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Anonymous No. 16088200

What are these things and are they useful?

Anonymous No. 16088211

The answer is in the first result from google in the same wikipedia article you got that image from.

Anonymous No. 16088271

None of the modern ones worked. There are some similarly designed condensers that were connected to some aqueducts, but a modern reconstruction didn't perform well.

Anonymous No. 16088394

They made fertiliser?

Anonymous No. 16088399

A giant's cheese grater

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16089013

Fertility idle.
>No scientific proof that they work
>They just make people think about penises all of the time

Anonymous No. 16089024

Its a fertility idol.
>Makes everyone think about dicks all of the time

Anonymous No. 16089141

that’s a gatling dovecote

Anonymous No. 16089198

Ah, I see you have mastered the science of anthropology.

Anonymous No. 16089508

Looks like a birdhouse. That, or it's an icehouse somebody got fancy with.

Anonymous No. 16089516

Correction: It was exactly between the two, a well.