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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16097294

Elon Musk edition

previous >>16094949

Anonymous No. 16097297

8/10 op, good job.

Anonymous No. 16097301

wen next lunch

Anonymous No. 16097304

Pointless thread lol

Anonymous No. 16097307

What I don't understand is why it's being adapted at all considering the godawful writing and nonsensical plot.

Anonymous No. 16097310

Pro-Chinese nationalism may be at play. Hollywood, either for affectation or pay, has been sucking off China for decades now.

Anonymous No. 16097311

>I feel like we need to start working on that.
>what is Gwynne Shotwell implying here?
SpaceX needs to make the government an offer it can't refuse.

Anonymous No. 16097313


Anonymous No. 16097324

Hollywood is out of ideas and they've really beaten the last little bit of life out of their existing franchises. Star Trek over over half a century old and Star Wars is almost that old. They need new ideas but can't come up with anything so when something like The Body Problem pops up, they grab on to it, hoping it will be the next franchise they can squeeze for a long time.

Anonymous No. 16097328

it's really not a super nationalist series. the first book is about how the cultural revolution is the worst event in human history and also the author wants china to be friends with Britain and America. the second book is about how fascism is based and also prosperity and safety are lies that turn you homosexual, the third book is about how women are retarded (not joking) and also fascism is based and malebrained

Anonymous No. 16097330

space is still too damned expensive

Anonymous No. 16097331

Look at what's happening with the huge pot of money offered up by the CHIPS Act and why most companies have been shying away from it. That pressure is already being put on SpaceX and will interfere in how well they can innovate and operate beyond what a mere tax could do.

Anonymous No. 16097337

What's going on with that?

Anonymous No. 16097343

aside from planetary protection it's a colony in a place where there arent any laws and such. the closest parallels we have today are antarctica and the ISS, but both of those are government run science outposts. how is spacex supposed to manage issues like:
>handling criminals
>guarantees of human rights
>managing the economic system
the government is going to have to dig up a ton of old settler/colonial laws and pass new ones since any spacex base will be under US law according to international law.

that doesnt even touch upon how they'll have to manage international rules like the OST and artemis accords (if they end up being applicable to mars). like what happens if china makes it to mars and sets up a base right next to the spacex base?

Anonymous No. 16097346

does spacex make enough money to keep going without my tax dollars?

Anonymous No. 16097347

>handling criminals
>guarantees of human rights
>managing the economic system
the ever-present threat of the airlock

Anonymous No. 16097349

If China encroaches on a US Mars base, it is an act of war and should be dealt with violently

Anonymous No. 16097351

Nah, it's not as cloak and dagger as people are making it out to be. This is a novel area of law and policy, the kind of shit that only comes along once in a millennia. If they don't think up some rules now, someone else is going to later, and it won't be as favorable. There are a bunch of kids in elementary school right now who are going to graduate from college just in time to formally codify whatever gets thought up now.

Anonymous No. 16097353

Yes, starlink is about to become a cashcow

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Anonymous No. 16097362

our priority as a civilization ought to be to drag this back to earth, drop it in a desert somewhere, and make everybody on earth a multi-billionaire

Anonymous No. 16097369

Why bother? Money printer go brrr, same effect for less work.

Anonymous No. 16097371

lmao. resources stay in situ earther

Anonymous No. 16097373

Tons of quotas requiring hiring based on race, sex, and felon status (in this case, having felony convictions gets you a high paying tech job). The companies found the labor market here difficult enough without the quotas but when those were added in, it made production impossible so companies left billions on the table rather than take the money and fail. That's not just pride, they would have needed to invest billions of their own money too, which is too risky with the quotas. SpaceX has been harassed by the federal government over its merit based hiring process that complies with federal law on security and hiring of non-citizens. Beyond trying to diversify SpaceX's Earthside employees, there would be immense pressure on them to select members of the Mars mission based on many of those same quotas.

Anonymous No. 16097376

Red China has a better claim on red Mars than USAians with their tiny, narrow red stripes on their flag.

Anonymous No. 16097377

Eh if there were an infinite number of people then you could comply with arbitrary quotas while not compromising on quality.
If there's a company with infinite applicants to choose from its SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16097378

Why is your comprehension of economics is so poor? Are you by any chance a marxist?
Those things are resources for production, not just bricks to jerk off to. Also it would be nice, if we didn't have to dig holes in our own planet. It would be even nicer if the factory waste was kept somewhere else

Anonymous No. 16097380

Mars yearns to be white and blue
that's why it rejected Soviet probes

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Anonymous No. 16097382

Chapter 24 of pic related states that "The Elon" will be dictator of Mars. I trust the judgement of the Space Nazi above that of the UN or any other contemporary governing body.

Anonymous No. 16097386

Perhaps but until then, the faux commie master race is destined to control it first.

Anonymous No. 16097391

God yes! Imagine how much richer we would all be if ELOM MUSK softly splashed down asteroid: 16-Psyche into the Gulf of Mexico! $_$

Anonymous No. 16097395

You're joking, but with hole seriousness, it should be sent down in small batches in the form of wire or something.

Anonymous No. 16097398

We could drop it in china. kills two birds with one stone

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Anonymous No. 16097407

Angara A5 launch 6-10 April from Vostochny

Anonymous No. 16097408

Fucked orbit again and I will likely die of laughter.

Anonymous No. 16097409

If u did that u would reduce the value considerably

1 quintillion dollar assteroid - 999.9 quadrillion descent costs = a measely 100 trillion profit -__-

Anonymous No. 16097410

it should be sent down by the cubic kilometer

Anonymous No. 16097411

You can give the Moon an Earth-like atmosphere and all you have to do is dig out a total area of 50km x 50km x 50km and release the relevant elements from the regolith in gaseous form.

Anonymous No. 16097412

The first Angara A5 was carried to the launch site on the Vostochny!
This launch will begin flight tests of the Amur space rocket complex with Angara rockets for the future operation of heavy rocket complexes at the cosmodrome.
Based on the results of the control tests at the launch, a decision was made on the first launch.
The launch of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle with the Orion upper stage and payload will take place from April 6 to 10.
Angara-A5 is an environmentally friendly rocket that does not use toxic fuel, unlike Proton-M. It is the Angara that will completely replace the Protons in the near future.

Anonymous No. 16097413

is angara the most sovlless rocket ever? it just feels like someone got really lazy in kerbal

Anonymous No. 16097415

"Well, ULA had success using our engines this way so we might as well too" - The Rocket.
Shame it just can't seem to insert jack shit into proper orbits.

Anonymous No. 16097416

not how it works
if you ranke select by taking the most competent then your workforce wont have the arbitrary proportions that are required by quotas

Anonymous No. 16097419

if this isn't obvious to you, then I will expound on this point with an analogy

lets say we have three boxes of marbles: blue, yellow and green
I want to pick out 100 marbles that so that I pick the ones that are the shiniest and smoothest
I do this by rank ordering the blue, yellow and green marbles using these criteria and it happens that in the top 100 there are 65 blue marbles, 25 yellow marbles and only 10 green marbles.

Now lets say there is a law I have to have a minimum of 30 marbles of each kind so the marbles are used in roughly equal amounts. This means i get 40 blue marbles that are in the top 100 (that I actually want), 25 yellow marbles that are in the top 100 and 5 that are necessarily outside this top 10 and 10 green marbles that are in the top 100, but have to take 20 that are outside of it.

This law necessarily means I have to take 25 marbles that are worse than I would otherwise have taken if I would have been able to choose freely. Its not about there "being enough", we aren't just looking for competent people here, we are looking for the most competent in a rank ordered fashion. Not people that are able to do the job, but the *absolute best* people we can get for that job.

Anonymous No. 16097421

to add to this, the mean differences between the marbles in the boxes doesn't really have to be that substantial for the tails of the distributions to be significantly different, we are picking a relatively small number of marbles from very big boxes and only want the extreme tail of the distribution (the best of the best)

Anonymous No. 16097424

you seem to have not understood my comment.
the final set of marbles will be equivalent in quality minus some delta where that delta decreases with increasing number in the box to choose from.
at some point you could only pick green and end up with negligible differences.

Anonymous No. 16097426

but you are picking a relatively small number of marbles compared to the whole populations
it matters if you pick one of the best people in the field vs a competent engineer vs some bum from the street to run your engineering team
and we are talking about spacex hiring here specifically, not about digging a ditch where it would matter too, but not as much

Anonymous No. 16097434


Anonymous No. 16097437

100 trillion profit for whoever pulls that, not such a bad prize (even though I doubt your math)
Either way you shouldn't be thinking in the terms of profit, but in terms of price reduction of whatever those materials are used for. I wouldn't mind if computer which is now a 1000 bucks would cost 100 bucks, I also wouldn't mind if I could afford me a bathtub made of gold.

Anonymous No. 16097442

How long would the Moon hold on to that atmosphere? Would it need constant replenishment or would that be a once a generation or once an eon type of thing?

Anonymous No. 16097450

The fastest 10% of velocities of particles of room temperature air is around lunar orbital velocity, so the gas would just leave

Anonymous No. 16097451

There aren't infinite applicants so stop using glib hyperbole to dodge reality. SpaceX is a high profile employer with many people who want to work for it but that's neither infinite nor any guarantee of competency. Unless there are enough competent people in the quota categories that want to work for SpaceX, you're going to have to hire incompetents to meet the quotas.
How many felons have advanced rocketry skills or have the temperament to be an astronaut on a long duration mission cramped together with quota holders? How many graduates for HBCUs (one of the required categories for CHIPs) are world class metallurgists? You can't wish competency into existence and "just give them a chance" is fine for someone stocking groceries but a big problem for rocketry and life safety.

Anonymous No. 16097456

even if there was infinite applicants it would not matter
what matters is the distribution of the relevant metrics in those applicant pools
I want 10 of the best, I have 1000 people from group A and infinity people in group B
if the the best 10 people in group A are better than everyone in group B, it would still make sense to pick the 10 best people from group A

Anonymous No. 16097458

to add to this and try to make this point as clearly as possible
it is not about competent people existing in general, its about picking the best people

Anonymous No. 16097465

I think the other guy's point is that certain laws make it illegal to just pick the best people out of all applicants because they would all be white or asian, but idk I didn't really read the thread

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Anonymous No. 16097471

if all of the pools were infinite, you would only take blue balls because even the tails would have infinite samples

Anonymous No. 16097474

nope, that isn't the law
those are unlawful affirmative action laws usually
the law is that you can't discriminate based on race, sex and so on usually and when the proportion of people in a certain companys workforce does not exactly follow the proportion in the general population (lets say there are less than 50% women, or less than 13% blacks) then they use this as evidence of discrimination
the fact is, the distributions of ability, interest etc aren't identical in all of these populations which then shows up in the number of engineers in that career for instance (lets say 20% engineers being women instead of 50% being women)

Anonymous No. 16097476
>Hop on the Satellite Bus

Anonymous No. 16097478

She should have tried to tie an unlimited FAA Starship flight test deal / Mars regulation in with Starshield. I hope it’s not too late.
Basically dangling the new toys in front of the spooks but saying “not until I get what *I* want”

Anonymous No. 16097479

Who is this fucking punk (next to trimp?)

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well nig.jpg

Anonymous No. 16097486

>drop it in a desert somewhere

Anonymous No. 16097501

*1.412 billion birds with one stone

Anonymous No. 16097503

Why is the US so harsh with China that they even even ban them from the ISS or any type of coparticipation but keeps relationships with Roscosmos after Crimea and Ucrania? Why is the US so scared of the chinese?

Anonymous No. 16097504

China strong.

Anonymous No. 16097508

Because Russia isn't a threat to the US.

Anonymous No. 16097509

It's less fear than the certainty of foul play.

Anonymous No. 16097511

why's china so scared of russia that they intentionally put tiangong in an inclination where soyuz couldn't reach it?

Anonymous No. 16097516

Literally just a case of being scared of what is different.

Anonymous No. 16097527

United States saved Russian space industry in the 90s

Anonymous No. 16097538

Why did China go completely crickets about their cooperation with Russia and their lunar research station after Russia invaded Ukraine? Why is China so embarrassed?

Anonymous No. 16097540

The real play would have been to involve China with oldspace projects and tech like ISS to weigh them down.

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Anonymous No. 16097547

russia saved the american space station industry in the 90s

Anonymous No. 16097548

lmao no they didn't. The US kept its space stuff going and cooperated with Russia to keep Russian rocket scientists gainfully employed instead of seeking it in China or North Korea or Iran.

Anonymous No. 16097551

Just move it inside a Starship and land it. I'm sure a Starship can fit an asteroid

Anonymous No. 16097552

Blazen technology theft aside (although this is the main concern), when the ISS was being constructed China didn't have a heavy-lift rocket to deliver their own module and their space budget was smaller than Russia's. India also wanted to join the project but couldn't for the same reason.

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Anonymous No. 16097553

Remember how much trouble they had stacking the last ship/booster combo? I'm not thunderfloof, but this design is tofu-dredge levels of stupid.

Anonymous No. 16097554

>I'm not thunderfloof
>responding to the absolute lowest quality bait / most delusional anti elon coper in the thread

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Space Station sky....jpg

Anonymous No. 16097555

>when the ISS was being constructed China didn't have a heavy-lift rocket to deliver their own module
Neither did the USA

Anonymous No. 16097556

oh no its retarded

Anonymous No. 16097557

Thunderf00t is WRONG

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Anonymous No. 16097559

With a shotgun

Anonymous No. 16097562

>the second book is about how fascism is based
That's the China Strong payload. China is a fascist state, the word doesn't have the same boogeyman connotations for them as in the west.

Anonymous No. 16097563

>The US kept its space stuff going
freedom had been "going" for 9 years with 7 redesigns and 0 hardware. it was on the brink of cancellation before they worked out a deal to use the mir 2 modules. yes, roscosmos was weathering geopolitical and economic collapse. but they weren't stuck with the space shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16097566

Having Congress telling them to shit or get off the pot because Russia's rocket scientists need to stay in Russia is a far cry from Russian hardware saving Space Station Freedom.

Anonymous No. 16097571

Three-body problem is a terrible book, and a worse show. I feel like black science man watching this. dubious plot device after dubious plot device. people call this hard scifi? I guess if your understanding of science maxxed at a 1st grade level. It's goofy masquerading as profound. it's contrived. it's pretentious. and as a netflix adaptation it meets all diversity quotas admirably. the dialogue is cringe, the science commentary is cringe. Oh and it's actually 4 bodies, not 3.

Anonymous No. 16097574

Russia saved Ukrainian space industry in 90s

Anonymous No. 16097577

Ukraine saved Russian space industry in 90s

Anonymous No. 16097582


Anonymous No. 16097585

holy russian space empire

Anonymous No. 16097586

Gay communist space fiends

Anonymous No. 16097587

That's an assumption and it's not obvious it's true. If capability isn't normally distributed but rather has a heavier right tail (which is plausible to me from personal experience, and note that this is a somewhat nebulous idea of capability rather than defined-to-be-normally-distributed IQ) then that delta might never get particularly small. Even with a thin-tailed distribution, agglomeration effects can mean that small improvements in individual capabilities of employees produce large improvements in institutional capability.

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MMU astronauts 1 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16097593

Anonymous No. 16097596

I feel like nothing will happen in our lifetime in terms of space exploration. Chemical engines are just not it. And we are stuck with them for decades

Anonymous No. 16097602

idk about you but the thoughts of my descendants traversing the stars comforts me

Anonymous No. 16097608

is anything happening today?

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Anonymous No. 16097613


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Anonymous No. 16097614

what is the chance they survive?
this is Boeing we are talking about here

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Artemis I SLS lau....webm

Anonymous No. 16097616


Anonymous No. 16097617

the good news is that if they discover any severe issues with the capsule during flight then boeing won't have to worry about suiciding them

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Anonymous No. 16097618

Anonymous No. 16097619

they cant get to mars so they're coping with the asteroid meme

Anonymous No. 16097622

they're already dead

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Anonymous No. 16097623

Delta 4 Heavy final flight the day after tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16097625

>final t-1 scrub the day after tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16097626

>Wilmore and Williams are used to taking calculated risks. Both are veteran US Navy test pilots, and each has flown to space twice before.
Is this another Soyuz 1 moment, and these two are being Komarov to protect others?

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Anonymous No. 16097627

Anonymous No. 16097628

They haven't installed water deluge at LC-39A. If the table isn't present as well, removing legs makes sense to make the plate installation easier.

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Anonymous No. 16097640

I like the concept of Angara rocket but I still think that Irtysh/Soyuz-5 rocket is a better rocket design because it will be easier to scale it up into a super heavy rocket like Energia-5VR

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N1 Rocket Hot Sta....webm

Anonymous No. 16097642

30 RD-191 (reusable booster)
1 RD-0120 (restartable second stage, 500k lbf of thrust and 450s specific impulse)
puccia can do it i believe in them

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Anonymous No. 16097647

That was supposed to happened in the timeline where Glushko agreed with Korolev to create an engine for the N1. Instead of NK-15/33, N1 will be powered by RD-191/193 engine. Imagine how awesome it could be.

Anonymous No. 16097657


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16097669


Anonymous No. 16097670

/sfg/ please pray for the astronauts :(

Anonymous No. 16097676

I pray their eventual deaths will be swift and painless

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Anonymous No. 16097707

I hope we get to see dragon or starship dock with something chinese
there doesn't even need to be co-operation, just acknowledgement and meeting in space would be enough for me to not seethe at how partisan earth orbit is

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Трансляция открыт....webm

Anonymous No. 16097718

Anonymous No. 16097739


Anonymous No. 16097743

pipe dream, unfortunately. Something as simple as a docking or lunar surface Artemis/ILRS meetup would require a lot of training on the ground. ITAR wouldn’t let Chinese that close to Artemis or Dragon systems

Anonymous No. 16097749

blue = men
yellow = women
green = niggers

Anonymous No. 16097763

I predict there will be something like this once we replace the old fossils in Congress.
Doesn't mean we have to be pro-Russians or Chinese but things will all be better when the old farts are gone.

Anonymous No. 16097795

Your optimism is refreshing, but there is no such thing as being too cynical where politics are concerned

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earth ring world.jpg

Anonymous No. 16097798

>muh Kessler syndrome
worth it for the aesthetics

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Anonymous No. 16097816

They'll be fine.

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Anonymous No. 16097829


Man I wish that was real. I want to be isekai'd to the rig earth timeline.

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Anonymous No. 16097834

Mars is a lie
SpaceX already has a capability to go there but they chose not to.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16097840


Anonymous No. 16097871


Anonymous No. 16097874

When will nuclearcels admit that solar will OBVIOUSLY be the most dominant energy source for solar system exploration?

Anonymous No. 16097880

if you are limiting that exploration to the inner solar system

Anonymous No. 16097885

They actually think irradiating all orbits is a great thing. luckily regulations make their dream impossible and illegal

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Medusa Nuclear Pu....jpg

Anonymous No. 16097897

>irradiating all orbits
explain what you think this would mean

Anonymous No. 16097906

Good thing it will never exist so I dont have to think about it KEEEEEEEK

Anonymous No. 16097907

The anon clearly has no idea how SNP works or just how much radiation is in space.

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Anonymous No. 16097913

DRACO launches on a Vulcan in 2027 by the way, USSF-52

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Anonymous No. 16097918
new capsule just dropped

Anonymous No. 16097922

>3 parts of spacecraft made by 3 totally different companies
europeons NEVER learn

Anonymous No. 16097931

China wants EU countries to participate in ILRS. They're probably worried some EU country representatives would get an aneurysm if they see the Russian flag at an ILRS conference.

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Anonymous No. 16097934

Has SpaceX ever given a definitive number on what FH can put into LEO when the boosters are recovered? All I can find is the 63 ton number for when it's fully expended. They user's guide seems to say they don't have an adapter that can handle a payload bigger than 16 tons so I imagine they aren't expecting to ever need to launch something bigger than that anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16097935

>Titan gone
>Saturn gone
>Shuttle gone
>SLS probably getting canceled if Starship gets crew rated
Atlas is the last Cold War derived American launch vehicle still flying after NROL-70, and even then it's the weird version with Russian engines. It's all up to newspace now.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16097940

It's designed in accordance with the modularity paradigm that used to be all the rage back in the day. It's a replacement for Tsyklon-3, Zenit and Proton all in one (or at least it could've been a Zenit replacement if they had pursued the A3 version). Tsyklon and Zenit have much of their supply chain in Ukraine, and both Tsyklon and Proton use those pesky toxic propellants.

Anonymous No. 16097942

You know I'm right.

Anonymous No. 16097951

>it just feels like someone got really lazy in kerbal
It's designed in accordance with the modularity paradigm that used to be all the rage back in the day. It's a replacement for Tsyklon-3, Zenit and Proton all in one (or at least it could've been a Zenit replacement if they had pursued the A3 version). Tsyklon and Zenit have much of their supply chain in Ukraine, and both Tsyklon and Proton use those pesky toxic propellants.

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Anonymous No. 16097953

Angara would have been one of the best rockets flying in 2005, especially with Orel. Unfortunately they took too long to make any use of it or finish Vostochny so now American heavy lift is once again raping ruspace.

Anonymous No. 16097959

the griller is right

Anonymous No. 16097967

imagine having a near monopoly on the ability to manufacture ORSC engines for 50 years and failing to dominate the launch market. there's no reason commercial proton launches couldn't have started in 1976 instead of 1996.

Anonymous No. 16097970

How much do they even need A5 yet? How many Protons do they have left, and how many payloads do they have that require that kind of rocket?

Anonymous No. 16097974

>there's no reason commercial proton launches couldn't have started in 1976 instead of 1996.
I suspect there might have been the tiny problem of the Cold War

Anonymous No. 16097977

Proton is not a reliable rocket and they need Angara for their modern crew capsule.

Also keep in mind that Angara is built by their non Soyuz industrial base.

Anonymous No. 16097990

>they need Angara for their modern crew capsule.
Why did they design a Soyuz replacement that's so fat? I don't know for sure but intuitively it seems an Angara A5 would be more expensive than a Soyuz-2 launch vehicle

> non Soyuz industrial base
Why isn't there more demand for the 1.2 version? I feel there should be good use cases for that class of rocket. Although maybe there's too much competition from Soyuz-2.1v on on side and the Soyuz-2.1a on the other side

Anonymous No. 16097994

there were plenty of neutral countries who would've launched with the soviets if they could give them a better deal with arianespace. india launched their first satellite on a kosmos in 1975 but switched to ariane by the '80s. and by the late 80s nobody in the west would have cared if hughes was launching commsats on proton - gorbachev's reforms closely coincided with the collapse of american commercial launch.

Anonymous No. 16098000

How much launch demand was there outside the two main blocs? The third world is a byword for poverty for a reason

Anonymous No. 16098007

>nothing happened today
>literally nothing at all
its fucking 2024

Anonymous No. 16098013

What would be the most cost effective for launching stacks of small payloads to SSO/LEO: A5 or 1.2?

Anonymous No. 16098017

potentially gettable countries which launched their first satellite from 1976-1996:
indonesia, saudi arabia, brazil, mexico, sweden, argentina, hong kong, pakistan, thailand, malaysia

Anonymous No. 16098020

The USSR launched 108 times in 1982, they had a lot of domestic demand
In that context, would they have considered the third world market even worth the bother?

Anonymous No. 16098022

shut the fuck up you ingrateful little bastard they used to have nothing for years post space race. we get daily looks at the development of the largest launch vehicle ever and a launch every 3 days. all that FROM JUST ONE COMPANY

Anonymous No. 16098027

Yes. NASA would just have to give up ISS and putting humans to space.

Anonymous No. 16098029

sure, if you can create the impression that neutral countries want to use your rocket and not just your client states then that's a nice propaganda victory to have. and in this case they could've made money while doing it. i'm pretty sure the only reason it didn't happen was because proton was still classified and the military didn't want technical secrets on its capabilities to get out.

Anonymous No. 16098031

Yes, not for money but for influence.

Anonymous No. 16098034

I never thought about it before, but isn't it weird that Pakistan doesn't have indigenous satellite launch capability? You'd think it would be a strategic priority for them since it complements the nuclear program. I guess they don't need ICBMs or even IRBMs, never mind orbit-capable vehicles, since they're only ever going to nuke India anyway and MRBMs suffice in that role.

Anonymous No. 16098049

if they tried it then it'd probably be yet another scud-derived launcher and there'd be no way to hide how pathetic it is compared to ISRO's stuff

Anonymous No. 16098061

Yeah, I don't doubt it'd be pathetic. The question is whether it's more embarrassing to not even be trying, when even fucking North Korea has reached orbit.

Anonymous No. 16098062

How the FUCK do you move Psyche? It's 2.29*10^19 kg. In comparison, Everest is like 8.1*10^15 kg. We're talking moving something ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE MASSIVE THAN A FUCKING MOUNTAIN! Gonna need one hell of a rocket to move it or one hell of a sail.
>>drop it in a desert somewhere
It'd be an extinction level event even if we could fucking move it. The less retarded thing to do would be to mine and process the resources we need on Psyche and send them back. Better yet, since it's largely goddamn fucking iron, turn the fucker into a forge world. Send I-beams and car chassis through the solar system. That being said, recent models suggest Psyche's not all metal, that there could be a bunch of silicates and other trash mixed in. We'll just have to wait on the Psyche Mission to get there. Just a reminder JPL FUCKED IT UP AND MISSED A LAUNCH WINDOW!

Anonymous No. 16098065

We have literally 1000x productivity from roman times yet we hare only like 5x times as comfortable. We are less safe and can't afford our own houses. It would mostly just devalue those elements.

Anonymous No. 16098066


Anonymous No. 16098068

Finally. i've been waiting to see what the next ESa cargo will be.

Did you know the current ISS crew has 5 Russians, 5 Americans, 1 Belarusian but not a single European astronaut or Japanese. I think maybes its because neither ESA or JAXA have the capability to contribute cargo atm because both their ATV and HTV have retired.

Anonymous No. 16098069

Lol imagine going back 20 years and having nothing happen for weeks, and the something was soyuz and delta/Atlas launches

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Anonymous No. 16098071


Anonymous No. 16098074

Gross human right violations everywhere. Occupation of Tibet. Hardline militaristic oppression of Uighurs. Aggressive to many of its neighbors. Theft of IP. Multiple wars with US through Korea/Vietnam. Multiple recent escalations with US via Taiwan invasion aggressions. Back in the late 90s, then in mid 2010s. Then just in the last few years.

Anonymous No. 16098076

>5x as comfortable and less safe than the average roman citizen (a peasant lmao)

Anonymous No. 16098080

peasants weren't citizens
if we're talking the average person just living in roman territory at the time, they were probably literally a slave

Anonymous No. 16098089

Boeing didn't make the command module/capsule

Anonymous No. 16098092

Lots. That mistake is eating into other missions like VERITAS. JPL needs correction or they'll keep fucking up.

Anonymous No. 16098097


Anonymous No. 16098100

just like starship

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Anonymous No. 16098109

competitors suck so much its pointless to compare to them

Anonymous No. 16098115

the wumao was probably never taught why America banned cooperation with China after China's rampant tech theft

Anonymous No. 16098116

>still room for improvement on $/ton to mars
So either he can reduce the price per kg to orbit since Starships would need to refuel before going past LEO. This would be either weight reduction on Starship or more upmass and efficient launch systems. Or hes talking about costs other than launch, which would be life support systems for the trip or maybe more compact foods or whatever. Do you think hes even acknowledging the second bit or is it just upmass and all corresponding improvements?

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Anonymous No. 16098120

not spaceflight but I have to share this great article on supersonic airliners with /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16098122

1) Starship isn't ready yet, so he could be saying that improvement is Starship.
2) Starship isn't optimized yet, so room to grow into larger Starship, powerful engines to optimize to reduce time spent in gravity wells
3) Starship refueling depot, MULTIPLE DEPOTS, Offworld depots
4) Radical new engines/use of other forms of propulsions to augment
5) Efficient cycles to reduce cost

Anonymous No. 16098143

What if SpaceX makes an orbital base that never lands? It can be as large as you can make it since it will only ever be in orbit. You can have Starships dock with it and just make one massive fuel depot instead of dozens of unmanned ones no? It can be absolutely massive if constructed in orbit and it would be cheap because you could tow a large metal asteroid from the asteroid belt for very little to get economies worth of raw metal.

Anonymous No. 16098145

do rocket designs tend to improve efficiency over time?
My guess is that most tweaks to a working design would be to make it safer, more reliable, and probably more heavy over time.

Anonymous No. 16098146

you still have to reboost it to counter atmospheric drag which limits practical sizes, unless you place it well above LEO

Anonymous No. 16098147

They do now because its a for-profit scheme instead of just needing to do the bare minimum to get funding from the government to pay your wages. Commercial yes, government no. Why do you think we went from the zenith of Saturn to the absolutely lowly bottom feeder of the Shuttle?

Anonymous No. 16098149

>tow an asteroid
wouldn't that already take enough fuel to already require an orbital gas station

Anonymous No. 16098155

Its not like youd be making the gas station first. Obviously there needs to be infrastructure in place before attempting that sort of megaproject.

Anonymous No. 16098157

There's no tendencies. SpaceX does continuous improves because there's no fixed design state. For other companies like Boeing/ULA/Lockheed/BO/etc, there's fixed state
they want to freeze their design at. Until congress pays them billions more to fix it

Anonymous No. 16098162

part of crew rating Falcon 9 required it to be in a fixed state

Anonymous No. 16098163

Old legacy requirement.

Anonymous No. 16098168

Soyuz weighs barely about 8 tons. Dragon weighs 12 and Starliner comes in at 13. Something in Soyuz's weight class isn't really considered viable for a modern spacecraft.

Russian payloads are usually smaller than their western equivalents because almost everything they launch is sized around what the Soyuz can lift, but they also have a higher minimum size because Soviet systems never miniaturized as much. There really isn't much demand in the A1.2 / 2-1v size range.

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Anonymous No. 16098178

lol now i can make money from muskrats

Anonymous No. 16098183

Falcon 9 has gotten pretty fucking efficient over time while increasing payload.

Anonymous No. 16098186

Even Muskrats like me know this obviously wont happen. Ill join you in ripping off these subhuman room temp IQ lobotomites.

Anonymous No. 16098190

F9 hasn't increased its payload capacity, SpaceX has gotten better at packaging Starlink sats and optimizing their flight path.

Anonymous No. 16098191

the only way this is happening is a private martian flyby

Anonymous No. 16098192

>just tow a large metal asteroid into a decaying earth orbit bro
>what could go wrong

Anonymous No. 16098193

Still highly unlikely, Moon is the priority until they finish up there its no dice on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16098197

Wow its almost like that side effect would be a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16098198

Anyone who wants to make a Space station or mars/moon colony should be required to maintain an Antarctica base

Anonymous No. 16098199

>Vulcan in 2027
Might as well say never

Anonymous No. 16098202

anyone who suggests something like this should be required to live in antarctica

Anonymous No. 16098204

You should be required to kill yourself. Get the fuck out of /sfg/ e*rther scum

Anonymous No. 16098209

Vulcan is already flying

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Anonymous No. 16098211

Kek Europe should just give up on space already. They don't even care about space in any meaningful way. The fact that India has a smaller gdp than Germany yet far ahead of all of Europe is the saddest time line I can think of. Maybe they can hope some rocket scientists will be on the next inflatable raft lmao

Anonymous No. 16098212
>Boeing and a subsidiary have filed suit against Virgin Galactic, alleging that the suborbital spaceflight company has refused to pay more than $25 million and misappropriated trade secrets associated with a project to develop a new aircraft.

>In the suit, filed March 21 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Boeing and Aurora Flight Sciences, a Boeing subsidiary, said that Virgin Galactic stopped paying the companies for work on the design of a new “mothership” aircraft for Virgin’s suborbital vehicles and retained proprietary information that, in some cases, was inadvertently provided.

Anonymous No. 16098215

India doesn't have a rocket with Ariane 5's performance and that thing is already retired.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098225

I don’t like the current state of the world. Is it weird that I want Trump to win so that he can shake things up? Electing the same type of president over and over won’t accomplish anything.
Get this, he destabilises the place for 4 years then when the left gets power again they can’t abuse it.

Anonymous No. 16098229
>NASA has chosen the first science instruments designed for astronauts to deploy on the surface of the Moon during Artemis III. Once installed near the lunar South Pole, the three instruments will collect valuable scientific data about the lunar environment, the lunar interior, and how to sustain a long-duration human presence on the Moon, which will help prepare NASA to send astronauts to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16098232

Not spaceflight get the fuck out of /sfg/ now.

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Anonymous No. 16098234

>doesn't have

Anonymous No. 16098240

>Something in Soyuz's weight class isn't really considered viable for a modern spacecraft.
Why not? Do you really need more?

>There really isn't much demand in the A1.2 / 2-1v size range
I would have imagined A1.2 and 2-1v would have been perfect as a no-nonsense launchers for reconnaissance satellites to SSO. Long March 4B/C launch 10-15 times per year. The Russians do have reconnaissance satellites of that size class which they launch on A1.2/2.1v. They apparently just don't build that many of them. Maybe the Ukraine war will change that.

Anonymous No. 16098242

Actually, Trump is a big supporter of the US space program. It is /sfg/ related.

Anonymous No. 16098243

The way europe is going about it, just accepting >we're always going to just be buying space access from whatever current space hegemon is would be preferable.
Europe doesn't have a rocket with Ariane 5 performance.

Anonymous No. 16098246

Nope kill yourself this is not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16098248

>securing funding for spaceflight isn’t spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16098260

I think you are overestimating Ariane 6's performance.

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Anonymous No. 16098277

Mars flag anybody?

Anonymous No. 16098278

I'm not sure I can overestimate something that doesn't even exist.

Anonymous No. 16098280

The Trump admin's legacy that people will care about in 100 years outside of history books will be the USSF and Artemis.

Anonymous No. 16098281

anon there is an A6 in Kourou right now

Anonymous No. 16098283

Artemis is not something you want to be in history books for.

Anonymous No. 16098284

I dislike that the sun is five-pointed. Five pointed star should be reserved for Venus-Earth interactions. Maybe the ten Hohmann cyclers which Hollister David proposed.

Anonymous No. 16098286

Mars will be the penal colony for where people who fuck around on space stations and transports, find out.

Anonymous No. 16098288

May I see the launch?

Anonymous No. 16098289

Don't worry my wumao friend, China will still land people on the Moon even after America beats them back to it.

Anonymous No. 16098290

Yes ESA will livestream it.

Anonymous No. 16098291

How about moving bits of shiny to Earth-intersecting Hohmann trajectories such that various satellites can harvest them?
But by all means keep pretending you're superior (you're not)

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Anonymous No. 16098294

>Five pointed star should be reserved for Venus-Earth interactions
Based knower

Anonymous No. 16098296

You've heard of the term 'scarcity' right?

Anonymous No. 16098300

yeah, this is why the red star made sense for the Soviet flag. USSR still has the crown for being the only lads mad enough to land on Venus and return data.
Once that happened, the US should have just replaced all their stars for six pointers.

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Anonymous No. 16098302

Mars flag should mirror Antarcticas flag (which mirrors Greenlands flag). The white represents the snow of the landscape so change that to a Martian orange and the dark blue represents the night that they spend in half of the year, which for Mars could be changed to a jet black to represent the new frontier that it is, really just being space. The center object with inverted colors would also still have the 'shadow' looking thing, but it should really represent the fact that spaceflight was the only way to get there. Maybe it could be a silhouette of Starship or just a generalized rocket or maybe be like the SpaceX logo with it lifting off of the ground. It should have some homage to its origin being Earth so maybe have in the jet black section some stars which can be increased depending on how much it is split up into territories or states like the US but having a small Earth and Moon in the background (though that might overcomplicate the flag). Ill see if I can MSPaint a mockup.

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Anonymous No. 16098303

reminds me of the obama logo

Anonymous No. 16098304

>just tow a large metal asteroid bro
1. that's not going to happen, so please stop being retarded
2. moving bits of metal and volatile-enriched dirt (like from a C class rock), to assemble a station, should be reserved for high Earth orbit

Anonymous No. 16098306

Yeah no the red white and blue are just too Terran. It should represent a brand new frontier, the colors it uses and their meanings from the US flag just do not match up at all to what Mars is.

Anonymous No. 16098310

Between America/Russia/China there seem to be a consensus that a "modern" spacecraft needs to be able to carry 6-7 crew or their equivilant weight in cargo. You can't really do that with just eight tons of total mass. Even when China was cloning Soyuz for Shenzhou they upscaled it as much as they felt they could get away with.

It might. Borisov did say that Russia needed to up its game with regards to satellite construction, and more small payloads would get a good way to get their stats up.

Anonymous No. 16098318

need to assemble a modular spacecraft in orbit with 1-2 modules and the capsule

Anonymous No. 16098320

It should have its own flag as its own state, but they should do a much better job than most of the US states did.

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Anonymous No. 16098321

>the US should have just replaced all their stars for six pointers
Not until they got missions to Jupiter

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Anonymous No. 16098326

>I hope that a beautiful girl from fraternal Belarus—a participant in a space flight—will melt the icy hearts of the gloomy Anglo-Saxons who have settled on the ISS.
Literally what does this even mean?

Anonymous No. 16098328

yes and there will be no scarcity of billionaires after everybody gets a big piece of that gold

Anonymous No. 16098333

It seems to be a poetic, nationalistic expression of hope that a Belarusian woman can serve as a cultural ambassador, bridging divides and spreading positivity even in the isolated, international environment of the ISS. It taps into themes of cultural pride, soft power, and the transformative potential of human connection.

Anonymous No. 16098334

I think he's just hornyposting

Anonymous No. 16098337

He has some big fucking hands.

Anonymous No. 16098340

"Watch out for Belarus honey traps".

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Anonymous No. 16098341

I hate them all.

Anonymous No. 16098344

Ironically, one of the most famous pieces of Anglo-Saxon literature (Beowulf) randomly breaks out into a monologue/tangent about how marrying for the sake of peace is useless.
Scholars debate on why it’s even in the poem. Most seem to suggest it’s some sort of critique on diplomacy.

Anonymous No. 16098345

yeah but what will the flag of the lunar colony be?

Anonymous No. 16098346

Mars shouldnt have a flag, but the individual colonies should. any attempt at a Mars flag is inherently collectivist/communist and supports world government

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Anonymous No. 16098347


Anonymous No. 16098352

Silence, bot

Anonymous No. 16098356

>not Armstrong

We're also not naming the rocket that brings them the Sarah Constant.

>Mars shouldnt have a flag, but the individual colonies should.
Agreed. The flag of Mars will, ultimately, be the flag of the US. Because it's all ours, motherfuckers.

Anonymous No. 16098357

>Thinking they're going to land on the second mission

Anonymous No. 16098358

I just realized orange and black would make it the Pornhub flag so lets maybe not do that

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Anonymous No. 16098362


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Anonymous No. 16098363


Anonymous No. 16098364

Fuck off B*rkun

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Anonymous No. 16098367

Hi cutie!

Anonymous No. 16098370

moon flag obviously needs a rabbit

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098377

(You) flag obviously needs a jewish star

Anonymous No. 16098389

there is a happening today: China plans to debut the Long March 6C, an upgrade to their 6A. No livestream or even advance announcement, because China.

Anonymous No. 16098393

>yet another small sat launcher
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16098395

QI would take care of this.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098400

JQ would take care of you

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Anonymous No. 16098401

Imagine if IFT-4 beats Starliner

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098404

>yet another jewish poster
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16098406

No because you can't design a flag in a vacuum. It has to reflect the culture of the nation.
A flag isn't just for listing prosaic geographical facts.
>hurrr mars have two moons and is fourth planet

Anonymous No. 16098407

It will. Mark my words.

Anonymous No. 16098410

Look at the Antarctica flag please.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098413

Look at the jewish flag please.

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Anonymous No. 16098415

It's closer to a LM-4B built out of LM-5 gen parts.

Anonymous No. 16098416

Case in point. A larp flag for a larp continent with no culture.

Anonymous No. 16098417

Whats with this /pol/ack copying everybody?

Anonymous No. 16098420

It's an AI, tell it that you want it to write some python code and it'll do it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098425

Not an AI you dumb kikes kek

Anonymous No. 16098427

You can only brute force a space program so far. They have no engines.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098429

You can only brute force Israel so far. They have no foreskin.

Anonymous No. 16098435

Make me a photorealistic polaroid picture of not Taylor not Swift eating a dozen hotdogs. Messy, hyperrealistic, wide angle, closeup

Anonymous No. 16098438


Anonymous No. 16098444

It's a significant step closer to replacing and retiring the hypergolics

Anonymous No. 16098445

yure a idiot moterfuck

Anonymous No. 16098447

kek im enjoying this

Anonymous No. 16098448

>Oops! Try another prompt
Looks like there are some words that may be automatically blocked at this time. Sometimes even safe content can be blocked by mistake. Check our content policy to see how you can improve your prompt.
I tried to keep this ruse going but it didnt work and Im not paying for a subscription to one of these shits

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098450

Its a significant step closer to replacing and retiring the whites

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Anonymous No. 16098454

turns out it was just another LM-6A

Anonymous No. 16098456

It's obviously AI, read closely

Anonymous No. 16098458

Retard who do you think sent that message?

Anonymous No. 16098463


Anonymous No. 16098464

Ah, the Buran strategy.

Anonymous No. 16098467


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Anonymous No. 16098468


Anonymous No. 16098472

How likely is Angara A5V to eventually happen?

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Anonymous No. 16098476

>No because you can't design a flag in a vacuum.
Maybe you can't.

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Anonymous No. 16098477

I haven't seen a single Mars flag that looks good.

Anonymous No. 16098479

How likely is TJD to eventually happen?

Anonymous No. 16098481

Theyre all made by weird nerds

Starman No. 16098482

I'm no expert, I'm not an astrophysicist, or a biologist of any kind. What I don't understand is, why do people genuinely think that planetary colonies are a good idea? Like why do people think it's a good idea to have long term human settlements on the surface of Mars? I ask this because if I'm correct Mars has like 35-40% the gravity that Earth has. In the case of humans gestating in this environment would not really be viable would it? I imagine it would have several complications be they muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, etc. even then, if they managed to survive, humans that exist in that environment wouldn't ever be able to feasibly come back to earth would they? Imagine if your body suddenly had to exist in something like 2.75*gravity. Your muscles, body fat, skeletal system, cardiovascular system, everything would be under such unbearable pressure I doubt anyone would really be able to survive that. I might be missing something, but like, why do people act like this is a good idea when something like O'Neil cylinders would allow for an artificial force like gravity to exist in the vacuum of space.

Anonymous No. 16098484

all that just to out yourself as a cylinder fag

Anonymous No. 16098487

and they faked us out: it was just a 6A after all

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Anonymous No. 16098489

The US flag is just the Washington family crest with some blue for color

Anonymous No. 16098491

>In the case of humans gestating in this environment would not really be viable would it?
>I imagine it would have several complications
Oh right you made it up

Anonymous No. 16098492

Youre retarded. the american flag is a copy of the texas flag but needlessly complicated

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Anonymous No. 16098493

>I haven't seen a single Mars flag that looks good.
Here's one made by me in 10 minutes

Anonymous No. 16098495

Don’t use gradients on flags

Anonymous No. 16098496

Oh that's interesting. So why the red?
>um I guess Mars is red and stuff
Oh. What about the orb upper right?
>Oh that's Mars! Because Mars is a planet and it's in space
Um ok

Anonymous No. 16098497

They dont have a good spot for a launch complex. Pretty much all their coast line points south, and I doubt that India (or Iran) would take kindly to them launching rockets over their territory. It would be a huge pain to get to GEO from a Paki launch site without a highly capable vehicle, which would be probably the most useful orbit for their own indigenous stats.

Anonymous No. 16098498

Earther logic

Anonymous No. 16098499

looks like a minimalist dust jacket for some mars book; aka a shit flag

Anonymous No. 16098500

The color difference between the ball and its shadow isn't contrasting enough and will bleed together farther away.

Anonymous No. 16098501

>no spacex logo
its retarded

Anonymous No. 16098503

wait til you see the ukraine flag

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Anonymous No. 16098504

Here's a real Mars flag for you

Anonymous No. 16098510

Looks like a DUNC poster

Anonymous No. 16098511

So sayeth the Redditor

Anonymous No. 16098512

Fuck off for the exact same reasons as the flag above yours
>bro it has a sphere because… because Mars bro!
How original

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Anonymous No. 16098514

Rate my Mars flag (it's not a square, it's a circle because Mars is a round planet)

Anonymous No. 16098515

it's shit and needs to be discarded for an actual national flag, by which I am implying we need to colonize antarctica asap (with nuclear deterrants against foreign intervention)

Anonymous No. 16098518

Please Rate my flag immediately

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Anonymous No. 16098521

Cancel MSR

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Anonymous No. 16098524

My flag is a sphere because Mars is a spherical planet
My flag can also be used for low-g basketball

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Anonymous No. 16098525

Mars is a good place for building orbital colonies, correct. No informed person thinks wells are for anything but resource extraction

Anonymous No. 16098526

what marieal is your flag constructed upon? intriguing

Anonymous No. 16098539

Youre just changing the japanese flag from white to black you dumb retarded niggers make something original. Also black and orange looks like pornhub logo so even less reason to use these faggy designs

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Anonymous No. 16098540

bls ratte my flagge

Anonymous No. 16098541

It's made from ISRU rubber

Anonymous No. 16098542

Looks like a booty hole Id stick my zock in

Anonymous No. 16098543

your flag is highly unique. innovative. approved

Anonymous No. 16098544

What are you spin cucks so afraid of gravity wells. If you want to utilize resources why not go where the resources are, on the surface. Rather than timidly clinging to your orbits like you're afraid you'll never get back up again.

Anonymous No. 16098546

this is SHIT compared to my flag (no i wont show you, its propietary)

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098547

Heres my Mars flag, how is it?

Anonymous No. 16098550

They’re scared of terra firma. They want their own Bourgeois hotel high in the sky; living carefree off of the slave labor of the blue collar working class below them (both literally and figuratively!) No doubt they spend their time in orgies and other such debauchery. Probably penning up some Malleus Maleficarum about the ground below them.

Anonymous No. 16098559

A single asteroid has more minable wealth than your entire shitty planet, dustfag.

Anonymous No. 16098563

Hardmode: Post a flag that doesn't have a circle on it. And doesnt include the color red or orange.

Anonymous No. 16098566

so then is >>16098547 this one off limits? its technically an oval

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Anonymous No. 16098567

>If you want to utilize resources why not go where the resources are, on the surface
Because I want to utilize continuous solar power, free fall and hard vacuum you dumb wellnigger. A civilization of true spacers, not just moving to an inferior Earth.

Anonymous No. 16098571

>solarfag and spinsect
Yup confirmed solarfags are retarded by association

Anonymous No. 16098572

>A civilization of true spacers

Anonymous No. 16098574

Ok fine, off you go to the asteroid belt. Mars for Martians. Goodbye :)

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Anonymous No. 16098575

here's my proposal

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Anonymous No. 16098577

>loony who thinks spin gravity is haram instead of God's great gift to humanity

Anonymous No. 16098578


Anonymous No. 16098580

We call them dustfags, not because they live on Mars, but because their bones crumble into dust when you punch them :)

Anonymous No. 16098581

i wonder if the first generation of spin-station-born will even feel it
they should probably flip their bed orientation every month or so just to even it out

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Anonymous No. 16098582


Anonymous No. 16098583

once we finalize the rpm of a spin-station, we should probably start putting daycares on turntables here on earth

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Anonymous No. 16098585

At typical O'Neill colony radii (>500m) you wont feel any coriolis effects on your body

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098586

Heres another Mars flag design, this time in gif format since we can just make all flags into digital screens. What do you guys think?

Anonymous No. 16098593

>typical O'Neill colony radii (>500m)
That's the radius of a typical single-family homestead dome on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16098594

make it chinese and then i'm game

Anonymous No. 16098599

they will need to be digital screens because windows will take up too much mass on starship

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Anonymous No. 16098603

>colonising space is just the European settlement of North America minus injuns
If it could be definitively proven that it will be nothing like that clowns like you would lose all interest in human expansion into space. But fortunately some of us are made of stronger stuff.

Anonymous No. 16098610

It's almost exactly the same actually

Anonymous No. 16098615

Only if the viewpoint is "white men need to die," which is an increasingly unironically held view among lefties.

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Anonymous No. 16098618

Nice surmise but how would you feel if that turns out not to be the case?

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Anonymous No. 16098623

Anonymous No. 16098639

it already says fire in Chinese

Anonymous No. 16098648

>thinks Mars settlement is a fantasy
>actually believes he'll be living in a freefall colony in his lifetime
So what do you dipshits plan to do up there all day? Just spin around? Like why are planet-dwellers sending you supplies

Anonymous No. 16098655

Wellcucks will meet our demands - or else.

Anonymous No. 16098658

Your bohemian grove in the sky will fall form orbit inshallah

Anonymous No. 16098660

Nice trouser hams.

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Anonymous No. 16098669

so true!

Anonymous No. 16098678

I have a strong need to fuck a cute sporty girl in zero G

Anonymous No. 16098693

no, the deformed babies will only ever exist in your head

Anonymous No. 16098697

unfortunately I think it's inevitable that the Mars pioneers will have Indians creeping around their settlements, probably even selling them their sundries and manning their call centers

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Anonymous No. 16098703


Anonymous No. 16098704

There must be SOMEWHERE in the solar system with oxygen available. What about way out in the outer system? There must be oxygen ice somewhere.

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Anonymous No. 16098712

>jovian cloud colonies will never exist

Anonymous No. 16098714

Just electrolyze water you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 16098733

i understand now

Anonymous No. 16098735

That's fine as long as I get the sovereign right to exploit its resources as I see fit

Anonymous No. 16098741

You don't need ice, anything with oxygen in it will do fine.

Anonymous No. 16098748

My brother got the outline of this tattooed on his chest. We went to the beach and some girl asked him if it was a beach ball.

Anonymous No. 16098753

tattoos are for retards, are you retarded like your brother?

Anonymous No. 16098757

That was some quality 0g booty jiggle
>t. Thawed (hard)

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Anonymous No. 16098763

does it make /sfg/ sad that we've only had one operational engine in history that burned UDMH/LOX?

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Anonymous No. 16098764


Anonymous No. 16098770

It's probably to simulate the deorbit burn for IFT-4.

Anonymous No. 16098773

use more gradients on it

Anonymous No. 16098774

do they have a merry-go-round to mount it on?

Anonymous No. 16098777

Propellant temperatures and ullage volume pressures only.

Anonymous No. 16098796

I want more than you can get from electrolysis.

Anonymous No. 16098820

I guess the first test failed? not a good look...

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Anonymous No. 16098823

Venusian cloud colonies on the other hand...

Anonymous No. 16098829

Who gives a fuck its two days. It fails again? Test in another two days.

Anonymous No. 16098830

Venus is stupid and gay, Jupiter is high IQ and extremely hetero. The only reason we cant do a Jovian cloud city is because retarded hydrogen HAD to be the most common element in the universe...

Anonymous No. 16098831

At a cost of $1BB per test

Anonymous No. 16098832

Plus the absurdly high escape velocity. You'd be stuck in your cloud city waddling around at 2g coping about how you prefer it that way like some reverse tubecuck.

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Anonymous No. 16098836


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Anonymous No. 16098840

why do they need 1 BB for the test

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Anonymous No. 16098843

Because propellant is stored in the balls

Anonymous No. 16098848

How phallic

Anonymous No. 16098863

Huh? I don't see it.

Anonymous No. 16098872

Youre reaaaallly tempting me to post a real dick and balls you know.

Anonymous No. 16098873

it scrubbed three launches
it scrubbed three WET DRESS REHEARSALS
It rolled back to the VAB so many times that they were worried about structural damage from the rollbacks and decided to leave it in the pad during a HURRICANE rather than roll it back again
the actual launch had a(nother) leaky hydrogen valve that required the ground crew to physically go out onto the pad, next to the already fuelled rocket - something NASA has literally never allowed before that very launch - to fix the leak. in fact SLS leaks so much that NASA has established a dedicated 'red crew' (a term invented for SLS) to fix all the fucked up GSE and QDs *while the rocket is being fuelled.*
Other than the side mount retardation foam strike risk being gone, every part of SLS is just as hungry for blood as the shuttle ever was. Even the Orion heatshield had issues with reentry and the life support systems STILL HAVEN'T BEEN FLIGHT TESTED

The absolute state of government spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16098875

Land Space starts manufacturing stainless steel rocket body.

Anonymous No. 16098876

Honestly wouldnt mind if ya did :)

Anonymous No. 16098877

Alright tranny, its time you clear off. IFT-3 is over and we dont want you here.

Anonymous No. 16098885

Red teams have been a thing in the past, maybe not under that name. Apollo 11 also had a hydrogen leak that had technicians sent out

Anonymous No. 16098904

wtf sfg told me that the Chinese are inferior and simply can't produce steel good enough to make a rocket

Anonymous No. 16098910

Chinese steel is shit because of "screw the customer" attitudes. With sufficient levels of state terror applied to the foundries they can probably produce 310L steel like Starship.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098914

Cut the shit or fuck off. we actually support trans on this general.

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watamelon deals w....png

Anonymous No. 16098916


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16098919

Janny, we have another spammer!

Anonymous No. 16098921

>static fire
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16098932

Kek amazing bait, you even got an image from the Astra troon. Heres some (You)s for your effort.

5'10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16098937

Mess with him, you mess with me, big dog. There is room for all types in space.

Anonymous No. 16098938

Oh not fucking you again. Didnt you get banned for namefagging like 20 times??

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Anonymous No. 16098939

CENKI: construction of the site for the reusable Amur-LNG rocket can begin in 2026
Today, Russia is developing a promising reusable rocket powered by Amur-LNG methane — it will receive a returnable first stage and will take off from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region. Nikolay Nestechuk, Director General of the Center for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities (CENKI, part of Roscosmos), told TASS in an interview about how the launch complex project is being created now, when construction can begin and what is planned to be borrowed from the Sea Launch.
In Russian:

5'10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16098941

That poster wasn't me. All I know is I was very happy with the last starship launch.

Anonymous No. 16098947

Musk wont tolerate trannies in space
He hates them more than probably 95% of the people here but is unavle to reveal his actual powerlevel with current laws and fire them

Anonymous No. 16098951

Dont reply to him bros

Anonymous No. 16098955

Agree have a (You) because fuck that other guy.

Anonymous No. 16098960

Fool that's the SAME GUY

Anonymous No. 16098966

do they even have enough TWR to lift?

🗑️ 5'10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16098993

I'm a huge faggot who loves sucking big cocks and bottoming for cute twinks btw

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Anonymous No. 16098998


Anonymous No. 16099001

I do that every time I see Starship

Anonymous No. 16099008

madonna mia...

Anonymous No. 16099010

>why do they need 1 BB for the test
To simulate ULA sniper attacks.

5'10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16099014

She's not as attractive as you think she is. The most attractive space related person is Alan Stern of the New Horizons mission.

Anonymous No. 16099016

Fuck off namefag retard

Anonymous No. 16099021


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16099032

Opinions on bussy? In space of course

Anonymous No. 16099035

You have your own board to be gay in. Go there.

Anonymous No. 16099045

Unacceptable because it does not contribute to growing the population of the colony. All female colonists must give birth once per year or answer to a board of inquiry, and all male colonists can only coom into a female colonists.

Anonymous No. 16099053

from NASA TV
>In a testament to how rare the dangerous procedure was, NASA TV commentators interviewing the Red Crew added that Cairns said he has served on ground support for 37 years and had never before been called in for a repair on a fully-fueled rocket before last night's daring excursion.

on the topic of the shitshow that was Artemis 1 barely covers a third of it

>thry're doing it again, but this time in lunar orbit and the rocket is even more expensive

Anonymous No. 16099061

>the actual launch had a(nother) leaky hydrogen valve that required the ground crew to physically go out onto the pad, next to the already fuelled rocket - something NASA has literally never allowed before that very launch

Apollo 11 had a leaking hydrogen valve that they had crews attempting to fix on the pad with a fully loaded launch vehicle while they were counting down.

Anonymous No. 16099063

They called them Red Crews then, and they call them Red Crews now.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16099076

More like jew crews

Anonymous No. 16099095

Anonymous No. 16099105

small, weak, ineffective

Anonymous No. 16099112

Jew detected

5'10 245lbs Mountain of a Man No. 16099125

No, I don't think I will.

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Anonymous No. 16099145

It also scrubbed so hard that some of its payload sats ran out of battery power because the morons who designed it didn't even put in a charger plug for the payloads while on the pad.

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Anonymous No. 16099151

radiation belts say hi

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sfg dead ring.jpg

Anonymous No. 16099191

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Anonymous No. 16099208

>Navaho in flight, 1957. Navaho is a surface-to-surface missile developed by North American Aviation under the U.S. Air Force Navaho Program. The Navaho engine was an improvement of the V-2 engine. Though program began in March 1946 and was cancelled in July 1957, the research to develop the Navaho engine contributed to the development of the Redstone, Jupiter, Thor, and ATLAS engines.

Anonymous No. 16099217

looks like a spaceplane to me

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ss nazi v-4 a-4.jpg

Anonymous No. 16099220

No need to thank us, Ami

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Anonymous No. 16099225

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16099252

The Russian equivalent, the La-350 ‘Burya’, is very interesting. The Chinks copied its OKB-2 booster engine to make their first-generation ICBM (and shortly after, Long March 1)

Anonymous No. 16099300

dumb anime poster

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2001 A Space Odys....jpg

Anonymous No. 16099303

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Anonymous No. 16099339


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Anonymous No. 16099346


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Anonymous No. 16099374

this is very true

Anonymous No. 16099376

total animeposter death

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Anonymous No. 16099383

What the fuck was their problem?

Anonymous No. 16099384

incompetent management

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Anonymous No. 16099388

"expected payload capacities for an SST were very low, 7% or less of vehicle weight, with 50% of the weight devoted to fuel. An early sketch of a proposed SST at Douglas Aircraft showed a fuselage entirely filled with fuel, within which were passengers wearing diving suits, with a “no smoking sign” over their heads"


Anonymous No. 16099394

Silicon valley narcissism

Anonymous No. 16099410

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16099416

Wish i had a woman like that goly shit

Anonymous No. 16099423

The day of the airlock will come for you.

Anonymous No. 16099440
booster 4 is kill

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Anonymous No. 16099442

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Anonymous No. 16099443

Good riddance. That fatty was taking up too much space

Anonymous No. 16099453

Drop it on Israel and all of Earth's problems are gone.

Anonymous No. 16099457

kill yourself shill

Anonymous No. 16099464

Wait the passengers were sitting in the fuel tank? that's gotta be a joke right?

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Anonymous No. 16099475

Total Belter Death

Anonymous No. 16099477

lets see your video compilation from starbase then

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Anonymous No. 16099509

Your face when LabPadre exists and has better angles. Admit it shill, NSF has no reason to exist.

Anonymous No. 16099528


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Anonymous No. 16099543

everyone knows discovery needed radiators but i think the moon shuttle doesn't have nearly enough room for LH2 tankage too. everything in the top half is supposed to be payload.

Anonymous No. 16099544

im personally a 10 dollar a month patron to WAI. does labpadre have better photos?

Anonymous No. 16099551

static fire again

Anonymous No. 16099557

i see nothing gets past you anon

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Anonymous No. 16099558



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Anonymous No. 16099564

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Anonymous No. 16099565

Oops it still said page 9. Its page 10 now though. I stage when the thread is on the last spot of page 9 so as soon as the next one is made it goes to page 10 so sometimes stuff like that happens.

Anonymous No. 16099568

/sfg/ - Staticfire General

Anonymous No. 16099663

>mars drone operators waive FAA 107
Policymakers must decide if Mars is a planet of order or disruption

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Anonymous No. 16099742

Steel tubes.