anonymous No. 16089062

So many newfriends in this thread. Welcome!

Anonymous No. 16089067

Let's just rename it to "nigger bean". Problem solved.

Anonymous No. 16089070


Anonymous No. 16089354

Wholesome 100

Anonymous No. 16090056

In Israel they call them goybeans

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Anonymous No. 16091672


Anonymous No. 16092114


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Anonymous No. 16092199

I am the eye in the sky, lookin at yooouuuuuu

Anonymous No. 16092432

onions basedjak onions

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16093325


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16094959


Anonymous No. 16095576

good pic

Anonymous No. 16096362

Missed one at the bottom.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16097303

>Verification not required.

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Anonymous No. 16097308


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Anonymous No. 16097317


Anonymous No. 16098460

It really is amazing that they would censor the name of the estrogen bean on 4chan

Anonymous No. 16099782

even on the science board we're discouraged from discussing this topic

Anonymous No. 16099861

It tells you everything you need to know.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16100546

>made up soiyence garbage that never existed

Anonymous No. 16100554

It's because everybody is tired of it getting spammed. Take that as a hint.

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Anonymous No. 16100564


Anonymous No. 16102113

good pic lol

Anonymous No. 16102792

Why dont they censor other bullshit spam like bbc or whatever

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Anonymous No. 16102807

Why don't they....?

Anonymous No. 16103835

Oliveoilchads keep winning. The sky’s the limit

Anonymous No. 16104348

>t. butthurt sºygoy

Anonymous No. 16105475

This is part of why people look and act differently now. People can't face the depth of what the modern world has done to them, and that they'll never be human in the way their ancestors were. That's why you get all these emotional lashings out.

Anonymous No. 16105477

Like they literally can't do it. The emotional barrier and threshold is extremely high, and everything in their lives says not to see what they're seeing. So they don't. They just "follow the plan", go on with the script. Oh well, it's just what they gave me.

Anonymous No. 16105499

>People can't face the depth of what the modern world has done to them
>Like they literally can't do it.
You are saying this so casually. The meaning of this changes with age. It's all fun and games to say how fucked we are when 16 and even when 26. When 36 you're going to be like me: an atheist crying God help us what have we done.

Anonymous No. 16105500

>and that they'll never be human in the way their ancestors were.
you can do that right the fuck now and nobody is stopping you

Anonymous No. 16105512

I'm over 30 now and have been focused on this stuff since 15. It changes but it depends. I actually became less atheistic (my form was just-non-religious, didn't care) with time.

That's more complex than you want it to be. You may have gotten to have a life up until now, I didn't. I do things without a foundation. It's a long chain of meaningless events and hollow achievements, because I'm too old now and doing things way later than I wanted.

Anonymous No. 16105528

>I actually became less atheistic
How? I do sort of get the sense that this level of ignorance and predatory behaviour is not natural and not just the result of monkeying around. There's something so profoundly wrong that it seems religious somehow.

Anonymous No. 16106613

s*y causes that

Anonymous No. 16107337

Yep, they conclusively proved that the east asian estrogen bean that will remain unnamed is unhealthy and should not be consumed

Anonymous No. 16108553

>The genes are ones associated with schizophrenia, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease
The explains why vegans and vegetarians are so low IQ and schizo

Anonymous No. 16109486

Soiy is poison

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Anonymous No. 16110233

science finally figured out what everyone else already know. nice job, science

Anonymous No. 16111492

oy vey stop noticing goy

Anonymous No. 16112712

Are there any food that positively affect brain health?

Anonymous No. 16113445


Anonymous No. 16114383

Science changes according to evidence, yes. This is why it works.

Anonymous No. 16114390

>4chan was over a decade ahead of the soeynce
many such cases. Not even surprised at this point. Thousands of people pointing out trends to converge on is basically an advanced pattern recognizing hivemind. It's a shame it's effectiveness has been greatly hampered by shillbots in recent years. It could have been harnessed as a type of med ai system to rot out all the ills of society, but we can never have nice things.

Anonymous No. 16115973

>American private sector develops the greatest most powerful predictive software ever to exist
>can literally see accurately into the future
>government tries to destroy it
>the whole "trust the science" crowd hates it
are the government and the "trust the science" crowd admitting that they have nefarious plans by trying to hobble the future prediction software?

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Operation Total A....png

Anonymous No. 16116042


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16117687

>are the government and the "trust the science" crowd admitting that they have nefarious plans by trying to hobble the future prediction software?
also please stop noticing, goy

Anonymous No. 16118466

Anything with good cholesterol content. The (((media))) had been demonizing cholesterol for ages because they want a dumb and easily manipulated population. In reality eating cholesterol contributes to intelligence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16119981

its also not bad for your heart

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16120545

>In reality eating cholesterol contributes to intelligence.
your brain is made out of cholesterol

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16121697

If you look at the ingredients of just about any goyslop, you'll find soi oil on the ingredients list. usually fairly high up

Anonymous No. 16121790

still waiting for that BBC filter..

Anonymous No. 16121801

brain, hormones, skin, immune system etc
extremely important

boomers were told to replace cholesterol with phytosterols by statin manufacturers despite there literally being 0 studies on what this actually does to people in the long term lol
probably caused a lot of early dementia

Anonymous No. 16123013

they literally dissolve your brain.
regardless that, scientists will say that they're good for you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16123848

Thats what the drug manufacturers pay them to say, so thats what they say.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16125075

s*y oil always has to be hidden in goyslop because it tastes so awful, nobody ever cooks with the stuff voluntarily. they don't even sell it in stores because nobody wants it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16126287

>s*y oil
soiyl (AKA shit)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16127005

eating goyslop is probably less healthy of a practice than eating shit.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128029


Anonymous No. 16128034

but they will fry every potato chip and mix it in every vegetable oil blend because the government is a bunch of faggots and subsidize onions

Anonymous No. 16129398

One of the reasons those diets cause IQ low is B vitamin deficiency

Anonymous No. 16130015

I found out a little while ago that you're allowed to say "s•ybean" on /ck/ without getting wordfiltered. So the proper name of the estrogen bean isn't banned site wide, its only banned on /sci/ because they specifically want to make it difficult for people to discuss it here.
Which means they don't want us discussing thing like whats in the content of the article you posted

Anonymous No. 16130875

how come /ck/ can discuss s•ybeans and we can't?

Anonymous No. 16132132

because they only talk about cooking them and eating them

Anonymous No. 16132802

Discussions of the nutritional qualities of foods are banned on /ck/?

Anonymous No. 16132828

I suspected fermented onions is fine to consume in moderation.

Anonymous No. 16133943

wrong. some foods are unhealthy and sºy is one of them. azn women only eat it because the extra estrogen makes them get bigger tits.

Anonymous No. 16135180

asians only have small tits to begin with because their native diet is so unhealthy. same reason they're short. once you start feeding them a heathy diet thats contains something other than rice, the women grow normal tits and the men grow to a normal height