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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16105127

Why doesn't United States have high speed rails like Europe, Japan, and China?

Anonymous No. 16105136

Because highways serve a similar purpose in the United States, and the United States has a lower population density

Anonymous No. 16105177

Everythings highly regulated. Gone are the years where two consenting adults could agree upon some trade. You can't just buy someone's land and build some tracks on it now. You've gotta have a thousand permits, licenses, safety inspections, regulatory agreements and other bollocks.

If we were as regulated now in the 1800s there'd be no industrial revolution. Worst part is idiotic socialsts and statists alike want even more government!

Anonymous No. 16105187

Everything else being equal, the low population density in the US makes rail more expensive than in Europe. But i'll be honest with you, it also makes conventional roads more expensive too. You need a hell of a lot more cement and asphalt per capita in the US to get infrastructure going, cars will be on the road longer, burn more gasoline and get worn up and used at a faster rate than in europe.
The real answer is niggers.

Anonymous No. 16105208

>The real answer is niggers.
But it'd be nice if they changed from whatever standard gauge the US uses to 2 meter gauge, then you'd be able to easily fit trucks and cars on. Drive on the train, drive off 1000 miles later.

Anonymous No. 16105223

>high way instead of rail
this is absolutely retarded. it cost more and slower. high ways in america are not efficient cause the drivers are brainless retards that don't know how to drive properly and the speed limit is low.
>lower population density
this is not an excuse to not build interstate railways for transporting goods between urban centers. the rest of the way can be transported by trucks.
america have the biggest potential to be the manifacturing center of the world but the boomers didn't want to build infrastructure to support it properly. meanwhile chinkland had nothing 20 years ago but the CCP forced slave labor on the people and finished the thing.

Anonymous No. 16105226

highways are more versatile than trains because goods go point to point. You still have to put the goods on a road at some point, and I suspect the added logistical complexity of offloading from a train onto a truck increases the cost above what would be gained by the reduction in cost per mile if traveled by train. This is very likley true once the cost of building the rail is taken into account.
Only way this might be economically viable is if we deregulated the entire market. But socialists/statists won't let that happen

Anonymous No. 16105233

>the cost of building the rail is taken into account
this is mainly a the gobermen issue. commiefornia spent billions without a single meter of railway built.
the real solution is finding out which politicians are draining the treasury into their pocket and jailing them.

Anonymous No. 16105252

Dianne Feinsten bought some cheap wastelands in California and then got a highway built next to it

Anonymous No. 16105299

because the chinese make railways and americans hate chinese people

Anonymous No. 16105302

memetrains are just a meme, everyone who has has experience with them will choose flying over the train for longer trips and driving their own car for shorter trips because both are always faster and more convenient.

Anonymous No. 16105306

the American railroads were really significant in history

Anonymous No. 16105308

Because based Elon made trains obsolete with hyperloop.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16105311

Too fat for trains

Anonymous No. 16105313

Muskrat scam went bankrupt

Anonymous No. 16105399

Based, couldn't agree more

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Anonymous No. 16105460

I work for a railroad company and I have never seen an Asian at work and I’ve been here for over 10 years now

Black people are the biggest fuck ups at my job followed closely by the fat people regardless of their ethnicity

Anonymous No. 16105491

Because high speed rail is mostly an inter-city thing, and regular inter-city travel itself is largely an outdated concept. For getting people to work it's always more efficient to just live in the same city you work in and take a car/bus/metro to work than to live 500 miles away and take a high speed train to work. For resource distribution it's always more efficient to move the stuff to the people than to move the people to the stuff, so freight rail takes priority over passenger rail. If it can be done online then doing it online is always more efficient than moving people around. Since 99% of modern transport is work/school commutes, which take place within a city rather than between cities, it makes much more sense to optimize these, rather than spending the same resources optimizing the 1% of outlier cases.

For inter-city rail to work well you need a string of large urban areas that all bleed into each other, like yokohama/tokyo/nagoya/osaka/etc in japan or essen/dortmond/duisburg/duesseldorf/cologne/etc in germany. The only areas like this in the US are the northeast and great lakes, and the former already has passenger rail, it's just in a state of terminal decay like everything else in the US. High speed rail for something like Phoenix to Denver would be less efficient than cars because trains only become more efficient than cars when you can guarantee that they will be operating at capacity. Moving 1000 people in 1 train is more efficient than moving 1000 people in 1000 separate cars, but using a car to move 1 person is much more efficient than using a train to move 1 person.

Anonymous No. 16105538

......... you can already fit cars on the train, anon
Hyperloop was a scam designed to cancel the california high speed rail

Anonymous No. 16105542

Oh look, it's the guy who got laughed out of every board except /n/ coming here to see if /sci/ will take the bait so he can argue the same shit that got him laughed out of every other board (except /n/).

Anonymous No. 16105619

hmm I never considered it from this angle. I always saw high speed rail as a way of transporting inner city youth to peaceful areas so they can raise cane. I never considered it an tool of good people for distancing themselves from city bedlam and live a good life. I must say that I am inspired by the image. A bit like having your cake and eating it too.
Of course, these trains must be operating to the highest standards with strict protections and enforcement. Mayhaps a thoughtful ticketing system which was cheap for those who purchased tickets as part of corporate work packages, and everyone else get significant luxury charges on their unscheduled routing. This way the high risk squatters and thugs could not afford entry to scope out targets.
Even in this Utopia, I find myself not that interested in living anywhere near such rails.

Anonymous No. 16105623

Because a rapid, low cost transportation method would breach nigger containment.

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Cult of Passion No. 16105629

Yurp, and by the time such things became viable planes had, literally, taken off.

Anonymous No. 16105653

It is in the interest of the business that those regulation come into place because it stifles competition.

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Anonymous No. 16105681

I like how every post in this thread is using population density or nig meme crap instead of saying the real answer.

The US is too large with too few people to justify it. Most European countries are more or less the size of States. While Japan is just the east coast of US but mainland.

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Anonymous No. 16105684

Meanwhile China's high speed railway doesn't even properly cover large chunks of its land. But it at least has the population of a billion people to justify the construction of it.

Anonymous No. 16105727

infrastructure cannot be built if a certain group of people keep looting it.

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Anonymous No. 16105728

The terminal decay may have to do with being closer to the equator -> more sunlight and different climate. Just look at the Scandinavia-Italy gradient in Europe. You can also see this in the Netherlands-Russia gradient (less AMOC stabilization in Russia -> colder climate).
Can other people comment on this theory (especially whether you think it's irradiation/UV or temperatures)?

The US rail problem is a mixture of a different approach towards the government (They run the railroads in Europe, centralized unexploited infrastructure is necessary for success) and a different residential structure (Less dense countryside like France -> no regional traffic, but at the same time more middle sized towns like Germany -> intercity traffic).
Do you think this theory is correct? is a good way to observe how this effects the train network.

The benefit of planes being that you need no infrastructure besides airports (and planes).

Nobody builds railway in the desert.

Anonymous No. 16105736

that railway system covers most of the biggest cities in china. the rest of the way you go by buses.
cost to travel is extremely cheap as well. railway are only used by low class chinks: one of the reason chink government built that railway system.

Anonymous No. 16105737

Finally the real answer in one of these threads

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Anonymous No. 16105743

We were going to have extensive transportation systems with trains and busses. But then the auto industry giants used propaganda/lobbying/etc. back in the day. So now we have to deal with cars, traffic, smog, parking, unwalkable cities, and auto expenses. All so a few people can make money.

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Anonymous No. 16105744

>Why doesn't United States have high speed rails like Europe, Japan, and China?

The automotive industry convinced the American population that trains, and other forms of public transportation, are gay and for communists, and that sub-urbs and endless fucking highways are for based capitalists.

With that said, there is and isn't some truth to this: >>16105187 >>16105177

True in that USA has significantly less population density, making rail prohibitively expensive, but false in the regard that certain high-population density states like California, New York, Florida, would benefit from greater access to public transportation.

True in that regulation is getting in the way of infrastructure and development, but false in that it's the government. It's small local governments, land developers, and home owner associations. It's the idea that California's High-Speed Rail system, even half-way finished as it is right now, would make back it's investment in terms of the literal millions of people it would transport, but the project's budget is becoming inflated and development constantly delayed because every cock-sucking faggot land-owning Californian thinks they deserve 2 billion dollars for the inconvenience. Or just flat out doesn't want it because, "I don't want any niggers or spics anywhere near me. They can mow my grass and make my coffee, but I don't actually want them to live where I can see them."

True in the aforementioned sense that a lot of people have been convinced that public transportation allows poor, and undesirable peoples, to move around. But false in the sense that without public transportation a lot of people are essentially left trapped in progressively deteriorating conditions: underemployed, undereducated, "need a car to get to work, need money to get a car, can't get a job without a car" that kind of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16105746

a lot of people will give you stupid answers on both sides, either people thinking that reality is one of their spreadsheet vidya where population, approval and all other factors are perfectly spread over the landmass, or ones who think that its a plot against the american man preventing him from accessing higher quality infrastructure.
the real reason is that american bureaucracy and lower general demand for public transit mean that such a service will be hard to construct, there are some half-baked services on the east coast where the demand and population exists, but they wont fit the definition of HSR for most.

Anonymous No. 16105762

Having populations sparce and inequally spread out is exactly a reason to have an extensive rail system! Take a look at Russia for an example. Also "lower general demand" does seem like the product of propaganda.

Anonymous No. 16105775

Most decent cities in the US (excluding LA because of California retardation) have an intra city light rail system or subway. Public transportation in the US isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, it’s just full of niggers so nobody uses it.

Anonymous No. 16105778

>The US is too large with too few people to justify it.
Or in other words, the US has low population density

Anonymous No. 16105907

>nig meme crap
The real answer, you mean?

Anonymous No. 16105936

It's called bums, commies and joggers. We don't need them being able to hop on a train to wherever they want in the states. It's bad enough as it is.