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🧵 Windfarms kill 20x more than earler estimates

Anonymous No. 16087063

Wind turbines are slaughtering millions of birds and bats annually

The Biden administration is issuing 30-year permits for “taking” (killing) bald and golden eagles. The great birds will be legally slaughtered “unintentionally” by lethal wind turbines installed in their breeding territories, and in “dispersion areas” where their young congregate (e.g. Altamont Pass). By chance (if you believe in coincidences), a timely government study claims wind farms will kill “only” 14 million birds yearly by 2030. This new report is just one of many, financed with taxpayers’ money, aimed at convincing the public that additional mortality caused by wind plants is sustainable. – It is not.

Dr. Shawn Smallwood’s 2004 study, spanning four years, estimated that California’s Altamont Pass wind “farm” killed an average of 1160 Golden Eagles annually. This adds up to 23,900 dead “goldies” since it was built 25 years ago. Altamont is the biggest sinkhole for the species, but not the only one, and industry-financed research claiming that California’s GE population is stable is but a white-wash.

Eagles are not the only victims. Smallwood also estimated that Altamont killed an average of 3000 red-tailed hawks, 3330 American kestrels and 380 burrowing owls annually – plus even more non-raptors, including 25,526 rock doves and 22,557 western meadowlarks. In 2012, breaking the European omerta on wind farm mortality, the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO/Birdlife) reviewed actual carcass counts from 136 monitoring studies.

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Anonymous No. 16087147

Anonymous No. 16087287

Good. Fuck birds. Anything too dumb to avoid a giant spinning arm should be removed from the genepool. Actually worse than mistaking glass for air/water.

The culling of the weak will only make them stronger in the long run.

Anonymous No. 16087288

it's so sad. makes me angry.

Anonymous No. 16087299

This. We're doing them a favor by removing the truly bird-brained from the bunch. The survivors will be smart enough to....avoid a massive bright white moving obstacle. Amazing.

Anonymous No. 16087301

How many birds gets killed every year because they fly into windows?

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Anonymous No. 16087309


Anonymous No. 16087315

too many. we need to protect wildlife, not harm them with such stuff, like that, or wind farms, or light pollution, or vehicles. With concentrated amounts of wind turbines in a single area, the local wildlife suffers, not just with death, but with noise pollution also.

Anonymous No. 16087403

If we killed billions(of browns) we would have plenty of energy, resources, and space for huge nature preserves.

Anonymous No. 16087506

>look Albert, I see a mou-ack!

Anonymous No. 16087585

in case you haven't noticed, perpetually-growing industrial society is murdering a whole lot more than a few birbs
we can't help but win at this point

Anonymous No. 16087598

It's already well known in the field of ornithology that researchers are highly incentivized to undercount bird deaths near windmills.

Anonymous No. 16087607

Who cares? The issue with windfarms is that they are awful at making power.

AIFag !Gy8L8Ggb7w No. 16087609

a bird kills countless critters on the in its life, unironically trimming birds will save a fuck ton more lives.

Anonymous No. 16087615

>rats eat entire population of iowa town, news at 11

Anonymous No. 16087647

>Dr. Shawn Smallwood’s 2004 study
Missing context: Altamont's been upgraded twice by now with that very study in view.

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Anonymous No. 16088605

>highly incentivized

Anonymous No. 16088627

around a billion

Anonymous No. 16088677

Why (((they))) push for windfarms and solar panels?

Anonymous No. 16089302

Good, fuck them birds, build more death turbines and solar roasters

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Anonymous No. 16089312

Cats are one of the WORST environmental disasters EVER... yet the same eco-freaks that complain about wind farms own cats.

Anonymous No. 16089323

Do you propose any actual solution?

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Anonymous No. 16089797

Total eagle death

Total human supremacy

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Anonymous No. 16089825

cats kill 1-4 billion birds a year (in the USA) lmao, exhaust from coal plants kill tens of millions a year; windmills are negligible

Anonymous No. 16090141

six billion

Anonymous No. 16090191

I’d say it’s more the are incentivized to claim wild kill estimates from climate change

Anonymous No. 16090218

why are birds so fucking stupid?

Anonymous No. 16090558

Now compare them to window panes our house carts.

Anonymous No. 16090583

Fuck off you and your trash tier scam.

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Anonymous No. 16090633

> including 25,526 rock doves
lmfao, they're a pest in every city. Are you trying to troll us or are you trolled into feeling sorry for them?

Anonymous No. 16090643

Who cares? The only thing useful about eagles is they helped get DDT banned.

Anonymous No. 16090689

don't care.

Anonymous No. 16090697

I don't even know if they count as pests since they're domesticated lol

Anonymous No. 16090815

globally, maybe
the 1 bn estimate is u.s. only

Anonymous No. 16090945

sounds like there needs to be a bird butcher near every farm

Anonymous No. 16090975

can i use this data to push the pussies to support nuclear?

Anonymous No. 16090977

At least cities spend millions to kill them. 25k dead by windmills is nothing compared to cities killing them.

Anonymous No. 16091036

bros energy use is about to spike real hard with the upcoming compute bullshit. the carbon might become a real issue (as compared to today's bullshit).

Anonymous No. 16091067

Birds died because of the lack of heavy metals.

Anonymous No. 16091074

Word salad

Anonymous No. 16091084

>the carbon might become a real issue (as compared to today's bullshit).
More carbon is better for the planet.
The modern climate is one of the coldest in Earth's history. There is absolutely no reason to suppose the modern, pre-industrial climate is optimal in any sense for humanity or for the rest of the biosphere.

Anonymous No. 16091086

hope your master has shit on his boots, when you'll lick them the first you get a chance to

Anonymous No. 16091088

Not an argument

Anonymous No. 16091091

You ignore every argument ever given, and due to the lack of jannies in this board, we can only insult you.

Anonymous No. 16091104

>You ignore every argument ever given
You don't know me. You have no idea if you've ever interacted with me before. Attributing that ignorance to me is, ironically, ignorant in and of itself.
Climate change proponents are notorious for never engaging honestly with people who disagree with their conclusions.
The concept that carbon emissions are universally and uniquely bad is never even questioned. Very little in life is completely beneficial or harmful. There are upsides and downsides to nearly everything. If you can't accept this fact of life when it comes to carbon emissions, then you're wilfully blind.
Let me go first;
Ongoing human carbon emissions will probably disrupt ecology and weather in unpredictable ways. Weather patterns may change in unforseeable ways and many people may be displaced from their homes.
However, there are benefits to higher carbon levels such as.. (your turn)

Anonymous No. 16091114

So they're 20x more effective than previously thought?

Anonymous No. 16091116

>Ongoing human carbon emissions will probably disrupt ecology and weather in unpredictable ways.
nta and agree atm there's no real issue, even if there is some difference it's basically irrelevant. yeah people can show bad shit happening today in various parts of the world but shit happened historically speaking. it's no catastrophe atm.
but, bro, you must seriously underestimate how much carbon Moloch is asking for itself only, in the coming years.
I'm the original CO2=more green shit on that NASA study many years back trolling ledditor eco-retards. problem is energy use will go fucking wild in the future, and not much of it will be for pleb good times.

Anonymous No. 16091135

>>16091116 me
what I want to say is that I'm less on "must ban gas cars" and more on "must find clean source". many cars will go EV, some will still be on gas, don't care much about that since that isn't really the issue, that's basically peanuts, if that.

Anonymous No. 16091151

>problem is energy use will go fucking wild in the future
200 years of industrial revolution has only pushed co2 from about 350 to 480ppm, but anywhere from 800-1200ppm would be incredible for the biosphere.
AI data centers won't be majority powered by hydrocarbons, it's all going to be nuclear within 100 years.

Anonymous No. 16091162

there's also space for compute (in orbit) but that seems pretty wild idea atm. maybe fusion happens in the near future.

Anonymous No. 16091707


Anonymous No. 16091750

If birds are so smart then how come they're dead?

Anonymous No. 16091770

>but that seems pretty wild idea atm

Not really when starship will be able to launch 150 tonnes at a time for fairly cheap and your data centres at SSO will have 24/7 solar power. Cost of launch will be offset over time by not having to purchase grid power.

Anonymous No. 16092088


Anonymous No. 16093166

whats the carbon footprint of a starship launch?

Anonymous No. 16093184

good question.

Anonymous No. 16093187

All techs. Drugs created by imagination of feeling. Chemicals known like the back of my hand. All sciences. Knowledge of all. Round about 70% or more of all that's possible from this angle. Which is a staggering amount of small shit and very very very complex shit in whatever amount it may be.

Anonymous No. 16093990

the same people who want windmills also claim they care about saving endangered bird and bat species.
can't have both, choose one

Anonymous No. 16094037

>try to stop one of the biggest mass extinction events
>an eagle dies

Anonymous No. 16094229

How exactly are wind turbines meant to prevent extinction?

Anonymous No. 16094236

Yes the law dictates that whole building projects must stop by if some special bird decides to build a nest there and you're not even allowed to scare it away.

Anonymous No. 16094255

Don't care, rather have birds.

Anonymous No. 16094619

do cats kill eagles

Anonymous No. 16094634

House cats , building, and power lines all collectively kill significantly larger amount of birds per year. Now , it is for sure a problem that birds get massacred by wind turbines , at rates of 140,000 to 679,000 bird fatalities per year - but it is not the only contributing factor.

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Anonymous No. 16095207


Anonymous No. 16095287

Ever heard of global warming?

Anonymous No. 16095432

>building windmills will make the weather more gooder
Incoherent schizo babbling

Anonymous No. 16096956

>mass murdering birds with windmills is a large scale version of old testament style animal sacrifice

Anonymous No. 16097079

Literally just paint one of the blades black.

Anonymous No. 16098383

how would that help?