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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16093241

Is double-slit experiment a psy-op?
If you "detect a photon going through one slit" it means you've obstructed one slit with measuring equipment therefore it's no longer the same experiment.
Are they deliberately confusing people?
Are they hiding something?
What is it all about?

Anonymous No. 16093243

They're hiding the fact that you are clearly unmedicated.

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Anonymous No. 16093268

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy soiyence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

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Single vs double ....png

Anonymous No. 16093294

If you shine light through a single slit, you see an interference pattern. A wide bulge flanked by smaller ones.
If you shine light through a double slit, you see the same pattern as a single slit, only little tiny dots are visible inside.
Electrons, carrying wave properties, follow the same behavior. If you shine them through a single slit, you see a long bulge flanked by smaller ones.
If you permit electrons to pass through both slits, you retain the same structure only with little dots inside.
When people say the interference pattern disappears if you close a slit, they mean the fine structure induced by the second slit.
However, the single slit interference remains.

See pic rel for light and link for electrons.

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Anonymous No. 16093315

yes its routinely mis-intrepreted especially by copenhagen school of thought
>They're hiding the fact that you are clearly unmedicated.
speak for yourself faggot, they're just uneducated

double slit is an experiment on polarizer physics, and then single photon double slit is an experiment on laser emission physics but really they never get single photons

then finally the name 'double slit' in itself is a psyop because its actually a diffraction grating because the spacing needed between the slits is too small to actually build without very high calibre lithography machines; they just assume the physics applies to both scenarios while ignoring thing like subsurface scattering effect and diffraction between different materials.

and then you may ask, why? Why does copenhagen school of thought push this weirdo angle of quantum physics where they try to make things look like magic? Its because the thought movement was founded by heisenberg and a bunch of dumbass ex-nazi scientists who were super buttmad the US.jews greatly outsmarted them in nuclear physics. They lost the war and as revenge made it their objective to utterly poison modern science discussion

Anonymous No. 16093807

It proves, that measuring device is sink, and light is still a wave, and electrons too.

Anonymous No. 16093813

If light is a wave, is a lightbulb an ocean? Completely absurd.

Anonymous No. 16093815

Single photon sources didn't exist at that time.

Anonymous No. 16093835

We live in ocean of medium, in which photons propagate.

How does it come, that wave seems absorud, but particle makes a sense?

Anonymous No. 16093848

>Is double-slit experiment a psy-op?
Why do so many /sci/ threads start like this? Why can't you just explain why you're confused without chalking it up to a conspiracy off the bat?

Anonymous No. 16093851

detection = altering the experimental setup

Anonymous No. 16093943

The problem is what causes even single electrons to diffuse like a wave in the two-slit case, the single-slit case is a red herring.

The same experiment for light is deliberate confusion, given that a "single" photon "particle" actually has an extension of several miles.

Anonymous No. 16094023

Remember 1l of milk is a particle.

Anonymous No. 16094053

Pilot wave theory is far more elegant in explaining the single slit interference of an elextron than Copenhagen is

Anonymous No. 16094113

I'm not too informed about pilot wave theory, but physics has a problem with people looking for elegant solutions to models and causing too much trouble for it.

Anonymous No. 16094215

>waaaah this is absurd because it doesn't adhere to my notion of how reality works!
>what do you mean it's based on experimental data? WAAAAAAH!
do retards really?

Anonymous No. 16094220

why are you in a quantum thread? don't you have a climate science thread to cry in?

Anonymous No. 16094235

i couldn't care less about climate science. i decided to chide you for your stupidity because it's literally just someone crying about how reality doesn't match their naïve understanding of classical mechanics.

Anonymous No. 16094240

Lying really is second nature for you isn't it? You realize you're the only one on this board with your distinct typing patterns right? I won't tell you what it is, even though it's been told to you before lmao. You're easily identifiable, yurotrash

Anonymous No. 16094243

it's a well-known law of the internet that making people mad is the best way to get responses to your question

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Anonymous No. 16094249

>schizophrenia out of nowhere
take your meds retard. i'm nobody. you're nobody. accept that.

Anonymous No. 16094258

You're nobody. I'm somebody.

Anonymous No. 16094413

humans since forever

Anonymous No. 16094427

>Lust provoking image.jpg
Is the other best way.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16094438

How many citations has your most cited paper received? I'm sitting at 72, not including self citations. JHEP

Anonymous No. 16094440

How many citations has your most cited paper received? I'm sitting at 72, not including self citations. JHEP

In the past five years I've matriculated six masters students and written recommendation letters for thirteen undergrads to get into graduate school.

That's my quantifiable contribution to the community and to society. What's yours, Mr. Nobody?

Anonymous No. 16094912

>source: my ass
yap yap yap. die with honor.

Anonymous No. 16095515

There is only a wave in every case, the seeming particles appear when a threshold is reached. The wave sums with the noise, and when it crosses the threshold, a seeming "electron" appears.

Anonymous No. 16095611

>look at my social credit score
>I succeeded in an environment that favors mediocrity over genius
>my stats in an inhumane bureaucracy somehow translate into intellectual achievements because ... uhm they just do, okay??

Anonymous No. 16095648

For these old boomers everything not classical is unbelievable unicorn magic, they walk around saying stupid shit like "nobody understands quantum mechanics" and are proud of it. I don't think they understand just how trivial this shit is to younger people who are into it.

Anonymous No. 16095883

You were too smart to make it in the field of scientific publishing?

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Anonymous No. 16095915

Yes, I'm too smart to waste my time publishing dozens of low quality papers with Pajeet, Zhang et al. Have fun with your midwitted ackadummic humiliation rituals.

Anonymous No. 16095971

What groundbreaking research have you been unable to publish?

Anonymous No. 16096012

so is the astronaut right you cant see anything in space?

Anonymous No. 16096657

>bunch of dumbass ex-nazi scientists who were super buttmad the US.jews greatly outsmarted them in nuclear physics. They lost the war and as revenge made it their objective to utterly poison modern science discussion
i like this theory simple because it's contrary to the usual joos being behind it all

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logarithmic spira....jpg

Anonymous No. 16096931

Thing is you have to engage in abstraction and artifically quantize portions of the unified field to make useful calculations with it