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Anonymous No. 16096002

Can good body compensate for a bad face?
What does research say about this?

Anonymous No. 16096013

>big milkers
ew. still would.

Anonymous No. 16096064

I agree she has a bad face and good body. I think the face tells you something about what's inside the brain and that it's a two way system. You learn what people who look a certain way have in them and your attraction system changes to find certain faces attractive.

Anonymous No. 16096173

>Can good body compensate for a bad face?
No, because the face makes 80% of your attractiveness. We spend much more time looking at faces than we spend looking at (naked) bodies. It's the other way around, a good face can compensate for a bad body.

Also the woman you posted doesn't have a bad face, just a generic, slightly boring one.

Anonymous No. 16096302

>No, because the face makes 80% of your attractiveness.
I dunno, charisma is probably the most important thing. You can look like a retard, but if you move and behave like someone who's legit sure of themselves...that's better than just a nice face.
I have a pretty nice face btw.

Anonymous No. 16096313

>she has a bad face
I see nothing wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16096319

In case of men:
Yes. Being tall is more important than having a nice face. A 6'4 guy with a deformed face will always mog a 5'9 manlet with a flawless face.

In case of women:
Doesn't matter. Every woman is inherently desirable due to her holes. The ugliest women with ugly faces and ugly bodies will still get to choose between hundreds of simps.

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Anonymous No. 16096329

>. A 6'4 guy with a deformed face will always mog a 5'9 manlet with a flawless face.
6'4" is just at the threshold of being too tall.
I'm just 6'1", I guess 6`2" is about ideal.

In any case, the 5'9" perfect face totally wins out over 6'4" deformed.

Anonymous No. 16096416

>Being tall is more important than having a nice face.
Absolutely wrong, if you're tall and ugly you're just viewed as a creep.

Anonymous No. 16096423

Because you're used to white girls.

Anonymous No. 16096430

Thank god.

Anonymous No. 16096432

>Because you're used to white girls.
What? She's 6 on a good day.

Anonymous No. 16096436

No. You're ignorant.

Anonymous No. 16096439

she's a perfectly acceptable 6. tits too big for my tastes but nevertheless rawdoggable

Anonymous No. 16096440

Cope and seethe, darkie

Anonymous No. 16096445

>Retard thinks I'm dark, also can't use non-degenerate language.
How surprising.

Anonymous No. 16096448

>Darkie reels when called what it is

Anonymous No. 16096452

In your dreams.

Anonymous No. 16096468


Anonymous No. 16096504

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