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Anonymous No. 16096640

>when your nuclear research lab is so underfunded you only got 2 dollar signs on google

Anonymous No. 16098037

it really baffles me that alt-righters hate CERN so much all because of one video of a college dudes trying to prank and scare people.
There's also the people that whine about creating mini-blackholes.
the niggas as cern can not catch a break. they just need to convince their government the particle collider has military application and they'll get all the funding they need, kek

Anonymous No. 16098040

Fuck off CNN

Anonymous No. 16098044

yeah bro just another collider and $100 billion more for sure we'll figure out string theory this time i promise, it will give you bigger guns and shit

Anonymous No. 16098046

tf do they get 4.3 stars
niggas be rating the collider like it's a restaurant

Anonymous No. 16098050

i'm not saying they are doing anything really useful.
I just think smashing particles together are neat.

Anonymous No. 16098063

>everything I don't like is altright
must be bait

Anonymous No. 16098374

he’s right about everything except “alt-right”. maybe a few on the dissident right dislike cern but I doubt it’s their majority. the people who are majority anti-CERN seem to be evangelicals and pentecostals in the deep south who have some satanic panic thing going on. at least if you look it up on youtube that is who posts a lot of this stuff . i’ve seen youtube videos of preachers giving sermons about CERN being satanic and their parishioners do that trashy “amen! preach! curse CERN!” crap like black holy rollers, except the entire parish is white bumpkins.

Anonymous No. 16098414

The one bad rating is from the dude who didn't get his wrench back.