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Anonymous No. 16090077

Why dont humans sniff each other's asses when they meet like other animals do? Would we have a more friendly and cohesive society if we implemented this as a global custom?

Anonymous No. 16090149

idk, but I think it'd be a hassle to bend down, then you also have cheeks in the way. Another thing of note, is that we as a species sweat. So you could probably get a portion of that same information from an individual's body odor.

Anonymous No. 16090219

First of all, based. The consequences of bipedalism has been a disaster for the human race.

Anonymous No. 16090239

It's just too difficult to tell which end is which with some people.

Anonymous No. 16090359

What kind of info do dogges get out of this anyway? Whenever one of our three dogs takes a dump the other two rush to smell it.

Anonymous No. 16090596

Speak for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16092247

Because humans arent dogs you faggot

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Anonymous No. 16093127

Dogs are a man-made creation and shouldn’t exist, maybe only a few select species for specific utilitarian needs. Dogs were selectively bred from wolves and don’t serve any real purpose. Same goes for cats and other pets.
There is a good chance that your dog is just annoying one of your neighbours by constantly barking and there is always a chance of it hurting someone else.
I walk down the street anywhere and all I hear is barking, all around the world. Maybe a virus will appear someday and eradicate them. Ask yourself, why did you actually get a dog, is it replacing something? Are you lonely? Is it your retarded alarm system? Maybe find another solution to fix the problem.

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Anonymous No. 16093212

>Dogs don’t serve any real purpose. Same goes for cats and other pets.

Anonymous No. 16093224

Yes, other than a few select species for specific utilitarian needs, just like I said. Clean up your house, maybe that will fix your rat infestation.

Anonymous No. 16093357

OP didnt say dogs stupid faggot

Anonymous No. 16093360

Dogs were bred SPECIFICALLY to serve a purpose you massively retarded pseud

Anonymous No. 16093378

And now the vast majority are useless pets. Animals shouldn’t be kept locked inside. If you think that you have a big enough backyard, birdcage, fish tank, etc then you’re wrong. Dogs become ecstatic when they go for a walk outdoors, I wonder why.

Anonymous No. 16093383

Sometimes I’m walking through certain suburbs and the Dogs sound the a fucked up symphony all going off together. I really don’t like the idea of having kids because I don’t want them to experience what I’m experiencing.

Anonymous No. 16093393

>noooooo animals can't stay inside they have to behave like they did 200000 years ago!!!!!
>canines have fallen millions must bark

Anonymous No. 16093431

Most dogs have been bred for cuteness. I don’t even think they were selectively breeding the dogs that were more comfortable living in confinement. And they definitely didn’t select for quietness.
No wonder people always shut down the possibility of eugenics on humans, just look at what they did with dogs. Some can breathe properly, some are super skinny, some have the shape of a sausage and so on.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16094371


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Anonymous No. 16094374


Anonymous No. 16094551

no species serve a purpose, things just exist

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Cult of Passion No. 16094552

>Why dont humans sniff each other's asses
Its extremely common for humans, what are you talking about...?

Anonymous No. 16094605

imagine being one of those creepy assholes that doesn't like dogs

Anonymous No. 16094610

si senor

Anonymous No. 16094652

Dogs were made by humans. They aren’t a product of natural evolution.
I didn’t say that I didn’t like dogs, I said that they don’t belong around humans because they are essentially an aggressive domesticated predator wolf. They make a lot of noise and don’t serve any purpose. I don’t think they are happy living confined either, not that they would be able to tell you that. People are getting them for the wrong reasons, get yourself a human friend.
I have been attacked by another person’s dog on the street before btw, and many have threatened an attack before. I don’t want to get unnecessarily mauled by a cute pet.

Anonymous No. 16094663

>Vox Vulgaris - The Shape of Medieval Music to Come
Sometimes I feel like we are still living in the medieval ages. You should have to get a permit to own a dog and you must have a good reason to own one too.

Anonymous No. 16094664

can dogs tell if another dog is eating well by smelling its ass? could be a way to tell mf is eating on the side without sharing? or figuring out who to follow?

Anonymous No. 16094719

Everything is natural and nothing has a purpose.
Ever heard about the solar system? It doesnt have a purpose

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Anonymous No. 16094846

>I don’t think they are happy living confined either, not that they would be able to tell you that.
Some owners don’t even take their dogs for walks. The dogs are essentially living in a Plato's Cave scenario. They don’t get to choose, they are imprisoned.

Anonymous No. 16094922

Adding to this: I want you to compare the life of a typical dog to that of a wolf, and then I want you to compare your life to someone that is in jail. Do you get it now?

Anonymous No. 16095692

US and the rest of the western world has been an open air prison ever since they started serializing citizens and mandating institutionalization.

Anonymous No. 16095719

Dogs with jobs serve a purpose.
People who get them and treat them like a pot plant are a scourge, I agree with that.

Anonymous No. 16095857

>selectively bred from wolves and don’t serve any real purpose is to serve man, the only thing that provides purpose to anything. Wolves serve no purpose, as do the countless organisms rendered extinct by man due to their lack of use.

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Anonymous No. 16096093

There’s this dog that one of my neighbours has that his life consists of this: He is locked in a confined space and he barks whenever he hears or sees something, then he waits until the next time he hears or sees something so he can bark again.

Anonymous No. 16096131

I don't know maybe it's because you instead have a highly developed natural ability to verbally express any thoughts that may occur to you, and are not an animal with a highly developed sense of smell that relies on ass pheromones to understand behavioural cues and identify strangers.