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๐Ÿงต Human genetics thread

Anonymous No. 16100176

Why is it that if you look at what humans used to look like, we used to be like wild wolves. Every man was tall, robust, and just exudes testosterone, and would make women wet just by existing.
And on the other hand, why is it that if you look at the modern man, women are absolutely repulsed by him. The modern man is genetically domesticated, not robust, weak boned, and is something that could only survive by the grace of modern technological society.

I think its clear that if you look at social media, women find the modern man completely repulsive, as there are very few humans who have that rugged charm that can only be found in nature. I would bet that probably less than 1% of men today actually have that natural wild energy and functionality/ looks that women are attracted to.

The thing that humans need to figure out through science, is how to promote robust bloodlines, and how to make it so that as each generation goes on, we are slightly improving, rather than what we have today where every new generation gets slightly shittier, more domesticated, less masculine, and further away from what once made human beings the most dope animal in the whole kingdom.
If humans want to become healthier, and to make the future generations happy to have been born, we need to start thinking in terms of how we can breed warriors, and not skinny passive and feminine, fortnite playing, doritoes eating nerds who cant get a woman wet

How would you go about solving this issue, /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16100302

You've been watching too many movies. Or listening to too many retards

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soyence grad.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16100305

>t. emotionally triggered sissy soiyboy
you wouldn't be so upset seeing this comparison if you weren't deeply ashamed of yourself for being a sissified wimpy soiyboy

Anonymous No. 16100403

The trade off is we donโ€™t die at 30 from a minor infection or being eaten by lions anymore

Anonymous No. 16100443

Your post is clearly indicative of mental problems. You argue for self harm as a way to increase "robust bloodlines" and future utility.
Clearly in reality this is only a mechanism to rationalize your obsession about violence and wanting to feel superior through fitness.
t. soiyboy

Anonymous No. 16100455

You can move to a less developed country where the law of the jungle reigns supreme.

Anonymous No. 16100456

It's like a wolf turning into a poodle, domestication. Civilization has become so widespread there is barely even a place where you can temporarily escape it. Most people are just too arrogant and think they're above natural phenomena like domestication.

Anonymous No. 16100647

It's primarily a nutrition problem.

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Anonymous No. 16100713

Simple AF: Exterminate all the leftists, bankers, degenerates, and globalists and everything will be far better.

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Anonymous No. 16100716

Get lost you filthy trash.

Anonymous No. 16100719

Pretty much this. Move to somewhere like the Congo.

Anonymous No. 16100827

All children who only breath through their nose and or have been breast feeding until 4 years have great jaws.

Just breath through your nose and eat hard foods instead of soft foods, you'll have a great jawline, also be breast fed for 4 years.

Anonymous No. 16101119

Why haven't you told my parents over three decades ago? It's your fault that I'm deformed.

Anonymous No. 16101200

Cachet, I...

Anonymous No. 16101231

The average male height was 5'4"

Anonymous No. 16101477


Anonymous No. 16101689

Why did the skulls of whites elongate leaving less room for a brain? The superior form is round likes Asians.

Anonymous No. 16102019

>I think its clear that if you look at social media, women find the modern man completely repulsive
Women are totally attracted to kpop men. But that's a result of narcissism--women are attracted to men that have feminine spirit and give women the illusion of more control. But if you put real men and kpop men on an island to compete, the women would eventually accept being attracted to the real men and everyone would feast on kpop men for a few weeks.

Anonymous No. 16102032

I'm Asian. Whites and Asians have the same racial brain volumes you retarded brownoid shit.

Anonymous No. 16102051

Ancient people were like 5' on a good day
By the darwinian model we are what peak performance looks like

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Anonymous No. 16102057

>The male height of the Gravettian culture ranged between 179 and 188 centimetres (5 ft 10 in and 6 ft 2 in) tall with an average of 183.5 centimetres (6 ft 0.2 in), which is exceptionally tall not only for that period of prehistory, but for all periods of history


Anonymous No. 16102060

Correct. Manlet cope is shitskin cope.

Anonymous No. 16102177

we should

Anonymous No. 16102182

>this one extinct race was like this so everyone was
low IQ

Anonymous No. 16102279

>source outright says that this height was rare both for its time and in general
>low IQ doesn't read their own source
>t. Illiterate

Anonymous No. 16102303

The source says it's representative of early Europeans of the time. And as usual, Europeans set the standard that the rest of the world fails to match.

Anonymous No. 16102416

ok aryan genius OP, how do you propose we solve this crisis?

Anonymous No. 16102442

Women select for those men during their prime sexual years, and have infertile sex with them using anti-conceptional measures.

Later on, when the women have become infertile, at ~30, they settle down with a man they are not sexually attracted to for purely utilitarian reasons (i.e. money, comfort), and have a few children with them in order to fit in to society.

Therefore, reproduction has become decoupled from sexual attraction, and the men passing on their genes, at least in middle to upper middle class+ environments will not be robust, but rather slack-jawed, short, chubby, and good providers, good wagies.

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Anonymous No. 16102561

>that pic
Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 16102620

>The tallest ancients were mogged by current races

Anonymous No. 16102638

Correct. And it's Aryan spirit to use the best cases as a standard to hold society to. It's the spirit of lesser men to lower the standards to lower averages.

Anonymous No. 16103290

But that is not how it should work. Nobody is happy in that situation, because the woman who settled for that beta provider is never going to be happy with her husband, and making children with him will give her post partum depression.
And for the man, you should not be providing for someone who is only using you as a provider, and does not want to have sex with you ever, and if they do, its because they are trying to manipulate you or do the bare minimum they can, like limiting sex to just valentines day or your birthday.

If a woman isnt attracted to you, why would you want to pay for her to be in your life?