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๐Ÿงต Finnish man finds out about rabbit gene

Anonymous No. 16088201

Forest rabbits genes have been mapped

East Finlands biology university has mapped forest rabbit genome

This is now the standard genome for it and when other specimens of rabbit will be investigated their genes will be compared against this one which is now the standard genome

>They used only males to map entire genome
>The reason for this is males including both X and Y while females have double X

This Finnish rabbit was actulaly the original Eastern Bunny in European cultures altough modern day European rabbits are not from Europe, mostly

Reason for this is rabbits taken as pets, from a non wild gene stock

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too many finns.jpg

Anonymous No. 16088697

Anonymous No. 16089552

Local perkele news

Anonymous No. 16089553

It's a spambot unfortunately

Anonymous No. 16089917

dont you think its /sci/ worthy find

Anonymous No. 16089935

What's this? I've heard this term before, but I looked it up, and "Finland" doesn't exist.