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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16104347

/biz/ here, How do I market and sell the observable universe?

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Anonymous No. 16104360

To sell a universe from scratch you must first construct the apple pie
Then you subdivide the individual slices into subprime market slices of theoretically infinitely many portions, call those galactic tranches. Congrats you have now created derivative market for universes

Anonymous No. 16104365


Anonymous No. 16104372

I'm high as fuck right now so I'm going to give you actual advice. You tell people that you can "name the stars" whatever you want and then sell them the right to "purchase the name" of whatever star "hasn't been named yet". This already happened a while ago and I think people caught on to the fact it's retarded. You might even be able to say that it's on a blockchain and it's immutable, unlike the previous attempts. Finally, I'll add that I recently saw a modern take on this scheme where some company in Scotland or whatever owns a bunch of land and they will "sell you" a 1ft x 1ft plot of land and they will plant a tree or some dumb shit. What do you get out of this? You get a certificate in the mail that says you are legally a "lord" or "lady" since the requirement that you be a landowner is "established". That's legit advice and you never see that shit here. Don't get used to it faggot.

tldr buy avalanche