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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16104407

How do I become like him?

Anonymous No. 16104408

be industrious and good at networking, if that's really what you want

Anonymous No. 16104410

idk jack shit about him besides podcast and MIT, but i'm pretty sure that's all it is

Anonymous No. 16104411

Become a boring jew

Anonymous No. 16104416

I remember when this relatively unknown mediocre russian jew was shilled to everyone youtube feed out of nowhere lmao.
he's a product of nepotism. unless you were born a jew and have your father and brother professors and well connected, tough luck.
Lex PhD thesis btw, what a joke:

Anonymous No. 16104420

let's see YOUR phd thesis then, chuddie

Anonymous No. 16104425

>exposing urself on the anonymous website
please do it first tranny

Anonymous No. 16104429

i didn't even finish secondary school

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Cult of Passion No. 16104441

Badasses that piss excellence tend to...skip class.

[walks across the lecture hall to empty a gatorade bottle of urine in the sink]


Anonymous No. 16104512

now im convinced all it takes to get in MIT is pure networking and nepotism, his letters of recommendations must have been crazy.

Cult of Passion No. 16104520

Its a neat field...he cant take it down to Physics and Sensors.

Gimme the TLDR. What about it?

Anonymous No. 16104536

What the fuck? That looks like a masters report at best. I make my interns do more stuff than that.

Anonymous No. 16104547

He’s a Jew, btw

But you are too low IQ

Also, he didn’t study in MIT. He did his bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD from a private college where his father works

Anonymous No. 16104549

Nah, MIT is basically a glorified tradeschool for engineers at this point. They're not known for particularly important work outside of engineering, so this is pretty much good enough for them. The best Ivy for math and the exact sciences will always be Yale.

Anonymous No. 16104587

>Advisor: Moshe Kam
go figure

Anonymous No. 16104592

What do you mean by "go figure"? Say it out loud and stop hiding behind those far right dog whistles you pathetic loser.

Anonymous No. 16104598

take it easy

Anonymous No. 16104620

AIPAC is so powerful that US taxpayer money goes into Israeli healthcare and affordable education while US citizen have yet to get any of that.
It's not even about being far right anymore, because rejecting the influence the Jewish community has over the US is literally also in the best interest of those holding left wing views.

Let's stop playing pretend.

Anonymous No. 16104681

have connections to intelligence agencies
use benzos or whatever shit hes on that makes it seem like he doesnt have a soul

Anonymous No. 16104798

>have connections to intelligence agencies
I remember Lex said he wanted to go to Russia and Ukraine and interview Putin.
how did that go? if he were a IC agent, it would've been really hard for him to be allowed an interview with Putin.

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Lex Fridman.jpg

Anonymous No. 16104878

t. mad he couldn't get into MIT to play football

Anonymous No. 16104891

>good at networking
it's over

Anonymous No. 16104906

it doesn't take long to get good at it, and it's still worth doing, even if you missed out on the benefits earlier in life.
these days, a lot of people end up as neurotic fuckheads because of circumstances like how they're raised.
you'd have a big advantage over people who aren't even aware that this is a skill they can improve at.

Anonymous No. 16104925

suck delicious jew cock

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Anonymous No. 16104963

leave that to the rabbis would you? it's their job.

Anonymous No. 16104968

Be Russian.
They're just more impressive than mutts.

Anonymous No. 16105068

>masters report at best
my university would never accept that shit as a master PhD thesis.
one of the qualification is substantial research and his PhD thesis is academically worth less than some of the course projects that got published as papers in grad school.