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Anonymous No. 16092555

Heartrate goes up 90-120 if I drink beers even moderately now, /med/ically speaking, would it be safe for me to take a betablocker and then drink?

Anonymous No. 16092565

Hello, /sci/?? I need advice now..

Anonymous No. 16092641

Try water

Anonymous No. 16092658

It doesn't work that well

Anonymous No. 16092660

Don't drink alcohol. It's haram and unhealthy.

Anonymous No. 16092717

I just hope you die desu

Anonymous No. 16092734


Anonymous No. 16092766

Safe and effective. No refunds.

Anonymous No. 16092769

Ok nice meme and all but.. I didn't take the vaxx..

Anonymous No. 16092771

It's called getting older, idiot.

Anonymous No. 16092772

Are you taking beta blockers because you have hypertension or because the high heart rate is giving you palpitations? If it's the latter then don't take them and just get used to the palpitations, if it's the former then you should probably consult your doctor about that.

Anonymous No. 16092775

Not that old either.

No I am making a proposal on whether or not I should take betablockers when drinking alcohol because the alcohol gives me tachycardia now, I don't need betablockers otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16092776

Lemme guess, you're 24-25? Probably did a bit of drinking when you were younger. Don't worry, you'll get more fun surprises in due time.

Anonymous No. 16092777

31 here. I can't eat pizza anymore without having tums with me. Welcome to hell.

Anonymous No. 16092778

>I don't need betablockers otherwise
Then don't take them, especially if the tachycardia doesn't bother you.

I'm not sure if this is the correct explanation but alcohol causes vasodilation of blood vessels, this in turn causes a drop in blood pressure. To compensate for this the body raises heart rate to increase blood pressure back to normal.

If you take beta-blockers then this compensation is lost and your blood pressure will likely drop, this can possibly result in fainting or syncope which is why I don't recommend you take beta blockers.

Anonymous No. 16092779

I'm nearly 30.

I see..

Anonymous No. 16092785

>take beta blocker
>become alpha as fuck

Anonymous No. 16092791

I wanted to ask is it possible for antipsychotics to cause an altered physiology within the heart after 1-2 weeks of taking them? I had to take them for that duration last year for.. reasons.

Suffice to say I haven't been able to drink alcohol normally ever after again.

Anonymous No. 16092794


sage No. 16092809

>I see
Soon you will feel.

Anonymous No. 16092833

>I'm nearly 30.
Wow, feel lucky it started that late for you.