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๐Ÿงต How effective is math at increasing IQ

Anonymous No. 16099085

scientifically speaking

Anonymous No. 16099107

bullshit chart
I bet doing fentanyl is more life changing than doing math.

Anonymous No. 16099111

>he thinks doing math is just calculation

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Anonymous No. 16099121

>he thinks doing math is more than just calculation

Anonymous No. 16099166

do they mean "life changing" in a positive or negative way?

Anonymous No. 16099413

Dead meme

Anonymous No. 16099425

>lemme calculate this proof real quick

Anonymous No. 16099451

doing math helps develop abstract reasoning which has a significant impact on iq test performance

however just being born in a civilized country and attending public school is generally enough to maximize this factor by adulthood. it's also an element of iq with little or no relation to g. it might help your iq score it won't actually make you smarter.

Anonymous No. 16099459

The effectivity is high, due to your participation in solving very difficult problems which require the activation of the prefrontal cortex, visual cortex, and hippocampus.

in the order of how you shoul work through

Linear algebra by axler
calculus by Lax
ordinary differential equations by Logan
Multivariable calculus by Lax
Partial differential equations by Logan
Complex analysis by Eiderman

You have to work through textbooks themselves, the entirety of them, as do as many problems, to see the best gains, and read the entire textbook.

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mathematics is no....png

Anonymous No. 16099709

Anonymous No. 16100722

stop shilling your shitty chart

Anonymous No. 16100727

>The effectivity is high, due to your participation in solving very difficult problems which require the activation of the prefrontal cortex, visual cortex, and hippocampus.
Stop talking about shit you're clearly not well-versed in. It's genuinely painful to read this non-sense. If anything, you should've cited a certain mechanism wherein erythropoietin plays a role but that'd require actually learning about neuroscience as opposed to LARPing as one

Anonymous No. 16100730

>entirety of them
Also wrong. No mathematician reads books cover-to-cover or linearly. If you've ever been in grad school, which I highly doubt, you'll see most students just have hundreds of books on their PCs, selectively reading certain chapters.

Anonymous No. 16101121

based Ted, also consider that many fields of mathematics are becoming increasingly talmudic and serve mainly as group power-preserving environments.

Anonymous No. 16101136

dafuq is An Shen Ding Zhi Ling? sounds like good shit but also I think this could just be bigfarma trying to sell me something in the weirdest way possible

Anonymous No. 16101142

I always and still wonder if the people with a lot of books in their home have actually read them all...

Anonymous No. 16101143

>traditional chinese medication
>big pharma

sage No. 16101160

tell me more about how I would buy this directly from local farmers?

Anonymous No. 16101165

by leaving your house and traveling the world

Anonymous No. 16101290

You cannot increase IQ, you can only reach your full potential/ceiling.

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Anonymous No. 16101302

It serves for nonsense

Anonymous No. 16101308

>filtered by middleschool algebra

Go back to flip my burger