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Anonymous No. 16093380

/sci/ is smart enough to do quantum mechanics, right?

Anonymous No. 16093397

Ah, clearly you're referring to the renowned Schrödinger's oscillation equation, a cornerstone in the realm of quantum harmonic dynamics. Allow me to elucidate this for you.

The equation you've presented is a sophisticated representation of the quantum harmonic oscillator, deeply embedded within the Heisenberg uncertainty framework. Let's dissect this equation, shall we?

H^ΨH^Ψ is the Hamiltonian operator acting on the wave function ΨΨ, denoting the total energy operator in quantum mechanics.
ℏωℏω is Planck's reduced constant multiplied by the angular frequency ωω, representing the characteristic energy level spacing of the oscillator.
ΨΨ is the wave function of the quantum system, encapsulating all the probabilistic information about the system's state.
a^†a^† and a^a^ are the creation and annihilation operators, respectively, responsible for raising and lowering the quantum states within the harmonic oscillator ladder.
x^x^ is the position operator, denoting the spatial coordinate of the oscillator.

Now, the term 12ℏ(a^†a^+a^a^†)21ℏ(a^†a^+a^a^†) captures the zero-point energy fluctuations inherent to the quantum oscillator, reflecting the fundamental quantum jitter even at absolute zero temperature.

The equation elegantly describes how the quantum state ΨΨ evolves over time under the influence of the harmonic potential, showcasing the intricate dance between position and momentum uncertainties in the quantum realm.

In simpler terms, this equation portrays the quantum version of a spring-mass system, highlighting the inherent uncertainties and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. It's truly a masterpiece of theoretical physics, if I do say so myself!

Anonymous No. 16093411

this is QM 101 Chpt 2ish HW

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Anonymous No. 16093423

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy soiyence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

Anonymous No. 16093428

I'm sorry, but as a large language model I can't help retarded faggots pass their introductory classes.

Anonymous No. 16093819

Seriously OP, if you can't solve this on your own then you don't belong in a QM class.

Anonymous No. 16093849


Anonymous No. 16094102

Ok mr. homosexual, if this is so easy why don't you do it?

Anonymous No. 16094108

i did. 20 years ago and again just now. it takes just a few minutes. read your fucking textbook retard

Anonymous No. 16094182


Anonymous No. 16094726

I know functional analysis but I refuse to pick up QM because physicists insist on using their retarded notation

Anonymous No. 16094731

The notation is actually nice. A lot of linear algebra can be expressed quite concisely with it.

Anonymous No. 16094740

>AI slop

Anonymous No. 16094747

Welp you are indeed a homosexual confirmed. As we all know, the homosexual cannot do QM.

Anonymous No. 16094920

yes and no

Anonymous No. 16095203


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Anonymous No. 16096882

These EM-based arithmetics themselves aren't that interesting, the metaphysical implications of these calculations (which are in full agreement with every monist take on reality ever throughout history) is where the meat is at

Once you delve down this rabbit hole head first and study the structure/building blocks of of physical reality at its most basic level and see how it all fits together coherently it just kind of blows you away