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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16089280

What are the best nutrients/supplements for bonemaxxing?
>bone composition
>precursors to bone creation and repair
>hormones that give denser bones
>things that boost those hormones

Anonymous No. 16089730

vitamin d3 and some burly dudes on TV said that bones get stronger by using them in more extreme situations, these men used to bash things with their fists

Anonymous No. 16089737


Anonymous No. 16090694

What are you doing that you need to get bone supplements? How would know id is working even if anons gave you supplement recommendations? Id avoid taking hamers or whatever the guy took to the face instead of taking random vitamins.

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Cult of Passion No. 16091003

Physical conditioning.
[adjusts Chinese-fu mustache]
I teach you. Punch iron plate 10,000 times, today.

Anonymous No. 16092064

Vitamin D3 and milk