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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16091142

Why did all the anti-vaxxer "takes" age so poorly?

Anonymous No. 16091146

>shit in a bag
>let it age
>why is there shit in my bag? Why did it age so poorly?

Anonymous No. 16091160

Because sensationalists from both sides used it for their own agenda. In the end, it was just business as usual.

Anonymous No. 16091161

Does this really need to be answered? It's self evident.

Anonymous No. 16091175

Your igg4 levels?

Anonymous No. 16091178

because it's falseflagging black propaganda from pharma shills and the poldrones fell for it but due to shame and embarrassment won't admit

Anonymous No. 16091182

Is posting tweets for ants the new meta

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Anonymous No. 16091188


Anonymous No. 16091191

Literally all of those things did happen though?

Anonymous No. 16091207

Every single one of those happened. You're gaslighting.

Anonymous No. 16091221

It's really unclear what's going on. The topic is highly polarised and the media has made it fairly easy to totally ignore one half of the story due to the way different outlets only ever report on one side of the story. There's not really any central, neutral place to get all the information to make any kind of informed decision. You might say just read the studies and ignore the media, but then you're missing all the testimony from people at the front line which shouldn't really be completely ignored. Clearly the person in that tweet has accepted all the info from one side and rejected all the other, which I think is unlikely to be the reality of the situation

Anonymous No. 16091230

I think it depends on what you consider "mass" in some of those claims. I don't recall there being a permanent lockdown though

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Anonymous No. 16091508


Anonymous No. 16091520

Why did anti-vaxxers age at all?

Anonymous No. 16091522

Cancer rates were already rising well before the pandemic even happened. I'm so tired of stupid news articles getting posted as "fact".

Anonymous No. 16091528


Anonymous No. 16091540

Don't expect any vaxxie to know what IgG4 is, anon