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Anonymous No. 16100635

Let’s say you were to take the top .1% intelligent men and women of reproductive age. Put them in the same geographic area , give them all the resources they need and tell them to have as many kids as they can have. Years later, test their offspring, once again isolate the top 0.1% most intelligent. Do this a few times. Just what type of minds might you end up with?

Anonymous No. 16100653


Anonymous No. 16100654

Schizoids with esoteric, incoherent, impractical, and delusional views on the world.

Anonymous No. 16100663

Wow just like me.

Anonymous No. 16100684

Like old European aristocracy.

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Anonymous No. 16100694


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Anonymous No. 16100744

>human levels of intelligence
>lifespan of 10 years
the dogs would be right to rebel and kill their creators

Anonymous No. 16100765

Assuming you actually start with a large genetic pool the dumb of them would still be smart to the average person (a mouse study said). If you filtered out all the ones with issues you might end up with high IQ individuals although exactly what they would be like is uncertain

Anonymous No. 16100943


Anonymous No. 16101281

Isaac Newton.
shit worked

Anonymous No. 16101663

if done on humans. if done on dogs, it would make dog ai where they were perfectly adapted to please human intellects

Anonymous No. 16101876

>Just what type of minds might you end up with?
This experiment has already been done, you end up with Jews

Anonymous No. 16102734

Jews are dumb as fuck. They breed people to have tall foreheads, because they think it equals a bigger brain.

Anonymous No. 16102738

>Just what type of minds might you end up with?

Feminists and Grass Eaters. See South Korea, see Japan.

Anonymous No. 16102754

Convergence towards the mean is a thing.

Anonymous No. 16103579

What's the mean of thousands of people who are the top of the IQ distribution?

Anonymous No. 16104469

You mean regression towards the mean.

Regression towards the mean will ensure that you wont be able to. Intelligence is correlated with certain traits, like addiction or asocial behavior. These diseases will cause simultaneous negative selection on intelligence by other means. Whether that's increased mortality or failure to reproduce, and no, telling them to "have as many kids as possible" wont do anything.

Anonymous No. 16105400

>Regression towards the mean will ensure that you wont be able to. Intelligence is correlated with certain traits, like addiction or asocial behavior. These diseases will cause simultaneous negative selection on intelligence by other means.
None of this makes any sense whatsoever.
>Whether that's increased mortality or failure to reproduce, and no, telling them to "have as many kids as possible" wont do anything.