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๐Ÿงต ABC-Conjecture proven

Anonymous No. 16084895
>Throws out Mochizuki's machinery and reproves all of Mochizuki's key results using existing theory.
>Other mathematicians say it's much easier to understand.
>Proves different versions of the most problematic corollary and then shows that you can sidestep it for many results.
>Mochizuki and his crew have gone radio silent.
>Scholze made some butthurt sounding mathoverflow comment in the past saying it hadn't (at the time) disproven his claim.
It's still only a draft version for comments but it could finally settle the question of the proof of the ABC theorem.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16084896


Anonymous No. 16084918

>Indian name
Caste check decides whether this is worth reading or whether it's bullshit

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Anonymous No. 16084941

Lol Arxiv is such fucking delusional dogshit with the papers they allow to pass nowadays and skip over when they think it's something weird

Anonymous No. 16084981

I'm not going to pay any attention to this shit until there's a REAL proof published. Not a preprint, not a "I'm publishing it because I'm Mochizuki and I'm on the board of a japanese journal" paper, but a real widely accepted proof.

Anonymous No. 16086211

t. low caste

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Anonymous No. 16086324

Joshi isn't associated with Mochizuki, rather it seems Mochizuki hasn't been replying to any of Joshi's emails. Mochizuki has vaguely alluded to reformulations as being fake and made for drama and criticized them for being made by people who don't understand his original theory.