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Anonymous No. 16091222

Which gender is the more romantic one?
What does science say about this topic?

Anonymous No. 16091245

women are as degenerate as men are.

Anonymous No. 16091254

It's moronic to think you can categorise people so broadly. Suppose we found a way to quantify romantic inclinations and surveyed the entire world population and then looked at the average by gender. I would bet you, firstly, that the difference would not be great, and secondly, that there are going to be many, many outliers in both categories.

Anonymous No. 16091324

You sounds like a foid.

Anonymous No. 16091326

See, your generalisations are already falling apart

Anonymous No. 16091363

Yep, foid confirmed.

Anonymous No. 16091392

Weird, usually the insistence is quite to the opposite. With the same amount of evidence, I might add.

Anonymous No. 16091427

Do what you do best and bitch and moan about being held accountable for your actions.

Anonymous No. 16091590

Women want to be loved, no love.

Anonymous No. 16091598

>black women, old hags, no pfp’s
these are the equivalent of incels, nerds, broke guys, etc.

Anonymous No. 16091996

what about lesbians?

Anonymous No. 16092391

>He says, bitching and moaning about being held accountable for his half-baked midwit opinions

Anonymous No. 16093311


Anonymous No. 16093321

Have you ever seen a happy lesbian?

Anonymous No. 16093339

femanon here. I love sucking dick

Anonymous No. 16093367

I've always been fascinated by the phenomenon of sexual domination.
Rationally speaking it shouldn't be pleasurable - objectively speaking it's not something desirable for the dominated participant - to be abused.
And yet many women dream about being sexually dominated, raped even, by a sexually attractive man.
How does it work?
Could you describe what do you feel when it happens?

IR No. 16093424

Romantics are those that that seek to find/reify their ideals in the real world.

Men's ideal for a woman is a beautiful virgin

Women's ideal for a man is a beautiful wealthy guy

So here we must decide upon the degree of romanticness of those ideals.
We can drop the "beautiful" since we are only looking for differences.
"Virgin" vs "Wealthy" — one depends on the constitution of character and perhaps the reciprocal seeking of that romantic idea of "the one", the other one depends on the constitution of a character much less so.

So, from that, I conclude that men, ON AVERAGE, are the more romantic of genders, but it depends on an individual.
One could say that it is so because men are more predisposed to loneliness, which naturally makes one dreamy of that "sweet, sweet love", but that's a tad too shallow, I think it depends on the degree of individuality of an individual.

IR No. 16093426

The desire to find a virgin partner is really the true indicator of a romantic individual. It's the highest of attainable love fantasies — "the boy and the girl meant for each other". You never hear a fairy tail with a princess having multiple lovers before she decides that the hero will be the one she settles for.

Weininger captured this well, although a lot of the chapters in his book feel unnecessary. The one about form and substance of love (somewhere halfway thought the book) is genius though. In a few words: men have an ideal of love they want to realize by finding an appropriate form — a woman capable of fulfilling their idea — on whom they could project that idea.

I don't think he mentions this in his book, so I will add from myself: it's not just men projecting their ideal of love onto women, its the dominant (not in a sexual sense, but in a romantic one, "dominant idealist") projecting onto a submissive vessel (who is very much happy of being the capable vessel of that ideal, women often change their ways to fit the wants of their partner).

I would associate the quality of being a "dominant idealist" with a higher degree of individuality, because an idealist wants a *thing* to be the way HE WANTS IT TO BE, and the higher individuality, in turn, with higher intelligence for obvious reasons. From this, it is easy to notice that the more individualistic a woman is, the more her ideas of love resemble those of a man, and she escapes the "Mother, Prostitute" archetypal dichotomy into the world of the archetypes usually ascribed to men "Leader (King), Warrior, Scientist (Magician), and the Lover". As Weininger mentions ~"the more successful (talking in regards to arts & sciences) women resemble often in their manners and even in their faces those characteristics that are masculine and are mostly peculiar to men".

IR No. 16093430


As >>16091996 mentioned, in a lesbian relationship, for example, there is often a woman who resembles masculine qualities in her behaviour more than the other and she is more likely to be the "dominant idealist" I described above. But lesbian rels often fail, because to be a lesbian a woman must feel an attraction to the Feminine which is an indication that her nature is more of a Masculine one, so when the two Masculine in their nature women meet both want the act of love play out the way each of them wants it, and neither is willing to become a vessel for the ideal of the other, because both are highly individualistic, and I'm basically explaining how magnets work at this point.

Anonymous No. 16093443

yes. all the lesbians I've known are happy with a husband/baby daddy and kids. they all end up with a guy and pregnant. it's amusing

Anonymous No. 16093444


I think the virginity in a partner allows for the purer forms of "love ideals" to be realized because a virgin is like a blank canvas to a romantic, the purest of fantasies I mentioned above can still be fulfilled.

I capitalized "ON AVERAGE" above because women are also capable of wanting to project their romantic ideal onto a form capable of morphing to that ideal, and they all want to make the purest of romantic fantasies come true, while they can.. when they can no more they will try to find all sorts of excuses — "body count does not matter!" — to avoid having to accept that they can no longer be the form with which one could realize the most beautiful of romantic fantasies.

Because women are taught from the young age, and correctly so, and probably understand intuitively — though subconsciously — that they need to take care of themselves to be appealing [as a form is to a substance] to the many men and pick the best one, and so, be much more selective in their choice of partner, they are much less vocal in the public places of the internet about their ideas of love, and you can only find their opinions on the matter in the enclosed communities, such as crystalcafe, that I recently went to for some "in the field" observation of the modern female psychology. And this is very interesting thread to read from a psychological point of view for all you anons wondering if women are romantic at all, having all the I said above in mind:

It all comes to a developed individuality, which comes from intelligence, and I'm certain you know how those IQ curves of men and women overlap and where one lags behind another.

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Anonymous No. 16093447

Fucking gookmoot with his spam filter. Here's a link to a thread: https://crystal(put a do here)cafe/b/res/219189.html

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Anonymous No. 16093692

Highest level of instability or violence than any other kind of relationship.
For woman the first sex time is between hornies to fear pregnancy, sexual intimídate and trust.
This is pretty different from the Mass Media version about man used or predate on woman, but a horny woman tried to find a place and time to had sex with man than she find attractive and trust.
Woman will feel bad about than man just stop to talk her or start to date another woman, in some cases women will fantasy about one man than she had sex will return and marry with her.

For women romance will be incondicional love, affections, resources, take care, and total acceptation just for begin themself, as movies like pretty woman,the notebook, Forrest gump, the idea the man will reject them explicit or implicit for sexual past is a total breaking the romance fantasy.

Anonymous No. 16093727

Are there women with the intellectual powers needed to behave morally? Or at least are women held accountable for their misbehavior?

Anonymous No. 16094264

So ultimately they were not happy with women

Anonymous No. 16094336

that was my point, lughead

Anonymous No. 16094346

Get this shit out of my /sci/

Gossiping about the women's goss community makes me very mad, STOP