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🧵 dinobros...

Anonymous No. 16106295

Anonymous No. 16106406

could have just made a video about the permian triassic mass extinction if you wanted to talk about flood basalts but I guess you couldn't put "dinosaur" in the title that way.

Anonymous No. 16106524

That asteroid is what created the flat earth. It squished the earth flat

Anonymous No. 16106526

You have no sense of scale. That would be like a grain of sand squashing a basketball flat.

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Anonymous No. 16106553

Avian dinosaur master race

Anonymous No. 16106576

>shit that never happened

Anonymous No. 16106945

why? is earth 4000 years old for you?

Anonymous No. 16108101

>le soilent pop sci jewtubers
jump off a bridge

Anonymous !!lNaRj6lALqU No. 16108393

Good goy

Anonymous No. 16108399


Anonymous No. 16108635

yes also the Earth if flat

Anonymous No. 16108639

Dinosaurs are still alive, but the government is covering it up because it contradicts evolution.

Anonymous No. 16109359

Why do volcanofags keep trying to take credit for the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event when all the evidence says it was an asteroid?

Anonymous No. 16109375

funny thing is, even siberian traps (perm-trias) were prolly trigged by an asteroid

Anonymous No. 16110859

Kys tripfag scum