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Anonymous No. 16084236

Embriologically speaking, are starfish conjoined quintuplets? How do they get radial symmetry after being evolved from bilaterians?

Anonymous No. 16084359

they are freak mutants

the original starfish was a worm, take one arm of a starfish and that one arm is the original creature altough now missing a mouth

the mouth is in the center of five tentacles and has also been multiplied into 5 parts

one mutation was enough to cause this and miraculously the creature survived

starfishes closest relatives are acorn worms and humans

insects are as far away from a starfish as they are from a human, the origin of insects is on the ocean 750 million years ago, microscopic proto-insects that cannot be seen by naked eye

human/starfish ancestor on the other hand was not microscopic, it lived in the bottom of the sea about 500 million years ago and once some of the ancestors gained five fold symmetry they lost the ablity to reproduce with human ancestors thus becoming separate branch of life

meanwhile the worm which gave life to humans transformed into fish->frog->lizard->human, thats more complicated than five fold symmetry

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Anonymous No. 16084390

>This is 2/5 of a starfish