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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16089743

How instinctive is sex? Like, theoretically, if you raised two children so that they never learned formally about sex, would they as adults just be able to instinctively figure it out?

Anonymous No. 16089753

>if you raised two children so that they never learned formally about sex, would they as adults just be able to instinctively figure it out?
Mindless animals instinctively reproduce, obviously people do as well. I was very sheltered as a child and teenager, but still lost my virginity at 17.
I am gonna guess you meant to ask "will I be GOOD at sex?" No, you will not. Dick in pussy is simple, learning to pleasure each other is a skill that takes time.
>.t 41yr old boomer

Anonymous No. 16089821

>32 minutes have passed since I read your question and responded.
>(You) have not responded
>No other anons have responded
Clean up this shit thread, jannies.

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Anonymous No. 16089843

It's like The Blue Lagoon. They'll figure it out eventually.

Anonymous No. 16089854

No because they would never have sex, they would lack the chemical response to engage because the pattern was never learned

Anonymous No. 16090103

the thread is sad op, it reveals your lack of experience.

Anonymous No. 16090277

Louis XVI and Marie Antionette had no idea what the fuck they were doing until someone told them explicitly how to do it.
>In a letter to his brother Leopold, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Joseph II described them as "a couple of complete blunderers."[50] He disclosed to Leopold that the inexperienced—then still only 22-year-old—Louis XVI had confided in him the course of action he had been undertaking in their marital bed; saying Louis XVI "introduces the member," but then "stays there without moving for about two minutes," withdraws without having completed the act and "bids goodnight."[51]
Sheltered monarchs are probably a rare example of people growing up without ever learning about sex from the people around them. After this guy told Louis what to do she immediately got pregnant.

Anonymous No. 16090358

It's not obvious. Sexual behavior is inhibited through development of other activities and interests in humans, so called functional networks arise that place additional levels of inhibitor control. Libido is a product of behavioral habituation too, so higher frequencies of copulation and masturbation will lead to more of it. I seldom masturbated or had sex as a teenager despite my hormones being at their apex. Frequency increased once access to online pornography started in my early 20s and with it I noticed less control around women in real life with erections and sexual thoughts arising despite my logic centers saying mating with this individual at this moment or future moment would not be advantageous.

Anonymous No. 16090362

Inhibitory control

Anonymous No. 16090365

If you see each other naked you notice a stick and a hole are conspiciously different and in the same spot. Also a lot of people discover masturbation on their own

Anonymous No. 16090520

>Ah zere it is what a beautiful pe-nis! Now you shall carrie mah babie marie!
>Oh yes Louis! that is so good! Ah can feel mahself getting more preg-nant by ze day!
*8 months later*
>Marie! Ou mah dar-ling! Whah have we not had our ah childran yet?! Are you, eh barr-en?
>No no no! Ah do not know whah! Let's try again!

Anonymous No. 16090542

>.t 41yr old boomer
You're a millennial, not a boomer.

Anonymous No. 16090573

Yes. Hormones get out of control during puberty and kids find out naturally. Literally the brain is telling them to touch it.

Anonymous No. 16090576

virgins thread

Anonymous No. 16090636

>it feels good if I touch myself here
>it feels good if I see that part of yours
>please touch it
>feels good for both
>maybe we can cut out the middle man and rub the things against each other
Seriously, you don't need to formally learn about sex, it just feels good. What you need to learn formally is how to not catch STDs and get pregnant at 14

Anonymous No. 16090645

Don't say she who must not be named. I know it auto bans you from /tv/.

Anonymous No. 16090661

will a Blue Lagoon ever get a faithful remake in modern age?

Anonymous No. 16092433


Pure ideology.

Anonymous No. 16092534

I've seen a lot of porn and I still don't know how to find the right hole.

Anonymous No. 16092581

>The Blue Lagoon.
torrent? pls

Anonymous No. 16092640

I don't know OP, I haven't quite figured it out myself yet

Maybe when I'm dead someone will just rape my corpse

Anonymous No. 16093044


When I knew nothing about sex, that movie made me hard. I did not know why.

Anonymous No. 16094405

go to the piratebay retard newfag