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Anonymous No. 16083900

Okay, but what *is* voltage? I mean the water pipe analogy helps with conceptualisation, but it's still just an analogy.

Anonymous No. 16083908

a scalar field that partially determines the dynamics of electromagnetic systems per variational principles.
you need the vector potential too for a full description.
differentiate the potential fields to get maxwell's equations. since nature cares more about differences and derivatives, it it arguably a more fundamental concept than the electric+magnetic field formalism.

Anonymous No. 16083975

Voltage is a difference in electric potential between two points in space. It means the existence of an electric field, which if you introduced a charged particle into it, a force would be exerted on that particle due to the field.

Anonymous No. 16084117

when more volt electric go more. No volt = no go

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Anonymous No. 16084128

Anonymous No. 16084137


it's directly proportional to how much God insists that certain electrons move

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16084206

Volt is the energy deposited per charge so Your batteries hold voltage because they have energy in their charges.
In a similar fashion, Gray is the energy deposited per matter, although this only takes radiation into account.
the redifinition of the Ampere may make this confusing but you just can ignore it; no one is using the gravitational current to define the kilogram yet after all.