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Anonymous No. 16098534

What's the common pattern between everything in the universe big or small other than it exists, symmetry, hierarchy, and emergence of course?

Anonymous No. 16098549

i think that a recurring pattern is this:
belief in supernatural phenomena and “moral” or “ethical” things is completely unfounded by the experience of everyone of all time.

if one is to make any decision or state any opinion , the best choice, if you want to be right, is to go by evidence and experiment and observation. other “ways of knowing” are basically just as bad as woke gender-studies tranny cripple agender literature

Anonymous No. 16098818


Anonymous No. 16098821

Is human language a supernatural phenomenon? If not, why?

Anonymous No. 16098888

get back to /x/

Anonymous No. 16098956


Anonymous No. 16099729


Anonymous No. 16100310


Anonymous No. 16101541

ethics is in the brain